The Princess's bodyguard

"hey, Hey... HEY!!" maid #1 yelled at Jean to wake him up

when Jean woke up, he looked as if he had seen a ghost with sweat running down his neck and tears running down face, as Jean woke up he was breathing heavily

"are you okay, the king sent you some clothes and the Princess wants to meet with you over breakfast" maid #1 asked Jean as she was concerned

"goodmorning, I'll take a shower first" Jean said before taking his shirt off

the bathroom was inside the guestroom Jean was staying, he also felt a little uncomfortable about it because of the dream he had but that feeling quickly subsided

"oh and the king told me to give you these contacts" maid #1 asked

"thank you, oh and I didn't ask before but what's your name" Jean asked as he picked up his towel

"my name is Martha, why do you ask?" Martha said as she seemed confused by his actions

"I need to know what call you by" Jean said as he closed the bathroom door

as Jean was in the shower he started to remember what he was dreaming about and tears formed in his eye but they quickly went away as washed his face

"where's Jean? this is his room right" the Princess asked as she peeked into the Jean's staying in

"he's in th e shower, please I would advise you to wait outside the room with me as he would walk out naked" Martha said as she closed the door

a couple minutes later, the door to the bathroom is opening and as Jean walked the Princess was still peeking into his room and sure enough her face turned as red as an apple and she quietly closed the door and stumbled onto the floor

"I told you not to peek in the room but you just wouldn't listen to me" Martha said as she had a smile on her face

"he's quite handsome, he looks really young to be a General in the army and I didn't expect his hair to be long as well" the Princess said as she remained on the floor

"what are you doing on the floor sis" someone said as they were standing to the right of the Princess

"oh nothing I was surprised that's all, what are all of you doing here" the Princess said as she was surprise to see them

"Ms. Martha I'm done, can you take me to meet the Princess" said as he walked out of the room while he put his hair into a ponytail

"Jean there's no need to be so formal and the Princess's and Prince's is in front of you, this first Princess Savannah the one you will be guarding,second Prince Howard, third Princess Eliza, fourth Princess Eliana, and fifth Prince Eliot" Martha introduced Jean

"goodmorning, my name is Jean it's a pleasure to meet you Princess Savannah" Jean said as he held out his hand to the 1st Princess so he could help her up

"the pleasure is all mine" Princess Savannah said as she grabbed onto Jean's hand stood up

"I didn't expect him to be so well mannered" the Princes and Princesss simultaneously thought

"well we all should head down for breakfast now, Jean you'll be eating breakfast with the royal family" Princess Savannah said as she led the way to the dining room

"let's check if this guard is as strong as father say" Prince Eliot said as an arrow started to form in his hand

"make sure it's blunt" Princess Eliza said as she pointed to the arrow

when he threw the arrow, only with 2 feet away from Princess Savannah it disappeared and when they looked to see where it went but the last place they could think of where it was which was Jean's hand and Jean looked back tossed it back to them

"AFTER YOU EAT BREAKFAST, WE WILL BE DOING 500 LAPS AROUND THE BASE AND THOSE OF YOU WHO CAN'T DO 500 LAPS WILL DO 900" Colonel Zell told all the soldiers in the cafeteria

"it seems like Colonel is in a bad mood" one of soldiers whispered

"dammit how the fuck did he forget to report to Military Base Zero now we gotta pain in the ass check up from that crappy inspector, what the hell was Jean doing he had a whole month to send that damn report" Colonel Zell thought to himself before going to his office

"is something wrong" Lieutenant Colonel asked

"welcome back Maria, unfortunately you came at a wrong time, Jean forgot to make the monthly report" Colonel Zell distressingly explained

"he's not that bad, oh and I need to hand in my report, where is Jean" LC Maria asked waving the report

"he's now the temporary bodyguard for the first Princess for a couple days" Colonel Zell said as held his hand out

"for her birthday" LC Maria said as she handed him the report

in a bright room 8 people in a dining room, the Royal family were finished with their breakfast and Jean was in the room he was giving

"I guess I'm not dreaming, that's a relief but I hope I never see that again" Jean said as blood dripped from his thumb

*knock knock*

"come in" Jean said before the door opened

"excuse me, mr. Jean but the King- your bleeding" maid #2 said as she rushed over to Jean

"oh yeah it's only a cut" Jean said as the maid grabbed his hand and put a bandaid on the cut

"as I was saying before the King requests your presence" maid #2 said as she signaled for Jean to follow her to the King

as they were walking Jean finally notice how beautiful the art on the walls, furniture, and the walls itself are

"we are here" maid #2 said to Jean as they were in front of a big door

"that was fast" Jean said staring at the doors

"we took a shortcut" maid #2 said as she opened the door

as Jean walked into the large room he was greeted by the Royal guards and seeing them made him wonder if they had Royal guards why did they requesr assistance from the military but that thought strayed from his mind as he noticed that not only was the King there but the Queen and their kids ontop of a flight of stairs

"Bow down" the Royal guard next to the King said

"for what" Jean said as he looked at the Royal guard

"it's fine, 2nd General Nyles, my Royal wanted to test your strength to see if your qualified to protect the Princess of Gromeda do you agree to spar with the strongest Royal guard" the King said as he stopped the Royal Guard next to him from talkin

"yeah, I agree with sparring with whoever that is" Jean said as he was scratching the bandaid

"alright you will spar, Zern right now in this room" the King said as tapped Zerns stomach

"I'll teach you a lesson for being rude to the King" Zern said before walking up to Jean

they walked 6 feet away from each other as a butler handed each of them a wooden sword and now they were just waiting for the countdown

"3...2...1...Begin" the butler said before quickly heading to the King's side

as Jean stood there Zern was rushing towards him, Jean lifted his wooden sword and waited for Zern to get closer but he stopped rushing towards him as he noticed Jean's obvious plan

"what an idiot did he really think I wouldn't notice his dumb plan" Zern thought

now Jean started rushing towards Zern with incredible speed and he's using his powers to gain speed

when Jean was close, Zern started attacking but Jean kept parrying the attacks and Zern was getting tired of this pattern so when Jean tried parrying his attack this time, Zern caught the sword but Jean jumped, spin, and kicked him in the face, tossing him across the room and after 1 second of flying across the room, Zern finally crashed into the wall and fell to the floor

"enough, take Zern to the infirmary" the King ordered the fight to stop

"is that all you needed me for?" Jean asked the King without an effort to bow down

"not at all, my daughter would like you to accompany her to town" the King said as Princess Savannah stood up

"sure I'll accompany her" Jean said as Princess Savannah walked down the stairs

"thank you for agreeing to come with me to town" Princess Savannah said as her face started to change

"don't be alarmed this is power it allows her to go outside without being noticed by civilians" the King said as he saw Jean slightly lift his hand

"oh, well if you dress like that you'll definitely get reconized" Jean said as put his hand in his pocket

after an hour of the maids helping Princess Savannah pick out clothes to wear to not be noticed, they finally finished, they finally left and were now roaming the Capitol of Gromeda streets

"the food in here is sooooo good" Savannah said before stuffing her face with food

"have you never ate here before?" Jean asked before drinking beer

"no, normally when I go out is to greet the town or my original guards don't let me go into restaurants because they think I might get poisoned" Savannah said while poking her food

"is that so" Jean as he signaled for some more beer

"how come your wearing contacts?" Savannah while she was still poking her food

"it's to hide my eye color" Jean said before finishing his beer

"really but your eye color is pretty, why would want to hide them" Savannah said before she resumed eating her food

"I thought they'd be weird so I decided to put contacts on to hide them" Jean explained as he started drinking water