We meet again

3 days after the party Jean was finally back at the Military Base #2 staring at the ceiling

"was it that bad" Colonel Zell said while Jean was laying on sofa in the office

"the royal family were nice people but the nobles ugh... they were worse than I expected" Jean said as he was very disappointed

"how were they worse than you'd expect" Colonel Zell said as he placed some water on the table next to Jean

"thank you... they looked down on everyone that wasn't a noble except the royal family, they bragged about what they can buy, they bragged about their property, and they made fun of how the poor lived. anyway how was you doing managing the base" Jean complained as he sat up

"well I was doing fine until I noticed that you didn't make a report to Military Base Zero, so I had to deal with that damn inspector, oh I almost forgot to mention Maria came back" Colonel Zell complained

"wait I didn't, oh crap I'm sorry" Jean apologized since he knew how much hate Colonel Zell has for that inspector

"good afternoon, what are y'all talking 'bout" LC Maria said as she walked into the room

"good afternoon, we were just complaining about our day" Colonel Zell replied

"good afternoon, how did your mission go" Jean asked

"not good, I wasn't able to find anything regarding the missing civilians in the town, but I did find a large scratch with blood on the wall" LC Maria

"is that so, then I'll just have to leave it to one of our detectives to find the reason for the sudden disappearances, but we can assume that a wild animal wondered into a town not to long ago so their probably dead already, can you send three detectives out to search where that animal went if they find it tell th ded m to come back" Jean asked

"yes sir" LC Maria said as she looked at the ceiling

(Military Base #2 is responsible for some of the police in the Kingdom and are responsible for solving some cases as well but they also help on battlefield)

"is there something up there why do you two stare at the ceiling" Colonel Zell said as looked up

*knock knock*

"enter" Colonel Zell answered the door

"sir i'm here to deliver a letter from Military Base Zero" a specialist said as he handed the letter to Jean

"thank you. You may leave" Jean said as he opened the letter

"what does it say" LC Maria asked

"it says they want Zell and Me to go to the 5th divison's bunker they aren't sending out reports" Jean said

"really" Colonel Zell said as he stood up

"LC Maria your in charge of the base until we come back, deal" Jean said as he opened the door

"deal" LC Maria said as she drunk the rest of Jean's water

"wait one more thing, were there any bite marks" Jean asked

"yea there was two now that think about it, the bite marks were big enough to completely take somebody ribcage" LC Maria explained

after 3 hours of driving, they finally arrived to the 5th division bunker and what met them there  was a complete mess

"it seems like the beast came here as well" Jean said as looked at a soldiers destroyed body

"we are all alone now, seems like god is on my side I can take your pathetic life" Colonel Zell said as he had a pistol pointed to Jean's head

"if you don't move that gun I'll..." Jean said before stopping

"you'll do what kill me, if you move a inch I'll kill you" Colonel Zell said as he poked Jean's head

"I can't kill a friend but I'll give you a warning" Jean said as Zell's hand fell off

"my... my... my HAND! how the hell d-d-did you"  Colonel Zell said as he screamed in pain as he's trying to stop the blood

"I'll just cut your hand off now but the next time I see your face I'll cut off your head" Jean said as he sheathes his sword

[Present Time (1 week after the the Extermination mission)]

inside the organization's lounge wyatt and were relaxing

"Jean I gotta question" Wyatt said as he was petting his Pitbule

"No" Jean replied as he was drinking beer

"why are you wearing contacts, I know you got the one of the best eyesight in this organization the person who actually needs them are Ivan not " Wyatt said as he the pitbule toy

"honestly... I don't know, I'm getting pretty tired of them now" Jean said before a Syamesa

"sorry for interrupting your conversation but Ms.Novka want you on top of the roof" soldier told them

it's night right now and on top of of the roof is Scarlett, Jean, Crystal, Jonathan, Ariel, Wyatt, Violetta, Ivan, and Carmen across from them was unexpected faces such as Zell and his soldiers from his division

"Colon- David Zell your still alive?" Jean said as he slowly walked towards

"what an unexpected surprise my former General, what are still doing alive, remember this hand" David Zell said as he slowly walked towards Jean

once they were close enough to each other they stopped walking and started staring each other down

"I'm surprise you look the same as you did before no changes!" David Zell said as he attacked first

he aimed for the head but Jean slightly tilted his head back and David only cut his contacts and the top of his nose with the follow up by the wind the contacts flew away

"what the hell, your eyes changed color" David Zell said as started backing away

"Jean! calm down, it's a trap" Carmen said before Jean did anything

"well my Gromeda organization along with the other organizations spread throughout out the continent is declaring war against your Ajan Dawn organization, if you win this war the organization you defeated will be yours to command. oh and don't forget 2nd General, the next we meet we'll have the fight of a lifetime , Jean Nyles" David Zell said before he jumped off the roof

"you too seemed awfully familiar" Carmen said as Jean walked past her

"be ready this is just another war for power... hopefully not as deadly as before" Jean said as blood was leaking from his hand

[extra info: they built a new base within the city and it is now a light gray and bluish orange 30 meters tall and 37 inches wide (the school was also rebuilt on the otherside of the city)]

7 hours past since the encounter, Carmen already told the organization and now everyone's just resting

"You finally came, I've been waiting for you" A voice said

"where the hell is Sword and Scyth at" Jean said as he was walking around in a dimly lit spacious room

"don't worry, they are not to interfere with our reunion" the voice said

"where the hell are you" Jean said as he was getting irritated

"I will materialize myself in second but I have limited time in your consciousness so just listen" the voice said

a couple seconds past in the dream but 2 hours past in reality and Jean finally woke up with tears running down his face and someone banging on the door

"Hey! is everything alrigh-" Scarlett said as the door finally opened and she saw Jean's face

"he...he's alive" Jean said as he was wiping what  seemed like

"huh, whose alive" Scarlett asked as she was confused

"My Father" Jean said with a big smile on his face

[2 hours after Jean's dream]

"okay so what are you planning to do now that you know he's alive" Jonathan asked

"I'm gonna kill him" Jean said as he was drinking lemonade

"it's weird you said so calm" Wyatt said

"wait why you was so happy to know he was alive?" Scarlett asked as she was confused

"I promised my mother that if my family were to die except my dad and me i guess it means he's going to create another world wide crisis except this one will destroy the planet but in order to that he'll need to send 9 immortals to this planet called earth, he's been doing this for 418 years" Jean explained

"2 questions, why the planet earth it's not even in our universe for all we know the planet is  nothing but a myth? and do you know how his power works?" Wyatt asked

"i can't answer that as she never told me but I think he has the power to create anything and destroy anything"

"he needs 9 immortals meaning Jean, Scarlett, Jonathan, Crystal, Ivan, Violetta, Wyatt, Carmen, Lin, Xeala, and me that's eleven alive" Ariel said

"well apparently their were hundreds more left but he tried and failed with all of them" Jean said

"if your mom knew all this then she must know how to defeat him" Scarlett said

"nope" Jean said

"and your planning on going alone" Wyatt said

"yup in 2 years" Jean answered

suddenly the whole base started trembling and HQ sirens were going off and soldiers were running around trying to get their weapons and quickly head out

"have they not practiced for this" Jean said

"wait I don't think their panicking" Wyatt said

"yea their heading to the regular weapons rooms" Ariel said

"we should probably help them as well" Ivan said