Thankful years

[250 years ago, a time where the cities were  connected and the Cursed Beast weren't born and wars were raging between Kindoms]

"what are you doing, Colonel Zell" the First Lieutenant asked the man sitting at the desk as he sat down on the chair in front of him

"2nd General Nyles asked me to look over some reports for him while he went to the King's Castle for a meeting" Colonel Zell said as he started writing something at the bottom of the report

"is it about the party picking who'll be protecting the royal family and nobles for the Princess's birthday party" the first lieutenant said before pulling a lollipop out of his pocket

"yea that's what he said and apparently he hopes that he isn't chosen as on of the guards"  Colonel Zell

in a dimly lit room 18 people were sitting at a long table 8 people sitting across from each othe and 2 people sitting the top and bottom end of the

"as you all are well aware, my daughter's birthday is coming up and as the Princess of her country their are bound to be assassins from other coming for the head of royal family, the country I'm concerned about is the one that we've been head to head with for the last 3 years although we've won countless battles against them, they still have formidable soldiers, I want the most strongest and trusted to protect my daughter that's why you've been called here" the King explained to the 16 Generals in front of him

"normally I would have went but, I'll be busy somewhere else so I decided the 4 out of the 16 of you will be protecting the everyone at the birthday party and the rest will be protecting the entrance to the country... oh I almost forgot to mention I'll chose one person to be a personal bodyguard for the Princess" the General of the army told them

"I've already chosen who'll be picked, ahead of time" the King said with a smile on his face

" please don't be me, please don't be me" Jean repeated in his head over and over again

"2nd General Jean Nyles will be the personal bodyguard of the Princess and 3rd General Ivan Neru, 1st General Wyatt Rodry, 7th General Jonathan Meril, and 10 General Kenny Kasin will be protecting everyone else at the part also 4th General Scarlett Novka and 8th General Crystal Uemi will guard the 1st entrance, 6th General Ariel and 5th General Violetta will guard the 2nd entrance, 9th General Samuel Grean and 11th General Naula Baker will guard the 3rd entrance, 15th General Taylor Vaskin and 16th General Maul Tabet will guard the 4th entrance, and finally 12 General Rodney Ryker, 13th General Marvin Santow, and 14th General Rell Torjay will guard the skies. any objections" the King said

"actually this is better than staying next to this countries entrance" Jean said thought to himself

"No Sir!" the 16 Generals said simultaneously

"although the birthday party is in 4 days Jean will stay in the Castle serving as the personal bodyguard of the Princess starting to day" the General of the army said

"Yes Sir" Jean said to the General of the army

"oh and Jean your eyes are about to fall out" General of the army said pointing to his eyes

Unfortunately Jean didn't hear what GOA had said to him and his contacts ended up falling out of his pockets, everyone saw his real eye color which wasn't brown instead it was purple, Jean thought his eye color was weird and uncommon so he wore brown contacts to hide the color

"I'm not looking for that shit" Jean said as he took the other contact and in the case

"do you need the contacts" the King asked Jean

"no I don't" Jean answered the King

"do you need them? if so I can get you some more" the King told Jean

"your eyes were purple this whole time" Kenny asked Jean in surprise

"yea it's an abnormal eye color so I thought it'd be wierd" Jean said

"did you know about his eyes" Taylor asked Violetta

"he showed Wyatt, Ivan, Crystal, Ariel, Scarlett, Jonathan, and Me when we were in college" Violetta explained to Taylor 

"so you were all in the same college as well, so you must be very close with Generals 1-8" Taylor said in surprise

"okay 2nd General Jean Nyles follow me and the rest of you get some before the party starts" the King told them as he stood up

"if it's easier just call me Jean" Jean said as he left the neeting room with King

"okay you heard him let's head out" the General of the army said before leaving the room

"GOA Daniel, are you going back to Military Base Zero" Marvin asked as he left the meeting room

"yeah, a couple of my soldiers are coming back from a mission I sent them on five years ago" GOA Daniel said as he was walking down the hall

as Jean and the King were walking, one of the maids walked up to him with a note in her hand, after he read it he left the maid to take Jean to the Princess's room

*knock knock* maid #1 knocked on the door to the Princess's room

"come in" the Princess answered the door

"your personal bodyguard is here to meet you" maid #1 told her as she allowed Jean to go into the room

as Jean walked into the Princess's room he noticed that she was writing something on paper and next to that paper 2 other papers were filled with writing

that made him remember that he had to write a note to Military Base 2 Colonel Zell telling him he would be back in a couple days

"can get paper and a pen" Jean asked the maid

"if it's for the Colonel at Military Base 2 than don't worry we already sent a detailed note explaining why you won't be there for a couple of days" maid #1 said before walking away

back at Military Base 2 Colonel Zell has just received the note from the and is reading it as the First Lieutenant was looking over the reports

"looks like he was chosen as her personal bodyguard" Colonel Zell said as he chuckled

"why didn't he want to be the guard for them in the first place" the Fist Lieutenant asked

"he said being in a room full of rich snobs is worst than being burned by 4th General Scarlett's flames and her flames is the worst thing he ever felt" Colonel Zell explained to First Lieutenant with a smile on his face

in Military Base Zero GOA Daniel was talking to the soldiers that returned ftom their mission

"the top 8 Generals, who the hell are they? were we gone for that long how'd you meet them" the stealth force leader ask

"do you really wanna know?" GOA Daniel asked the SF leader

"yup , is it a long story?" the SF leader said as he seemed slightly interested in the story

"let's see ok, so it started when we had a large fight against the Dreya army in the middle of one of the unfortunate towns, while we was there none of the civilians were escorted out of the town since it was an unexpected surprise attack, we arrived kinda late to town and a battalion of Dreya soldiers rushed into an orphanage to hold them as hostages but that's where the top 8 Generals were visiting the children and giving them some food, water, and clothes. 5 minutes past when the Dreya soldiers entered the orphanage the half of the soldiers were thrown out the orphanage second floor and the the rest of them burned by Scarlett's flame after that two of them walked out of the orphanage with the a Energetic Pressure, the energetic pressure was so heavy I was almost to scared to move and most of the soldiers were practically paralyzed, and for a second all I saw was at least 16 explosions that left huge holes in the ground and when I looked back at the orphanage two of them were throwing the soldiers who were thrown out of the window, were being thrown at the other soldiers and probably 4 to 5 minutes later the divison of Dreya soldiers that infiltrated the Kingdom were all dead, I had to release some of my Energetic Pressure as well so I can at least walk but I released too much and they thought I was an enemy but thankfully before they attacked us they saw the insignia on our uniforms and noticed that we weren't actually enemies but they didn't think we were allies either when they were right in front of us I asked them if they could join the army as Generals, thankfully they agreed but on one condition and that is that we send 75% of their earnings to the poor towns across the Kingdom and their not numbered by how strong they are, and since it's about that time now" GOA Daniel said as he left the room

"not by strength?" SF Leader said as he left the room after GOA Daniel