Extermination Mission: Team Šume Final part

[the Monkeya King's room]

"are you just gonna stand there" the Monkeya King said as threw a couple rocks at Jonathan

"that should be enough" Jonathan said as he threw away three cigarette butts

Jonathan caught all the rocks the Monkeya King threw at him, and then he picked his sledgehammer up and started running towards the Monkeya King

ash from one of the cigarettes started to form as small spikes at the face of the sledgehammer and when went to hit the Monkeya King with his sledgehammer, he tried blocking the hit but it just ended up taking his forearm off

"I didn't think that he'll be that strong or is it just his hammer either way I'll just go full power against him just incase" the Monkeya King thought to himself before he went into his ultimate

"only if he didn't block my attack, I probably would have been able to take his head off" Jonathan said as he ran towards the Monkeya King again ignoring his ultimate form

as the Monkeya King's hand healed Jonathan attacked once more but the Monkeya King dodged the attack and tried to hit Jonathan in the stomach but ashes from another cigarette blocked the Monkeya King's attack

"what... the... hell" the Monkeya King said as he was coughing

"looks like he finally inhales it but I should try to severely injure him first, ALRIGHT" Jonathan said as he went for another attack

the Mokeya King tried dodging this one but ash spikes wrapped around his feet and into the ground now the only he can do is block, the reason for this is because of the impact of Jonathan's attack causes the Monkeya King to lose his balance and break whatever he was blocking with

"dammit, I'm gonna have to hit his attack wth more force" the Monkeya King said as he threw punch at Jonathan

when Jonathan noticed what the Monkeya King was trying to do, he put alot more strength into his attack and upon impact the Monkeya Kings arm was completely destroyed

"I didn't even... scratch it" the Monkeya King said while coughing

"it's not a surprise, I mean my Cursed Weapon is made out of the strongest material on Tura X so it's not a surprise, oh and the reason you keep coughing is because you inhaled my smoke and it's finally found away to your brain and your lungs" Jonathan said as he started walking away

"I just have to kill you before you can crush my brain" the Monkeya King said as he started running towards Jonathan

"so no last words to your family, fine by me," Jonathan before snapping his fingers

the Monkeya King instantly stopped moving when his brain was crushed to pieces

[the Monkeya Queen's room]

Crystal started running towards the Monkeya Queen as blood started wrapping around her Cursed Weapon which was brass knuckle

the Monkeya Queen was in her ultimate form so her leg can heal as she was leaning against the wall

Crystal threw a punch at the Monkeya Queen but her leg healed fast enough allowing her to dodge it and started to back away from Crystal

"that was unexpected but I'll put an end to her life now" the Monkeya Queen said as she noticed Crystal running towards her

[the Monkeya Princess's room]

"this bitch, cut my arm off" the Monkeya Princess said as she started tightly gripping her arm

Kayla's Cursed Weapon was two karambits started to glow orange and red while steam was rising from it

as Kayla ran towards the Monkeya Princess, Yaak was trying to stop blood from leaking out of the hole in his arm

"dammit, I'm happy I was fast enough because she would've definitely destroyed my heart" Yaak said as he finally managed to stop the bleeding

Kayla was able to cut the Monkeya Princess other arm off with her karambit but as Kayla went for the Monkeya Princess neck, she dodged if and started backing away

the Monkeya Princess went into her ultimate so she her arms could heal but Yaak was alread thg behind her with his Cursed Weapon which was a short sword

as Yaak went for the Monkeya Princess's neck, Kayla went for the Monkeya Princess's heart, and without enough time to fully go into her ultimate form and heal she was struck in the heart while her head was cut off

[the Monkeya Prince's room]

"it's a shame you were the only one to enter my room, you probably would've stood more of a chance if you had one more person with you" the Monkeya Prince said as he look at Poe on the floor with hole in his stomach

the Monkeya Prince raised his hand and went to crush Poe's head but Jonathan stopped it with his sledgehammer

"he's already dead, leaving him be" Jonathan said before quickly smashing his head to peices

[the Monkeya Queen's room]

Crystal jumped over the Monkeya Queen's punch and threw a punch towards her head but the Monkeya Queen blocked it but the impact from th ed punch was enough to break the bones in her arm

Crystal went to throw another punch but the Monkeya Queen ducked and punched her in the stomach destroying her intestines

"you'll definitely die " the Monkeya Queen said as she started smirking

"you think so" Crystal said smirking back at the Monkeya Queen

wantung to wipe that smile off her face the Monkeya Queen threw another punch aiming for her head but Crystal dodged it and landed to punch with all her power one punch on her stomach and the other punch on her head causing it to explode into peices

"I can't die anyway, I'm immortal" Crystal said before walking away

[Extermination mission completed]

[Total number of human casualties for Team Šume: 2,272

Teams Dosi and Kastro failed and Team Vilaj barely succeeded in their mission to exterminate the Cursed Royal Families

Team Dosi lost 4,680 soldiers, Team Kastro lost 5,299 soldiers and Team Vilaj lost 3,959 soldiers

26,381 out of 49,000 survived this mission]

[some place on a different continent]

in a large room with the Leopardo and Wolfo Royal Families bowing down to one man sitting on a large throne

"My lord we have to leave they were gonna send another battalion of humans to attack us" the Wolfo King pleaded to the man

"as he said my lord we would've died if we stayed there any longer" the Leopardo King cried out to the man

"you ran at the thought of humans... I guess I trusted weakling, you would've had a better chance of survival if you was fighting those humans than cowering behind me" the man said as each and everyone of Royal Family member's head was just blown off