A surprise

"Hey where do you think your going" the female Evolved Beast said as she started to heal.

"hm, how the hell are you still alive" Jean as he got more irritated then before

The Evolved Beast started going into sutee making her 10x stronger

"with this much power I'll definitely make you my servant" the female Evolved Beast said

"what the hell" Scarlett said as she looked at the male Evolved Beast

"what surprised that I'm coming back to life" the male Evolved Beast said as he starts to reform

After he reformed, he instantly went into sutee making him 15x stronger

If an Evolved Beast goes sutee it makes them 15x stronger than before and based on numbers the both of the Evolved Beast are 2000 before they went into sutee, now they are in sutee making them 30,000

"until she's dead I can't die" the male Evolved Beast said

"it would've been best if you would've stayed dead" Jean said giving a cold glance while letting out his blood lust

"I think he's angry he definitely going for blood this time" Scarlett said to herself while flames started to swallow her daggers

The female Evolved Beast rushed Jean, he was just standing there

"I knew it he isn't fast enough to see where I am" the female Evolved Beast thought to herself

When she got in range Jean punched her sending her flying to the wall on the right, Jean reinforced his hand in strings and electricity so she could feel the punch, he didn't use his weapon because he didn't want to die yet

"how can he be this strong he's on par with them" the female Evolved Beast thought to herself while she was trying get up

Jean slowly walked towards her with no expression on his face making her scared she tried to run away but once she stand up Jean attacked her with a barrage of punches she couldn't do anything she was completely defenseless

"I really hate those words" Jean said to the female Evolved Beast while punching her

Scarlett was now standing 6ft across from the male Evolved Beast

"hey are you scared to move at the sight of my wonderful form" the male Evolved Beast

Scarlett started to see cracks in the wall to the left of her

Jean punched one more time but this time the punch was more strong and heavy causing the female Evolved Beast to fly through the wall ending up on Scarlett's side

"sis" the male Evolved said as he saw the female Evolved Beast

The male Evolved Beast looked at the direction she came from and all saw was a man walking through the wall with a tremendous amount of blood lust leaking

"I wonder what she did or say to him to get him this angry" Scarlett thought to herself

When Jean walked to the other side of the he looked around and saw Scarlett

"hey" Scarlett said as she waved to him

Seeing Scarlett allowed him to calm down a little, at the corner of his eyes he saw a masculine figure running towards him, but before he could even get within 10ft Scarlett shot a huge purple fire ball at him, Jean started to look around again and saw the female Evolved Beast laying down so Jean had his sword turn into a Scythe and appeared over the female Evolved Beast and put the blade under neck and lifted it cutting her head off, now Scarlett was able to kill the make Evolved Beast

"hey!! Hey!! Hey!! " the male Evolved Beast said in a angered tone before crying

Scarlett started walking towards the male Evolved Beast while he was still crying and started to cut his head off

*thud* a noise was heard from the two disintegrating Bodies, they turned to look what was the noise and laying on the floor where the male Evolved Beast died was a small box and where the female Evolved Beast died was a key, they knew it wasn't Beast items because it was next to the Box and key, when they got the key they opened the box inside of it was a piece of paper and what was written on it surprised the both of them