Extermination mission: Team Šume pt1

Team Šume went to the city Trantlth

"under the moonlight this forest looks beautiful but who would've thought there's a castle in the middle of it" Jonathan said  before blowing smoke out his mouth

"well let's get started" crystal said before jumping off the wall with Jonathan

following behind them was 7,000 soldiers

they landed inside the forest and to their surprise not a single Beast was wondering around

"ya think they knew we was coming" S tier #1 said as he was looking at the castle

"yeah their probably inside the ca-"S tier #3 said before feeling immense energetic pressure coming from inside the castle

all the soldiers were feeling anxious about getting near the castle then suddenly coming out of the trees were Evolved Monkeya around 10 of them but before they could touch even one of the soldiers pillars of sharp Crystals  came out of the ground piercing the Evolved Monkeya in the head

"come on, the faster we finish this the better" Jonathan said before walking towards the castle

it took them around 20 minutes to get to the castle,they were attacked by the Monkeya as they were walking but once they reached the door to the castle the Evolved Monkeya from before attacked them from behind but before they could land a hit the soldiers killed them

"..." Crystal stood as she looked at him

"get ready" Jonathan said to the soldiers before opening the door

the first thing they saw when they opened the doors was a horde of over 9,000 Evolved Monkeya waiting about 10 meters away from the door

the entrance led to a wide room was empty and about 15 meters wide and 20 meters tall

behind the Evolved Monkeya was a staircase at the top of it was a entrance to another part of the castle probably leading to the Monkeya Royal Family

Jonathan flicked his cigarette to the first row of Evolved Monkeya when the cigarette hit the floor Jonathan snapped his fingers and spikes of smoke pierced around 100 Evolved Monkeya, then the soldiers rushed in the castle going after the Evolved Monkeya then he lit another cigarette and put it in his mouth

"hey Kayla, Yara, Saak, Poe come with me, we need to go after the Royal Family let's leave this to them" Jonathan said before signaling them to follow him

"hey, Taylor you got this right" Crystal asked one of the S tiers

"yeah we got this, go we'll make sure none of them follow you" Taylor said before crushing two of the Evolved Monkeya heads together

when he answered Crystal and Jonathan jumped over the the horde of Monkeya with the group he called out

when they landed Jonathan put the four he was carrying down and a Evolved Monkeya tried catching up to them but a Cursed Weapon peirced it in the stomach and dragged it back down

"AGHH!" screams of pain were heard coming from the soldiers

"heal'em" another voice yelled

"for now we'll help them then we go after the Royals" Crystal said before going to help the Soldier

following behind her was Jonathan and behind him were 4 of the S tiers he called out

Crystal pulled out her Cursed Weapon which was 2 nunchaku and went for Evolved Monkeya

following behind her was Jonathan he pulled out his Cursed Weapon which changed from a spear to a sledgehammer 

as they were going down the stairs blood started to drip down the stairs when Crystal and saw it they only had one thought in mind as she was staring Absentmindely at the blood, seeing Crystal stand there as if she was in a trance  Jonathan looked at the ground and noticed the blood and looked to where the blood came from

"Hey, come on we got a job to do" Jonathan said as he tapped Crystal's shoulder and turned

When they turned around the Joker Monkeya was there ripping saak head off after he tossed the body aside

Poe started to slowly back away from Saak's headless body in fear

"Its...eating his head" Poe said to himself as he was terrfied

"What the hell" the Joker Monkeya said as a cigarette hit his face

Jonathan grabbed Poe and took him away at the same time he grabbed spikes of ash came out the cigarette piercing the Joker Monkeya in his arm

"if your to scared to fight then leave, I have no time to babysit you" Jonathan said as he pulled another cigarette out

"..." Poe stood quiet while trying to calm down

"Are y'all ok over there" Jonathan asked

"yeah we're fine" Kayla answered as she helped Yaak get up

"I'll stay and fight" Poe said before stand up

"are you sure you're ready your legs are shaking" Jonathan said before making a circle of ashes next to feet

"anybody's legs would be shaking if they seen that happen, to be honest I'm surprised your's isn't" Poe said as his legs stopped shaking

Poe and Jonathan walked back to Crystal, Yaak, and Kayla

"are ya ready" Jonathan asked Yaak and Kayla

"yea I'm ready" Yaak answered

"same here" Kayla answered as well

"then let's continue to the rest of the Royal Family" Jonathan said before walking up the stairs