Attacked pt2

"hey, what are you doing hurry and get out of there now we already planted the rest " a soft voice coming from Kleo's earpiece said

"oh alright" Kleo said before he started walking away

While Jean was stuck in the school Scarlett was dealing with another one of the strongest members in captain Miller's organization

"BOOM!!!" suddenly a large explosion was made

When Ivan heard the explosion he headed towards the school but before he could reach the school gate, debris was flying out so he decided to stay away from the school for now

The building Scarlett was on started to shake do to some of debris scraping the building the rest of it was being held inside the gates, the debris was scraping most of building it caused Scarlett and her opponent to lose balance

"ey, the job is done time to retreat Tyna" the same voice said that was in Kleo's earpiece said to Scarlett's opponent

The guy started to slowly moving away from Scarlett without looking away from her and once she was far enough he jumped towards another building and kept jumping from building to building, but Scarlett put chasing her as a chore

When the debris stopped flying around Scarlett was going to look for Jean, but before Scarlett could get off the building multiple tuscan red lightning bolts started to strike the ground of random spots around the school when it stopped a large dark cloud formed in the sky, after a few seconds past multiple crimson red lightning had stricken a certain spot in the crumbled down school like it had a homing system

When the lightning disappeared Jean was standing on top of all the rubble with his eyes showing a tint of red

"fucking hell! What a pain in the ass" Jean said as he removed the 4 metal sticks from his arms and legs

There was blood dripping from the holes in his arms and legs that was left from the metal sticks and scratches all over his body, and his body was still feeling 20x heavy but he was getting used to it, since he thought of it as a workout

"I guess I don't have to look for him after all" Scarlett said to herself in a relieved tone

Scarlett raised her left hand in front of her and said "heilen" when she said that word her eyes started to change color from her rose red color eyes to dark green color eyes, soon after green flames started to circle Jean, all of the holes and scratches on Jean's body disappeared along with the pain

After that Scarlett left the area and went in the direction Tyna went towards

"huh, what the hell is he doing" Ivan thought to himself as he looked in Jean's direction

"ey, ey, do you really think you should be distracted now" Kleo said

"hmm, I guess not" Ivan before he raised his hand and shot a huge ball water into the sky it stayed floating in the air for a few seconds before it explode

When Jean saw the huge ball of water explode he walked in towards that direction. He wasn't able to run due to the extra weight put on him

"by the time I get there his patience is over" Jean said as strings started to form around his but when it reached the heel of his feet it stopped

"what the hell" Jean said in confusion

"is it too heavy for you" Tyna said

"who the hell are you " Jean replied to the Tyna

"it's proper manners to give your name first" Tyna replied

"no, If your from the same Organization as him than you know my name" Jean replied back

"I guess" Tyna said before walking towards Jean

When Tyna got closer to Jean , he tried moving back but he wasn't able to move his body

"so can you tell me where Scarlett is I had to get away from her since I had a job to do but now I'm no longer busy" Tyna asked Jean

Jean wasn't paying attention to what she was saying he was just trying to figure out why his body stopped moving until he saw what the reason was his body was frozen

"what the hell, u didn't even feel it" Jean thought to himself

"I'm surprised he's not freaking out" Tyna thought to herself

When Tyna got closer to Jean she put her hand on his throat and the ice started climbing up his face, but before it could reach his eyes a fire tornado appeared behind Tyna and it kept getting closer and closer to Tyna and Jean but before it could touch her, Tyna got out of the way and kept moving away, the fire tornado disappeared after the ice on Jean had melt

"ey… hurry up… and get out of… there" Kleo said in Tyna's earpiece as he was gasping for air

"HEY KLEO! ARE YOU OKAY! " Tyna said as she yelled into the earpiece

"he's fine he just got hurt fighting one of the dangerous enemies on the list" the voice from earlier said

Hearing this Tyna hurried and left the area

"well did any of you figure out which organization they were apart of" Ivan said

"nah, the one I was fighting stood quiet" Scarlett replied

"one of them said they were apart of Miller's organization" Jean replied

"well at least you helped in that part" Ivan said

"go die in a ditch" Jean replied

Jean noticed that his body was no longer heavy

And started moving his arm up and down

"so how do we explain this to Carmen" Ivan asked

"I doubt she would care it was only made as a disguise anyway" Scarlett said

"if that's the case I'm gonna head back home, see ya later" Jean said as he walked away

Scarlett did the same and Ivan said he would stay out for a bit

In a large van sitting outside the school was the ones who destroyed the school

"hey, how are you feeling" Tyna said to Kleo

"you should go to sleep for now" a female behind Tyna said

"yeah I'm feeling okay, and I can't sleep, I can't shake this bad feeling I have" Kleo responded to the both of them

"well I'll help you sleep" Ivan said as he was sitting in the van with them with two sickles in his hand