The meeting

when Scarlett and Jean left the cave they were surrounded by 3 men in grey suits, they seem to be very strong

"Ms.Novka sent us to bring the 2 of you to the meeting" one of the men

"who the hell are they" Jean asked Scarlett

"they are apart of Carmen's special task force, the one that just talked is Noland the one to the left of him is Croland and the on to the right is Roland" Scarlett replied to Jean

"the other teams are already there" Croland said

"we already brung the helicopter follow us " Roland said

"and transported your car back to HQ" Noland said

"Fine I'll go, you coming Jean? " Scarlett said

"I wanna fight them but that'll take

to much work" Jean thought to himself as he nodded

"great the helicopter is on top of the wall" Croland said

after awhile they finally got to the top of the wall and what waited there was a matte orange and black helicopter, after awhile they were in the air

"I'm surprised Ms. novka let a newbie like you on such an important mission, I mean you don't look that strong" Roland said

"don't worry he's strong enough" Scarlett said as she saw Jean not listening

in the meeting room there was one long table and 15 people in there 7 sitting across from each other and Carmen sitting at one of the ends

"I heard there was a member who was made a official you know who it is right" a female voice voice said

"it's most likely him" Another voice said

"yeah, I wonder how's that sword of his doing since it didn't consume blood for more than a century" one more voice said

"WHY THE HELL ARE TALKING SO LONG!!" another voice added

"they should be here in another minute or so" Carmen replied

In the helicopter Jean was sleeping on Scarlett's shoulder

"we'll be there in 10-20 minutes" Noland said

Croland used most of the Curse Items in the helicopter to speed up and Roland was making sure that the helicopter was in camouflage mode so no one will follow them, Scarlett was feeding her daggers the Curse Items she had on her

after 5 minutes past they reached the organizations 2nd hangar which was for helicopter the 1st was for planes and the 3rd was for Jets

"hey Jean we're here wake up" Scarlett said as she started to tap

"hmm, I-im up" Jean said before yawning

when Jean got out the helicopter he started to look around

"where hell are we? " Jean asked

"we're at the 2nd hangar" Noland answered

after they left the hangar they headed for the HQ which was connected to the hanger by a tunnel

after 30 minutes past Jean and Scarlett finally got in front of the room where the meeting was being held when they walked into the room everyone turned their to them

"Finally Your Here! " one of the male voices yelled

"shut up" Jean replied back

"oh so that the newbie seems like Scarlett didn't tell him about us" The female voice thought to herself

"You Better Watch Who Your Talking To Bitch I'm your superior" The male voice yelled

"stop yelling so much brat" Jean said

"relax Cornel let's just hurry up and start this meeting" a female voice said

when Jean and Scarlett sat down, the meeting finally begin

"ok what I wanna know is the location of the Curse Royal Families, so let's start with team Juliette what did your team find" Carmen said

"me and Rika found where the Foxe Royal Family is residing" Cornel said

"they are currently residing 1000 miles south from here in the city solèy site" Rika said

"okay next what about you team India" Carmen said

" we found out the location for Leopardo Royal Family they are 1000 miles south in the city Tuyong puwang" The Female in team India said

"what about you team foxtrot" Carmen said

"we found where the Wolfo Royal Family i

is hiding which is in Seestadt the city 500 miles to the west" the male in team foxtrot said

"okay what about you team Echo" Carmen asked

"we found where the Tigre Royal Family is hiding its the city jonjle which is 1050 miles to the east" the female in team Echo said

"ok team Charlie what about you" Carmen said

"we found the Mokeya's whereabouts they currently staying at the city Loporea which is 600 miles to the north" the female in team Charlie said

"ok what you got team Bravo" Carmen said while putting on glasses

"The elephante Royal Family is on SUNNIY island" the male in team Bravo said

"and you Team Alpha" Carmen said

"we found where the Cheete Royal Family is they're on Trocken island" the male in team alpha said

"now finally Team Delta what did you find" Carmen said

"we found out where the Cursed Emperor/Empress is at" Scarlett said

"they took over the West Continent" Jean said before Scarlett showed tossed the paper they found in the cave to Carmen

Carmen looked at the paper and was surprised because she noticed that the Cursed Emperor/Emperess was building an empire of Evolved Beast

"yeah I'm going to need all of you to get 10x stronger or you won't even stand a chance against a prince with that said the meeting is over" Scarlett said before leaving the room

the ones left in the room was just sitting there in silence after hearing what Carmen said, all of them except Jean knew the strength of the Cursed Royal families

after awhile everyone left except Jean, he was looking up at the ceiling

"hmm, they left without me" Jean said before leaving

Jean decided to go up to the high school roof to relax in peace when he saw a familiar face standing next to the gate on the roof smoking a cigarette

"hey Jon" Jean said as he walking towards him

"hey how was it in hell" Jonathan said as he shook jeans hand

"good, so can you tell me about, what's going on with Cursed Beasts

" sure but it gonna take awhile" Jonathan said as he offered Jean a cigarette

"I need to know what we're up against" Jean said before he took the cigarette and lighted it up

"ok so I guess I should start with that..... when the Cursed Beast first Evolved some of them went into hiding like the Foxe, Tigre, Elephante, Wolfo, Cheete, Leopardo, Monkeya but each of them went in pairs of two, such as a male and female and they decided to have a truce and go separate ways taking over cities and but after they left another Beast came and that one is of unknown species and was beating up all of the other Evolved beast but left them alive and made them his/her servants and gave them power to evolve into a real monster and the Curse Beasts created families and called themselves Kings and Queens of certain area, currently there is only 4 ranks going from weakest to strongest: Joker, Prince/Princess, King/Queen" Jonathan stopped to see if Jean was going to ask a question

"Currently?" Jean said

"we don't know if there's more since we've only met one and that was a Prince of the Foxe Royal Family and he defeated all of us without breaking a sweat, there was a clear strength gap between us, Among the mortals we were considered monsters but among the monsters they Cursed Royal Families are considered Devil's, Jean believe what Carmen said if we don't get stronger we can't even touch a prince" Jonathan said while looking at the sky

"one more Question how did you guys obtain such information anyway" Jean asked

"to be honest I don't know, Carmen was the one who got the information" Jonathan said

"I should've figured she was the one who shared it to y'all, anyway thanks for the information, stay safe" Jean said before throwing away the cigarette and heading home

"hmm, I guess I should start training" Jonathan thought to himself

(don't smoke cigarettes they are bad for your health and stay safe :] )