Being followed

After they finished eating they got back in the car then after they drove a mile a away from the place they were resting at, 3 white cars started appeared on the rear view mirror, Scarlett was sleeping with the seat down and Jean didn't notice the cars

"hey pull over we need to talk to you" one of the men in the car shouted

"hmm, who the hell are they" Jean thought to himself

Jean pulled over and got out of the vehicle after this the other cars started to surrounded him, when the cars stopped the people got out and they all were wearing a black suit , seeing this Jean got ready to fight, then the men started to walk closer to Jean

"stay where you are" Jean said giving a cold look to all of them

"what are you doing out here" Man said

"that's none of your concern" Jean replied

"well we need to take you in for questioning" the man replied back

"no" Jean said

"if you don't comply with us we gonna have to bring you by force" the man said in a angry tone

"if you back down I won't kill you" Jean said as he pulled his weapon out

"damn it" a voice said behind Jean

When Jean looked back to see what the noise was and he saw a man in a black suit trying to open the car door

"that's the first mistake you made" Jean said before he disappeared from the men in the front of him and reappeared in front of the man who was breaking into the car and kicked in the face sending him far away, he landed on the car and jumped off the car landing in front of the man he was once talking to and punched him in the face and quickly knocked the rest of them out

"so weak" Jean said in a mad tone

Jean got back into the car and was wondering if it was a good idea to let them live after he removed the blanket from Scarlett's head and started driving towards Bopler city after a couple hours Scarlett woke up and lifted up her seat

"hey Jean how close are we" She asked

"probably 125 miles away" Jean answered

"can you tell me why you didn't tell anybody where you went for the past 106 years" Scarlett said

"you sure you want to know" Jean replied

"yes we were all worried about you" Scarlett replied back

"well let's see I guess I should start with what happened to cause my disappearance, my older brother who was born from a mortal mother and immortal father was just like any other human but with a longer life span he was able to up to a 1000 thousand years but before he reached 500 he died to an unknown disease at the age of 425, when it happened it was so unexpected and I was to sad and mad that I lost control of myself and took my angry out on the army and killed 1000 soldiers before killed more soldiers I snapped out of it and left the army base returning home and before I could think of anything I had the sleep chamber to wake me up in 106 year's hoping to escape from what I've done" Jean said with a calm tone

"stopped the car" Scarlett said in a soft voice before she hugged him

"now that I talked about it I feel better" Jean thought to himself

After a while they started driving again and while they were driving 4 white cars started following them

"we're being followed" Scarlett said

"tch, damn it can you handle them "Jean replied

" of course "Scarlett said

She sticked half of her body out the window then started shooting fire balls from her hands, when she shot the eight the first four missed and the last four hit but wasn't strong enough

" look like I'll use 10%" she said as she shot 8 stronger and denser fire, two hitting each car causing them to explode

"that should be it for now" Scarlett said as she got back in the car

"I think you killed them" Jean said as he let out soft smile

"probably they should be strong enough to withstand that if they came from his organization" Scarlett said as she looked at Jean

"can this car go faster" Jean said as he looked back at Scarlett

"of course it can but it'll use up more items" Scarlett said

"that's good we'll get more in the cave" Jean replied

Scarlett started pressing buttons that was next to the key hole in the car

"now step on the gas pedal a little harder" Scarlett said as she put the seat belt on

When Jean stepped on the gas they drove 30 times faster than before, they were now able to get to Bopler city in less then an hour