attacked pt3 (final part)

"that doesn't make sense Carmen's organization and captain Miller's organization are Allies and Captain Miller have a lot of respect for us, unless" Scarlett thought to herself as she entered her house

Scarlett headed towards her room so she could find clothes to wear after she took a shower

"target number one located" A male voice said as he lifted his hand and turned it clockwise

"AGHHH!!! " Scarlett screamed in pain as her left arm mysteriously broke

Scarlett started to quickly move away from the man and she jumped out window closest to her, when she was outside green flames started to swarm around her left arm looking like a sleeve, when it disappeared her arm looked completely fine

"dammit" the man said before chasing after Scarlett

When the man caught up to Scarlett, he was confused because he thought he broke her arm

"wait those clothes, he's one of the Elite Special Assassins from the army, its one thing after another" Scarlett thought to herself

"there's no point in trying to run away" the man said to Scarlett as his fist turned into a large spike

"wasn't planning on it" Scarlett replied as flames started to envelope her hands

Spikes started to shoot out of the man's left hand, Scarlett tried dodging the spikes but the spikes kept following her, instead of dodging the spikes, she decided to destroy them the man sent more spikes but Scarlett kept destroying them

"just hurry up and die, so I could kill my next tar-" the man said before going quite and running at Scarlett as his hands were turning into spikes

He went into punch Scarlett but she dodged and placed her hand on his chest and a pillar of flames bursted out of his back, the man fell to the ground, the spot Scarlett placed her hand on was right above the heart

Suddenly around 15 of the Special Elite Assassins came as soon as he died

"there's more!?, dammit" Scarlett said out of frustration

"what the hel-" Jean before as he felt great pain in his right arm

When he looked to see what the pain his forearm was missing and blood was gushing out, strings started to wrap around his arm, stopping him from bleeding

While doing this Jean moved away from the spot he was in

"too slow" A masculine voice said behind him

"is that so" Jean said before disappearing

If Jean didn't move away in time he would have been cut in half

"okay let's try this again" Jean said to himself before he closed his eyes

Jean started to gather small amounts of energy into his hand, after a few seconds small amounts electricity started to circle in his hand and small amounts of energy started to flow throughout his body

"did you really think you can run away" the masculine voice said behind Jean

Electricity started to circle around Jean's body like before he was able to use lightning but the small amounts of electricity was intense

When the person went to punch Jean, but he dodged it and kicked the person in the face, the person started to back away, suddenly Jean was now behind his opponent

"wha—" the person said before her head was cut off

"I thought it was a man, oh well" Jean said before he had a bad feeling

The bad feeling he had was about Scarlett and he felt more energetic pressure coming from the direction Scarlett lived in, this pressure was much stronger than the person Jean was just fighting, although their energetic pressures were weaker than her energetic pressure, he was was still worried, as Jean rushed towards Scarlett, he used strings to substitute for the right arm he lost meaning the strings formed into an arm it had the shape of Jean's regular arm, but before he was able to land on another roof, energy pressure that was similar to that of a Cursed Evolved beast but it was stronger, much more stronger

"what the hell is this" Jean said as he started sweating

"commence the mission" one the men said on top of the roof ignoring the pressure

"this energy pressure" Scarlett thought to herself before looking up at the wall next to her

"what a fucking problem this is especially at a time like this" Ivan said as he looked towards the other side of the wall

Crimson red fire balls started to surround Scarlett and the Special Elite Assassins

As they rush Scarlett the crimson red fire balls started to shoot out small small beams of fire towards the Special Elite Assassins it was too fast for them to dodge it and too hot and for them to block it

After one second past all of the Special Elite Assassins were dead

"now time to deal with this monstrosity" Scarlett said before Jean landed next to her with red electricity surrounding him


"why the hell is it here" Ivan said as he landed in front of Jean

"hey Scarlett can you heal my arm" Jean asked Scarlett as he showed her, his right arm without looking away from the direction the voice was coming from

"of course" Scarlett said before Green flames started to circle around Jean's right arm

The strings were no longer acting as a substitute

"actually this place is to stuffed follow me" the voice said

"what's that in his hands" Ivan thought to himself as they followed him

As they followed the voice

When the voice stopped they were outside the city, the moonlight shone on the one with the deep voice

"is this a Foxe a Joker it looks more human" Jean asked Scarlett and Ivan

"yes it is" Ivan replied

"ey, what's that in your hands" Scarlett said with a tone Ivan and Jean never heard before to the Joker Foxe

"oh this it's just a couple of souvenirs I picked up on the way" the JF (Joker Foxe) said as he tossed the items to the three

"hey, what the hell is this" Jean said as he looked at the JF with cold and menacing look

"you made a extreme mistake" Ivan said as he kneeled to the items in front of them

"where did you find this" Scarlett said as her tone got more and more different from her regular one

"oh, is that so" the JF said in a Fascinated tone replying to Ivan

The "items" in front of them was the heads of their loved ones such as Ivan's nephew who past away 260 years ago, Scarlett's little sister who died 330 years ago, and Jean's eldest brother who was killed 393 years ago

Seeing the severed heads of their dead loved ones rolling on the ground and the fact that it was in the hands of Cursed beast made them lose control of what they were feeling

"oh come on humans loosen up" the JF said while Smiling

"you think this is funny" Ivan said giving a malicious look towards the JF

Suddenly dark clouds started filing the sky and the ground was cracking as lava was rising from he ground, thick rain drops were falling from the sky and black lightning was striking the ground heavily

"oooooh, you are monsters indeed forcing nature to draw her hand through mixed emotions" the JF said in fascinated tone

"don't get it twisted, this our own power" Jean said as he was behind the JF, when the punched the JF he sent it flying

"as I said before you made a grave mistake" Ivan said as he appeared from thick rain drop above the JF and he punched him, causing the JF to dig into the ground

"you are worse than trash" Scarlett said as a pillar of lava busted from the ground melting the left side of the JF

"yes, you are a cancer even among the Cursed beasts" Scarlett, Ivan, and Jean said as they landed the finishing blow with their Cursed Weapons, they ended up cutting the JF into three pieces

The JF was now disintegrating and the rain, lava, and lightning started to slowly disappear, and sun was coming

They were now heading back into the city, when they reached the wall they started climbing

"what horrid memories" Jean thought to himself as he landed on top of the wall

"HEY!!!" Carmen yelled at them

"why are you yelling" Scarlett said to Carmen

"you'll be training in the HQ for 5 years and 1 month, don't worry 'bout ya loved ones wondering where you are I dealt with that already" Carmen said to them before tapping their heads helping them remember their good memories instead the bad one

After remembering they past out due to exhaustion from using all their energy in that that fight