Extermination Mission:Team Wüste part 1

[As team Mitsurn and Team Šume were in the middle of fighting Team Wüste was a little ahead of them both]

"alright the Joker's dead let's continue the faster we finish this the better" Wyatt said before walking over the Elephante Joker's disintegrating body along with Ariel and the group of four people they called out to help them

the place they were walking towards was the Elephante Royal Palace as they were walking, multiple explosions came from the village behind them

the village houses was breaking down and screams of agony echoed through the desert and the screams were attracting Curse Beast Elaphante

Seeing this Ariel softly slid her hand across the wind towards the village causing a strong gust of wind forcing all of the Curse Beast Elaphante running towards the village away from it but there was still some who managed to get in

"looks like we finally reached the huge door" Ariel said as she took out her Cursed Weapon which was two brass knuckles

the door they were standing in front of was a door that was 15 feet tall and it was made out granite with windows on the outside of if

Wyatt's feet started to change color when it was glowing orange he kicked the granite door

"... I didn't mean to kick it that hard... and there's another door" Wyatt said as he look at the destroyed door

"this pressure sure is something it's like their telling us which way to go" Ariel said before releasing some of her own energetic pressure

they now walking towards the second door

*click* this sound was heard when wyatt accidentally stepped on a certain tile placed on the floor this tile caused the door to slowly open on its own

"good thing it only opened the door" Wyatt said before walking into the palace carefully stepping over each tile inside

the inside of the palace was two rose white stairs leading up to the same place in the middle ofof the stairs was a platform and under the platform was a large painting of the Elaphante Royal Family on a curved wall and there was two hallways to the left and right of the two stairs and the stairs seems to go at least 10 feet high

"the left hallway have one of the strongest energetic pressure in this palace... I'll go that way" Wyatt said before walking towards the left hallway

"the second strongest energetic pressure seems to be up stairs" Ariel said before quickly heading upstairs

"me and Loe will head to the the right hallway" one of the S tier soldiers said as he was walking to the right hallway

"Come on Alya our target is up stairs" the other S tier as she walked upstairs

"right I'm coming kana" Alya said before walking upstairs

when Ariel went upstairs she noticed that there was three hallways one leading to the right, the second that was in the center and was going down stairs, and the third hallway which was across from the right hallway which seemed like a regular hallway

"the energetic pressure coming from here is tremendous" Ariel thought to herself before she followed the energetic pressure in the center hallway

[inside of a big room at the end of the left hallway (1st floor) was Wyatt and across from him was the Elaphante king]

"why are you here" the Elaphante king asked Wyatt

"isn't obvious" Wyatt answered

"so you think you can solve the problems of the world by killing the Cursed Royal Families " the Elaphante king said before slowly walking towards Wyatt

"of course not... there's still gonna be wars between humans,battles between humans, and death match between two humans paid by other humans... nothing is goimg to change" Wyatt said before his arms started to glow dark purple

[in a bedroom in the right hallway (1st floor) ]

"ayy Loyd you ok" Loe said when he saw Loyd on the floor holding his stomach

"I'm fine focus on the Elaphante Prince" Loyd said while he was trying to catch his breath

Loe decided to stand in front of Loyd to protect him from the Elaphante Prince

Loe took his Cursed weapon out which was two axe that had a long chain

"c'mon entertain me" the Elaphante Prince said before running towards Loe and Loyd

when Elaphante prince got close enough, Loe attacked but when he thought the blow landed it went straight through the Prince

"!!?!" Loe said before checking on Loyd

when he looked Loyd was no longer on the ground holding his stomach but on the wall since the Prince was holding him up against the wall with blood spilling out of his mouth

"Loyd!!" Loe yelled before throwing one of his axe

"well thats one dead" the prince said before breaking Loyd's neck and tossing him to the side like he was garbage

even though he watched his friend "die" he remained calm

"are you not devastated that your friend died" the Elaphante prince said as he was confused

"why would he be devastated" Loyd said as he fixed his neck

"what your alive" the Elaphante prince said before he started his hand burning

"alright it's working" Low thought to himself

"My arm is melting " the Elaphante prince stated before cutting off his hand

"wait that's blood... Cursed Beast aren't supposed to bleed" Loe said while

"No. No. No I'm not a Cursed Beast I'm a prince" the Elaphante prince said correcting Loe

"no matter our priority is to kill the Elaphante prince" Loyd said pulling out his beast weapon which was two katar's

[back to the left hallway]

"oh you can match my strength even though you you don't have a weapon... guess I'm gonna have to go all out" Elaphante king said before backing away from Wyatt

"I don't need a weapon..." Wyatt said  before his arms started glowing black and there was small cracks that had white glowing out of it

"so your saying your power is  to kill me" the Elaphante king said as his body got bigger

the Elaphante king's arms looked like they were just half the size of a wrecking ball

Wyatt stood quiet as his black arms were getting more white cracks 

the King started walking towards Wyatt and Wyatt watched the King walked towards him, he watched every single move he made

the stopped walking and looked at Wyatt he threw punch but Wyatt dodged it punch him in the stomach than in the face and continued doing that until the King grabbed Wyatt's feet and threw him across the room

"son of a bitch, I let that happen" Wyatt said as his pupils turned purple

suddenly four poles pierced the King's  body now Wyatt ran towards him and when Wyatt got close he threw a punch and the King threw a punch to block Wyatt's punch but when the King's fist touched Wyatt's fist it broke and was forced back in his arm the force pushed him back

"that's..." the Elaphante king said as the sight made him speechless but the pain was unbearable so he pulled his forearm out of his arm

"your power is indeed something else" the Elaphante king said he looked for something to tie around his arm to stop the bleeding

"how are you bleeding" Wyatt said as he was bewildered

"well I'll give you this small piece of information as a reward for taking my forearm all Royal Family except the Joker can bleed since we evolved so much for that to happen

[upstairs in the right hallway]

"so ya managed to cut my left leg off and you think you have an advantage" the Elaphante Princess said as her legs started to heal

"..." Alya stood quiet as she felt saw the Princess leg heal

Alya plugged her ears as she saw Kana getting ready to use her power

Kana started yelling causing the Princess ears to bleed

"damn this bitch is annoying" the Elaphante Princess said as she tried covering her ears

Alya got up and pulled herher cursed weapon out which was Desert Eagles (two pistols)

Alya started shooting the Elaphante Princess 5 out of the 7 bullets hit the Princess since she tried dodging them

the princess started coughing up blood

[now in the center hallway]

"so you guys managed to kill the joker so easily... you indeed gotten strong over these five years" the Elaphante Queen said drinking wine while sitting on her "Throne"

"..."Ariel stood quiet as she was staring at the " Throne" the Queen was sitting on

"I'll go my full power at the start of the fight" the Elaphante queen said as she was getting up

"your...sitting on a mountain of human corpses" Ariel said uttered angrily

"oh you talking 'bout my throne it's beautiful isn't it" the Elaphante queen said proudly

"you sick bitch" Ariel said before wind started to circle her feet helping her gain speed she moved towards the Queen

"she disappeared? " the Elaphante queen said as Ariel disappeared from her vision

then suddenly the queen heard something fall on the fall

"!!!!???!!!" the Elaphante queen was shocked to find her jaw on the floor

"she's bleeding" Ariel said as she was confused at the sight