
"I wonder why my aunt is here" Jean thought to himself before he walked in to his house

when he got inside he noticed that his house smelled different, the smell was coming from the kitchen and he heard noise coming from the living room

Jean took his shoes off and headed for the bathroom upstairs to wash his hands, when he finished he went into the living room to check if his aunt was there but to his surprise it was a woman who look like she was twenty years old who was sleeping on the couch with the TV on, Jean ignored her and went towards the kitchen where he saw his aunt

"what brings you here" Jean asked his aunt

"thought I should come and check on you" Aunt said before she turned the stove off

"who is that on the couch" Jean asked

"she is my daughter Ell, if you wanna eat the foods done" Aunt replied

"hmm,what are you making?" Jean asked while looking over the

"wait a daughter!?" Jean said in a surprised tone

"I'm making chicken curry" Aunt replied ignoring the other thing Jean said

"with white rice?" Jean asked

"of course" aunt replied

After talking to His aunt Jean left the kitchen and went to the living room where he saw the girl now sitting on the couch watching TV

Jean went to sit on the couch to the right of her, when he sat down

"excuse me, miss what is your name" Jean asked Ell

Jean already knew her name, he just thought it would be better to ask her

"my name is Elizabeth" Ell replied

"hmm, your mom said the food done" Jean replied back

"okay who ever wants to eat com-" Aunt said before something cut her off

"BOOM" in the distance a large explosions was made

"what the hell" Jean said when he heard the explosions

after a looking out the window Jean noticed what direction it was coming from and decided to get on top of the roofs to see what's happening, when they got on top of roofs he saw it and immediately rushed towards the location

he landed on a building not far from the school and after Jean arrived two more people landed on top of the other buildings, when they looked around they saw 3 dark figures fleeing from the school, it was too dark they was unable to see who it was, but it seemed like they were in a hurry

strings started to form around Jean feet, but before he could leave another explosion was made coming from behind the school

"huh, where did Jean go" Aunt said before handing a plate over to Elizabeth

"he left as soon as he heard the explosions" Ell replied

instead of chasing them Jean sent a bolt of lightning to the 3 dark figures and went towards the back of the school

Scarlett decided to get to a higher place so she could consume fire that's surrounding the school, but before she could leave the building she was standing on started to fall over

Ivan started to check on the people that Jean took out

"I'm surprised nobody else came here" Jean thought to himself as he landed on top of the school

Before Jean could look around something had pierced his right arm, before he could check what it was that pierced his arm, his body felt heavy and it kept getting heavy until he was unable to lift his legs

"what the hell is" Jean thought to himself as he was no longer able to stand

Jean was now laying helplessly on the ground

"looks like I got one of them but I don't think you are listed on any of our most dangerous posters but you do look familiar" A man said as he placed his hand on Jean's back

It felt like his body was 10x heavier and he immediately fell through the roof of the building and kept falling untill he reached the first floor of the school,now Jean was inside the school laying helplessly on the ground

"OH! now I remember he was on the potential enemy list" The man said as he jumped down from the roof and landed next to Jean

he pulled out from the back of his pocket 4 metal sticks and stabbed Jean in his leg with them so he could make sure he won't escape

"AGHH!" Jean yelled in pain

"I should just let you bleed to death here" the man said

"w-who are y-you" Jean said as he was using his strength just open his mouth

"hmm, you can talk that's impressive and I guess telling you my name won't hurt, my names is Kleo and I'm part of captain Miller's organization" the man said before he touched Jean's back again making it 20x heavier

when Jean heard the name of Kleo's captain he was surprised

"to think another one is an organization leader and to think that he was attacking" Jean thought to himself

at the moment Jean stopped thinking about how he was gonna get free from the situation he was in and started wondering if Scarlett and Ivan was okay