Extermination mission: Team Mitsurin pt1

[while Team Šume was about to go against the Monkeya Royal Family, Team Mitsurin was also about to go head to head with Tigre Royal Family]

"did you find them yet? " Ivan asked as he was crouched on top of the wall

"yea it's at the other end of the city" Violetta said when she opened her eye

"Farle, Tylar, Pilau, and Chloe can you come with Ivan and me to assassinate the Tigre Royal Family the rest exterminate the Evolved Tigre in the city" Violetta asked

"The mission starts NOW! " Ivan said to the rest of the

the Tigre Royal Family was in their estate which took up a quarter of the city

gates that was 10 feet high surrounded the estate with 4 entrances that was gaurded by Evolved Tigre

beyond the gates was a unbelievably beautiful garden and in the middle of the garden was a mansion

inside the mansion thersthere was a large room middle of it where the Tigre Royal Family sitting on thrones and Evolved Tigre and Cursed Tigre Beast laying or sitting on the floor

"So... they finally arrive" The Tigre King said before taking a sip from the red liquid in his cup sitting on a throne

"go protect the mansion" The Queen Tigre ordered the Cursed Beast Tigre and Evolved Tigre as she was twirling a black rose while sitting on a throne next the king in a large room

*Kaboom* simultaneously one of the entrances exploded open

"those guards are useless" the Tigre princess said while playing with her hair

"Joker be ready just in case" the Tigre Prince said while bothering the Tigre cub on his lap

"yes young master" the Joker Tigre said before heading to the too of the mansion

outside the mansion the Tigre heads were getting cut off quick

Evolved Tigre and Cursed Beast Tigre started running outside of the mansion and towards the entrances

when they were a few feet away from the entrance smoke started coming surrounding Tigre

"the smoke made this alota lot easier" Ivan said as before cutting the last Tigre head off

"thank you for the smoke Chloe" Violetta said while blood dripped from her Cursed Weapon

"you welcome" Chloe said while blushing

Watching from a distance was Joker Tigre he was on top of roof watching them walk towards the mansion

"not even a single scratch... useless" the Joker Tigre said with a face of disgust

inside the mansion the Royal Tigre Family decided to head to there fighting stages

the Joker Tigre waited for them to get closer to the mansion

"wait where did that girl go she was right next to the boy in the front" the Joker Tigre said in confusion

"right behind you" Violetta said before she quickly cut his head off

"aww he died and he was my actual favourite in this Family" The Tigre princess said while some tea

"I'll ask this once... you might die against the Prince or Princess they are a 100 times stronger than the Evolved Tigre and more ruthless towards humans, no will blame you if you leave" Ivan warned the 4 soldiers

"after hearing this are you gonna stay or leave" Violetta asked the 4 soldiers

"... " they all stood quiet

seeing as no one answered Ivan opened the mansion doors with Violetta walking in with him

Ivan's idea to see if they'll go in or not was to check if they'll follow him inside the mansion and as he guessed they followed behind him

once they all walked Ivan looked at them to see how they were holding up against the Royal Tigre's energetic pressure and to his surprise they were fine as far as he can see

"two of the strongest energetic pressures are from up stairs and the weaker ones are coming from the left and right side, the targets are clear go take'em out" Violetta said to the 4 soldiers

The 4 soldiers split up in teams of two and headed to different sides while Violetta and Ivan headed upstairs

[ 10 minutes later, Ivan's part:

The Tigre King's room]

"finally I made it to the end of the hall" Ivan said as he opened the door

as soon as Ivan stepped foot in the room he quickly moved back as fast as he can

"I didn't know the fight started already" Ivan said before taking his Cursed Weapon out

"don't lie, you knew this fight started once you stepped foot in my city" the Tigre King said as he was pulling his fist out of the floor

"yea your right but I didn't expect you to attack so fast" Ivan said as spears of water were forming above his head

the Tigre King immediately moved back into the room as they flew at him, the hallway was to narrow so he had to go back in the room

and Ivan followed behind him but once his body was in the room something below him exploded causing Ivan to hit the ceiling and fall back to the floor

"that should've killed him but I still sense his energetic pressure" the Tigre King said as he was waiting for him to move

"that would've killed me if I didn't use water to shield me but since the water was thin the explosion burned my arm, this Tigre is gonna be a pain in my ass" Ivan said as he stood up from the ground

"oh so you was alive" the Tigre King said as he suddenly appeared behind Ivan

[Violetta's part: the Tigre Queen's room]

"your unbelievably strong" the Tigre Queen said as the hole in her stomach started healing

"..." Violetta stood quiet as she appeared behind the Tigre Queen

"ooh so quick to kill" the Tigre Queen said as a rose came flying towards Violetta

Violetta jumped over the Tigre Queen and when the rose hit the wall, the wall just broke down

"the wall shattered from the rose" Violetta said as she was bewildered by the fact a rose broke a stone wall

"your focusing on the wrong one" the Tigre Queen said as she kicied Violetta back down to the ground

Violetta started coughing up blood as she was trying to get up off the floor

"wasn't as strong as I thought" the Tigre Queen said as lifted up her leg

"..." Violetta stood quiet as she moved away from the Tigre Queen

"still have more power left to move" Tigre Queen said as she picked her feet off the floor

"plenty" Violetta said as she stood up

[the Prince's room]

"No way you guys are still standing after that" the Tigre Prince said in disgust

"let's go" Pilau said as she placed her hand on the floor

"..." Farle stood quiet as he appeared behind the Tigre Prince

when Pilau placed her hands on the floor a pillar of rock came out the floor underneath the Prince's feet piercing and wrapping around them and when Farle appeared behind Tigre Prince he put his palms on his ears

[the Tigre Princess room]

"You two are disgustingly weak, it's a shame you thought you'd be able to kill me you worthless humans" the Tigre Princess said before stacking Chloe's and Tylar's head and crushing them