The OBIYON Alliance

When Jean and Wyatt made it outside there was approximately 200 enemy soldiers surrounding the entrance to the base as they were about to attack all of the soldiers mysteriously started choking and a second later a *snap* sound cake from all of them before they fell to the ground

"Lin?, what the hell are you doing here" Wyatt said in a irritated tone

"oohh, it's the nice twin" Jean said as he clapping

"why're you getting mad" Lin said as she hugged Wyatt

"Wyatt there's more of them coming" Jean said as he tapped Wyatt shoulder

15 people with different uniforms and different emblems came from different directions in the city and Lin went towards them

"you must be from the OBIYON Allience follow  me" Carmen said as she stopped Wyatt and Jean

as Carmen was walking towards the meeting room inside the base the enemy soldiers outside were being destroyed by the OBIYON alliance and after a minute if walking they were finally inside the meeting room

"I'm gonna get straight to the point. my name is Savannah, one of the leaders in the Alliance and we would like to recruit you into our guild" Savannah said as she took a glance from Jean

"Savannah...where did I here that name" Jean thought to himself as he was staring at his shoes

"why would you go out of your way to recruit an organization like mines into your guild, you do know the we are about go to war with the other Allience do you?" Carmen said

"of course we do. you need more power to fight them and we need more power to destroy them, it's a win-win situation" Savannah said

"we'll join the Alliancd but on one condition" Carmen said

"and that is?" Savannah asked

"my top soldiers Jean here got a score to settle David Zell as long as he able to fight him with no interferences than we'll join" Carmen said

"but that's the leader of the whole Alliance we can't let you kill him, we have to capture him so the other Allience will forfeit" one of the other leaders said as she stood up

"what will you do once you capture him" Jean asked as he stepped forward

"Serena is right we can't let you kill him we have to show him true despair before he dies" Savannah answered

"if that's the case than I'll kill all of you right now before I let you torture him" Jean said as he accidentally let out some of his Energetic pressure

the top soldiers the leaders brought with the pulled out their weapons and got ready to fight

"JEAN!!" Carmen yelled to stop Jean from doing anything

"keep your soldiers in check" Serena said in a angry tone

"I'm sorry but if you actually I tend to torture David Zell than I can't stop Jean from killing you all just accept this condition and we'll join the organization" Carmen said

"that pressure is... unbelievable the top soldiers are even shaken up by it, dammit" Savannah pondered

"so what'll it be" Carmen said in cocky tone

"fine... we'll accept the condition" Savannah said in a irritated tone

"Princess Savannah!!...she's probably a decedent they look alike but sound completely different" Jean thought to himself

"is something wrong Jean?" Wyatt asked

"probably," Jean answered

before the OBIYON Alliance left Carmen shook hands with the leaders that visited her and Lin and waved goodbye to Wyatt the situation cooled down and everythint was normal for now

"so... how do you feel knowing sister is gonna take part in this one" Jean said as he placed his arm on Wyatt's shoulder

"honestly I don't care as long as she don't die" Wyatt said as he shrugged his shoulders

Wyatt and Jean was out of the room they, noticed Carmen was taking them upstairs to the dorms

"who the hell are they" Ivan asked as he was unwrapping candy

"some of the OBIYON Alliance leaders" Wyatt said before he took Ivan's candy

"that's why I put peanuts in there fatass" Ivan said in irritation

"wait isn't that bad he's allergic to peanuts, you a dumbass Wyatt" Jean said as Wyatt collapsed

"yeah this is bad we should take him to Scarlett" Ivan said as he grabbed Wyatt arm

"do you know where she is" Jean said as he grabbed Wyatt's other arm

"Yeah she should be in the library" Ivan said as he lifted Wyatt

as Ivan and Jean were carrying Wyatt down to the library Jean's hair was getting in his way so he asked one of the soldiers to put it in a ponytail

"thank you" Jean said as they continued walking with Wyatt

"excuse me if you don't mind me asking what happened to mr. Wyatt" the soldier asked

"oh nothing happened we're just building up some muscle" Ivan answered as they continued walking again

"what a terrible lie" Jean thought to himself

with the soldier standing there baffled by what he said and Wyatt was looking as pale as paper she was concerned but she continued with her day as if she saw nothing... finally they reached the library and lucky the person to walk our of it was Scarlett

"Hey, Scarlett" Jean said as he and Ivan rushed over with Wyatt

"What the hell happened to him" Scarlett said as she surprised

"Wyatt ate candy with peanuts and he can't move... or breathe" Jean answered as he and Ivan placed Wyatt on the floor

"...?" Scarlett stood quiet as she placed her hand atop of Wyatt's head and green flames started to circle around his body

as Scarlett was healing Wyatt, Carmen was taking the leaders to the dorms in the base that was secluded from the other dorm, this dorm belonged to the top 8 strongest in the organization since they don't trust any of the other soldiers their dorms are located in a different place, luckily there's enough rooms for the visitors

"so this is where you'll be sleeping tonight if you have any questions just ask me or the residents on this, my room is further down the hallway, ciao" Carmen said before going downstairs

"are we really gonna work with them?" Serena said

"yes if the top 8 soldiers are who I think they are than we'll need their power to destroy the KonKin Alliance" Savannah said

"if that's the we can just destroy this organization and take them" Serena said

"no that'll just be the end to our Alliance" Savannah said

"what?" Serena asked

"she means that them alone can wipe out our entire Alliance, and we're just acting as a pathway so Jean could settle the score" the other leader said

"thank you Klaus, that pathway can lead us to victory as long as we can get to take at least 25 percent of the enemy soldiers this war is as good as ours" Savannah said

"but how do you know about their they could be as strong as us" Klause said

"that's a secret" Savannah said as she went into her room

"but I can't shake the feeling that their taking this whole war thing as a joke" Klause said

"they probably are" the other leader said before he went into his room

"ok she left too soon we didn't even tell her about where the war will take place, Eric if you can, catch up to her and tell her before we forget please" Klause asked

"sure" Eric answered

as Carmen was wandering the hallways of the base she noticed Jean, Scarlett, and Ivan surrounding Wyatt

"can you move?" Ivan said as he held his hand out

"what happen to him" Carmen asked Jean

"he ate peanuts by accident" Jean said before chuckling

"by accident?" Carmen said as was a little confused

"he took Ivan's candy" Jean said trying to hold in his laugh

"you think this is funny" Wyatt said as he stood up

"hey isn't that one of the guys from earlier" Jean

pointed out

"yea he is, why is he down here" Wyatt said as he was breathing heavily

"is there something you need?" Carmen asked Eric

"no I just needed to tell you something" Eric said 

"and that is?" Carmen said

"2 and a half years in between the OBIYON Allience city and the KonKin Allience city, that is where the war will take place" Eric said as Jean walked past him

"so I just need to find out where that is" Jean said

"in between... that's Curse Beast territory isn't it" Carmen said

"yea it is there'll be no civilians getting in way" Eric said

as Jean went back to his room, he started thinking about David Zell and he wanted to know the reason behind his betrayal

"I guess we'll find out in 2 in half years David" Jean as he entered his room