
There was a lot more people living in the mansion than I imagined, kids and teens with various mutations roamed the corridors, some looked as human as me while others had the strangest looks I had ever seen. Most of them were kids or just hitting puberty. The main cast of the X-Men were probably between around 16. The last stop on the tour was the cafeteria. Charles and I found Storm eating alone. Hank had slipped in between corridors as soon as we arrived at the school. Storm greeted Charles and he introduced me.

"Harry, this is Ororo Munroe history teacher. Ororo this is Harry Osborn, he will be visiting the school every now and then" he said.

I looked at her for a moment, she was even more beautiful in person, with her iconic white hair. She looked maybe in her mid-late twenties, but I wasn't sure. I think I actually blushed. 'Stupid teenager hormones' I said internally. I extended my hand to her "Hi".

Many that didn't know that her mutant abilities were connected to her emotions, would think of her as a no nonsense person but she was just suppressing them. If she expresses any emotion, getting angry for example it will trigger the weather around; that why she seemed to be aloof. In a weird way, she was similar to Rogue.

She smiled shaking my hand: " Welcome", she said simply before asking: "What can you do?"

"I am a telepath." I said scratching the back of my head,

Eyebrow raised, she turned towards Charles, who nodded and she said: "We have a student who has the same power, she is a little closed off, maybe you two could become friends."

"I will certainly try." I replied and she nodded.

"How are the students doing?" Charles asked Ororo.

"Slowly improving, but they are in need of a leader, Scott is the most likely to take the lead but he is barely acceptable." She replied turning towards him.

Charles nodded in thought. Then he turned to me and said: "Let us wait for them to arrive"

I asked "Who?"

Pr. X gave me his sales speech about how he created the team in hopes of rescuing mutants being persecuted, to offer them a safe heaven in his school and stop mutants from abusing their powers. I listened carefully or at least it seamed like so, I already knew everything there was to know about his team.

Twenty minutes later, Logan entered the cafeteria with the students in tow. They all looked worst for wear and burn out. They all sat down as soon as they came in, except for Logan, who stood behind the professor..

"Everyone, this is Harry. He will not be staying at the institute but he plans on visiting." Charles said before introducing the others to me.

Kurt and Kitty were the youngest and behaved like sugar was rushing through their veins even though they were tired. Iceman seemed chill about well everything and Rogue didn't talk that much, keeping to herself. Cyclops already had a perfect punching smug face with an 'I am better than you' written all over it. Jean, looked like she wanted nothing more than be left alone.

Everyone started eating, then the professor turned to Jean and me: "Could you step out for a moment please, Jean?"

She nodded and the professor motioned us to follow him. Walking behind Charles, Jean kept glancing at me every now and then before she couldn't hold it anymore, "Are you a telepath? I can't hear you thoughts."

"Yes, you have to pass my defenses to hear my thoughts. I don't know if it's the 'proper' way but that's why I am here, to learn." I said.

"There is no set way Mr. Osborn, there is only your way. While you could learn from my defenses, it is your intent that matter the most." Charles said. I don't know why but, Pr. X always struck me as Dumbledore like person. Hiding or doing something possibly evil for the greater good.

I nodded and a few seconds later, we arrived at his office. It was the same from the movies with the double door almost indiscernible from the corridor's walls.

"I brought you to suggest you two became training partners. Jean, while you have power, you lack control and you Mr. Osborn you do not have experience facing another telepath" He paused: "I on the other hand have little time."

'Huh? He is really set on keeping me here.' I mused, I probably shouldn't have showed him my papers. 'It really didn't seem like a big deal but it seem it was for him'.

I didn't think a little research and some trinkets would make him want me here. But it was no bother, I was planning on going AWOL for a while anyway, I just would have to push it closer.

I looked at Jean and we nodded to each other. Charles set us down and asked we probe each other defenses but not go any deeper. I had taken the very bad habit of not putting my realm energy shield back up when I had finished training. But would Xavier have found me with my shield erected? Probably not, from what I knew, he identified mutants by brainwaves.

It felt weird having someone try to access your mind. A weak mental probe felt like feather brushing your mind whereas a strong one felt like someone was pushing a door that you were leaning on. Time passed without me realizing until the professor called for us to stop. I saw Jean sweating between her brows. I guess it must be harder for her to control her powers.

Charles turned to me, "I think that would be all for today. I called for Scott, he will show you to the others."

I nodded toward the two of them. Jean stayed behind and as soon as I exited, I found Laser boy waiting for me outside. I told him the professor wanted him to show me to the others.

Walking the corridors, I took my phone out to see if I hadn't missed anything from Selene then I put my phone back, I found out that it's been more than an hour since I got there. I turned to Scott and asked curiously: "So what do you guys do here besides studying and training?"

Still looking forward, he replied: "We have the same facilities as any other dorm school. At the back of this building there is a basket ball court if you like to play outdoor. There is also a garden beside it. Inside we have the game room right next to the lounge."

"That's quite nice" I said. It wasn't exactly what I asked for, but you get what you get. Apparently, most of the X-Men were in the lounge so that's where we were going.

A few minutes later, we stopped outside the lounge door and Scott said: "Here" before he turned around and left. I simply shook my head to his behavior and opened the door. Inside, I found students scattered throughout the lounge, some doing homework, others chatting, others playing. In the far left corner, I caught sight of Kitty, Rogue and Bobby chatting around a table.

Walking up to them I said: "Hi there. I'm Harry, we met earlier in the cafeteria."

They looked up and Iceman said: "Hello, have a seat. I'm Bobby, others call me Iceman. These two Kitty and Rogue, in case you've forgotten."

I laughed sitting down and replied: "No, I didn't forget" then said: "So Iceman... I'm guessing you can control ice right?" and he nodded, creating cup with ice on the table.

"Neat trick" I said, I knew from the movies that he was an Omega-level mutant maybe even above but that was in the far future. For now, he was doing parlor tricks at best. Turning to the other two, I asked, "What about you two?"

Rogue kept quiet but Kitty let her hand slip through the table then back up before asking. "And you?"

"I am a telepath." I said and they looked at me surprised.

"Does that me that you are hearing our thoughts right now?" Rogue asked probably under the assumption that young telepaths couldn't control their powers. Which technically was true, to some extend.

"I could but I can control it." I replied.

We continued chatting for about an hour during which I learned that they hadn't actually gone on any mission yet and were just training for that eventuality.

Looking through the window, I saw Jean sit down under a tree with her puppy (Scott) following behind. I got up and said my good byes. But not before I promised to visit the school every now and then.

Walking around the mansion, I picked up Charles brain signature and headed to his office.

"Mr. Osborn, how did you find the institute?" He asked as soon as I sat down.

"Very welcoming" I said, "But my decision still stands. I have many ongoing projects, besides what will I do while the others are in class?"

He looked like he wanted to push further but could not, "Good enough, I suppose.".

"Anyway, I came to say good bye, it's time for me to get home." I told him, trying hard to not roll my eyes.

"Very well" He nodded, "I will ask Logan to drive you home. Feel free to visit anytime you want."

I nodded. Ten minutes later, Logan and I exited the school premises. He dropped me off at the mansion an hour later.

Walking downstairs, I found out that Selene wasn't there or at least hadn't appeared. Thinking for a moment, I recalled that she was my latest project: VR pods and helmets. I bought a game company and had Edward look into possible manufacturers, while Selene was working on the feasibility of the project itself.

"Selene!" I called out.

A few seconds later, she appeared in a flurry of pixels: "Yes, Harry?"

"How is everything going on this fine day, dear?." I said smiling.

"All's running as it should be." She replied then she gave me the status of the people we put under surveillance and my own portfolio.

'It seems everything on the MCU is proceeding as normal. The mutants on the other hand...' I was honestly having a headache concerning the mutants.

The movies timelines were utterly impossible to keep track of, the only good that came out of my investigations was that this universe was more a movie than comic universe. The downside however was that I was practically blind, trying to keep track or anticipate the events on the mutants side was almost impossible.

'Xavier would have to take care of their shit.' I sighed then turned to Selene and asked: "How about the pods?"

"Still running simulations." She said.

The issue we were facing was how to link a human mind to the game without the brain being damaged. It was bound to take time. Not to forget making it secure so that no A.I including Selene could get in the system without me agreeing.

Hand on my chin, I said: "When you find a viable solution, we will have to do further testing on humans and mutants."

Selene nodded, and I told her: "This will take at least two or three years. The game company developers will need at least two years to be accustomed to the VR codes. Tell me if there's anything."

"Alright." I heard as she disappeared and I entered my meditation room.

I spent the next couple months to and fro between the mansion, BQ, Oscorp and the school.

I became fast friends with Kitty, Bobby and Rogue. Always hanging with them when I was at the institute. As for Jean, we weren't friends per se but as we trained together, she began opening up more. She wasn't around much most of the time, between school, her sessions with Charles, the X-Men training and her own training, it would be a miracle if she had time for anything else.

Scott rarely if not never spent time with us, I honestly didn't know what he spent his time doing. The X-Men have met about a year ago at most and nothing that could make them bond really happened yet.