finding the cave

After forty minutes past they finally reached the gate there was a machine that buttons on it and camera when Jean pressed the button they asked him to show his organization identification after he showed them it they opened the gate and allowed Jean and Scarlett to get in , they immediately went to find a place to hide the car and it took them an hour to find a place to hide the car it ended up being under a bridge, when they got out they rushed to the 40 meter wall and climbed to the top of the walls

"we're gonna split up and look for the cave and meet back here in a hour" Scarlett said

"okay see you in a hour" Jean said as he went left and jumped off the wall to the Curse Power Beast territory

Scarlett went right and jumped off the wall into the Curse Power Beast territory, when she landed she headed towards the back of the jungle and when Jean landed he went toward the back of the jungle as well

After a Scarlett got surrounded by a family of monkeya so she stopped walking and the monkeya started to circle around her seeing this Scarlett lifted up a finger and a ring of fire started to circle above it

"I don't feel like wasting time on you" Scarlett said as the ring of fire floated in the middle of where the monkeya was circling and expanded cutting the monkeya along with the trees then the ring of fire disappeared

Then she started to go towards the back of the jungle

When Jean went towards the back, a family of leopardo started to circle around him

"there was nothing in the book about what this Type of beast did or do, only their name was mentioned, I'm just gonna end this quick than" Jean thought to himself as he pulled his Curse Beast weapon out

Electricity started to circle around his body and he made the first move cutting off all of the beast head's in second then started to go forward to the back of the jungle

"So this is where you are" Scarlett said while looking at the entrance to the cave

Scarlett decided to head back to the top of the wall after marking it with fire

Jean finally reached the back of the jungle and started to look for the cave but eventually an hour past and he couldn't find it

"Hopefully Scarlett had better luck with finding the cave" Jean said as he started to head back to the top of the wall

When he got to the wall he started to climb it when he got to the top he saw Scarlett

"did you find it" Jean asked

"yea I did come on its this way" Scarlett said before she jumped off the bridge

"no break time huh" Jean thought to himself as he followed behind her

When they reached cave they like something ominous was about to come out and move out of the way, after a second of for something a family of monkeya started to run out of the cave and all you could see after was the giant head of the anacondao chasing and eventually swallowed them whole and headed back into the cave

"I think I might have to use sixty percent of my strength for this one" Jean said while smiling

"there's probably eggs in there so we have to destroy those after the anacondao" Scarlett said

At this point Scarlett and Jean realized one thing in the war they never once fought anacondao that evolved twice