Xerma City

Team 1: Jonathan, Ivan, Crystal,Violetta

Team 2: Wyatt, Jean, Ariel, Scarlett

"THIS IS A TERRIBLE  MISSION" Jean said as he was dodging bullets and running

"this is unbelievable" Scarlett said as she jumped atop of a roof

"I HATE THOSE DAMN LEADERS" Wyatt said as he followed Scarlett

"THIS SHIT IS REALLY ANNOYING" Jean said as he jumped into an abandoned building

"it was those damn leaders they put us in this situation" Ariel said as she followed Jean

"yeah they knew this city was home to the, KonKin Allience" Jean said as He and Ariel went upstairs

"IS THAT A FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER!!" Wyatt said as he tried dodging with Scarlett

"WHAT!!" Scarlett said as the rocket hit the floor beneath them causing her and Wyatt to fall through

"hey" Jean said as he waved to Wyatt

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!" a special cops said as he was standing on top of a roof with a dozen other special force cops

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM NOW!" another Special cop said as he ran into the room they were in with more than a dozen special force cops

[24 hours earlier]

inside of a room with six of the leaders from the  OBIYON Alliance and standing across from was top 8 soldiers of the Ajan Dawn organization

"why the hell would we do that" Wyatt said as he sat down

"it's just for awhile" Savannah said trying to figure out ways to convince

"how long is awhile" Jonathan said

"just 2 years" Serena said

"2 years don't sound bad I'll do it what about you guys" Jonathan said

they all shooked their heads in a agreement to teaching the soldiers how to better defend themselves in combat against humans

"one more we would like you to go on a mission in the City Xerma" Klause said

"a mission, what for?" Scarlett asked

"can you bring this man to us, but one rule before go into that city his name is Francisco" Klause said


"this is... unbelievable" Jean said looking at Wyatt in the other cell

"hey look at the new boy in the cell, I'll be the first to make him my bitch" inmate 24612 said as he gripped Jean's shoulder

"it's weird, my Energy is weaken but not gone, these cuffs are gonna be a pain" Jean said as he was looking at the iron locked around his wrist and ankles

Team 1 was on top of a building that's a couple meters from the prison that Team 2 was being held

"did you find him yet?" Ivan asked before yawning

"yeah" Violetta answered as she opened her eyes

"where is he?" Crystal asked

"in prison" Violetta said as she stood up

"okay let's just get a vehicle ready for when they get him out of prison" Jonathan said before he threw his cigarette away

back in the prison Team 2 was just waiting for something to happen as they were in there cells

"okay, okay, okay, please don't break my arm" Prisoner 24612 said as he was begging Jean

"I'll try not to break your... Oh shit its Francisco" Jean said as he broke his arm

"AG-" Francisco tried yelling in pain

"shh... sorry I didn't mean to break your arm Francisco, calm down and relax I'm here to take you bvb back to Klause" Jean said as he covered Francisco mouth

"How d-do you know my name" Francisco said as he  was trying to hold in his scream

"Yo, Wyatt we about to go, do you know where Scarlett and Ariel were taking" Jean said in a low voice as the cuffs around his wrist and ankle fell off

"yeah they should down the hall" Wyatt said as he picked a inmate up and put him on the bed

"alright come on Cisco" Jean said as he put Francisco over his shoulders and unlock the cell

"thank you" Wyatt said as Jean opened his cell and unlock the the cuff around his wrist and ankles

"wait which way" Jean said before Wyatt walked to the left

"what the happened to him" Wyatt asked as he pointed to Francisco

"I broke his arm by accident" Jean said as he was looking at all the cells

"by accident my ass... their in here" Wyatt said as he stopped walking and the alarm went off

"you found him already" Scarlett said as she sat up

"yeah he was in my cell" Jean said as he put Francisco down

"wait why is he asleep" Wyatt said as looked at Francisco

"I knocked him out" Jean said as he unlocked the cuffs for Scarlett and Ariel

"HEY!!, STOP RIGHT THERE" a prison guard said as she had multiple guards behind her

Team 1 was unable to do anything in the situation they were in

"it was only a matter of time before they sent soldiers of the KonKin Allience to capture us" Jonathan said as he threw a cigarette in the air

"and they have Cursed Weapons while we don't have any" Ivan said before he raised his hand to the sky

"there's at least 50 of them up here" Crystal said as blood was wrapping around her hands

"Team 2 just left the prison" Violetta said as she was looking at them

"there's a whole bunch of them now" Wyatt said looking at the special force cops

"fuck that damn rule" Jean said as he raised his hand

"ohh... looks like we have nothing to do except escape this city" Ariel said as she looked at the clouds

"looks like we can just leave it to Ivan and Jean"  Crystal said as blood disappeared from her hand

when Ivan and Jean both have their hands up to sky and they use their power a storm hits directly at whatever they want dead or think is a enemy. As water fall from the sky it turns into spikes, the moment lightning leaves the clouds it multiplies and strikes whatever the water touch. the water doesn't kill them most of the time it just goes straight threw them and creates a hole where it went, the lightning goes into that hole and fries the inside of whatever the water went through

"what the hell happened here" a KonKin leader said as landed on the rooftop Ivan was on

"mr. Nakamura this-" a soldier said before he was stoo talking

"so you must be the strongest people mr. David as ever seen" Leader Nakamura said as he looked at Team 1

"sorry but we have no intention of staying any longer, adios" Ivan said as jumped off the building with the rest of Team 1

"sir look at their bodies, their completely fried" the soldier said as he was examining the bodies

"what?" Leader Nakamura said as he looked over at the bodies

"what happened to him" Jonathan asked as he saw Francisco over Wyatts shoulder

" Jean broke his arm and knocked him out" Wyatt answered as he looked at Jean

"you made it sound like I meant to do that" Jean said as he unzipped his prison sweater

[14 hours later back at Ajan Organization]

"oh you got him" Klause applauded

"I should kill you right now for sending us into KonKin territory" Wyatt said as he grabbed Klause's collar

"that's not a reason to kill someone that would make you a murderer and plus you wouldn't do that to one of leaders in the organization that will-" Klause said before Wyatt cut him off

"I don't give a shit who you are, I'm still gonna kill you" Wyatt said as he moved his fist back

"Wyatt just wait until after the fight, for now get some rest" Jean said as he is trying to hold Wyatt's arm back with his

"FUCK  NO!, they practically sent us to our death" Wyatt said as some of Energetic Pressure was leaking out

"but you didn't die be grateful and get your filthy hands off my collar" Klause said as he tried moving Wyatt's hand

"KLAUSE!! you got one more left say one more thing and Wyatt is definitely gonna kill you" Jean said as some of his Energetic Pressure was leaking out

at this point Ivan, Jonathan, Crystal, Violetta, Ariel, and Scarlett were trying their best to hold their anger in after hearing what Klause said to Wyatt but that was causing them to lose focuse and their Energetic Pressure's was also leaking out

"Xeala how was your mission" Carmen said before she felt the Energetic Pressure's of the 8 General of the past

"I come back from a troubling trip to find out people are making them out of all people mad, that's hilarious" aunt Xeala said as she felt the pressure as well

"their monsters" Klause thought to himself as the pressure made him think of the urban legends he used to read in books as a child

all the other leaders could do is watch as they were scared stiff and they couldn't close their eyes either since it made them see the same thing they saw in the urban legends

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU, FREAK!!" Klause shouted as he tried using his powers

"fucking idiot" Jean said as he let go off Wyatt's arm

Wyatt's arm went straight through Klause's body when he punched him

(the urban legend is about the 8 monsters who travel the world unable to dye, the 8 monsters are beings who help humans by protecting them or joining wars between and fighting for one side as long as their recognized as humans)

[2 days later]

one of Klause's guards reported this incident and now Wyatt and Jean were facing a trial

"Hey!! pay attention you'll be charged with sixteen years in prison for the murder of a leader Wyatt Rodri" the Judge said

"this is a pain in the ass" Jean thought to himself before he took the cuffs off

"Jean, you'll charged with 12 year for being an accomplice"  the Judge said as he was about hit the gavel with the mallet

"I'm sorry but we're not going to jail, it's Klause's fault, I gave him a warning" Jean said as he was rubbing his wrists

"is this true" the Judge said as he look he looked at the witnesses

"yes your honor" Savannah said as the others nodded their head in yes

"I've been in cuffs too many times this week" Wyatt thought to himself before the cuffs fell off

"I'll give you each 6 years" ths judge said as he looked at Jean

"yo Jean, come on we're leaving" Wyatt said as he yawned

"alright" Jean said as he got up and tossed the hammer to the judge

"I won't go to jail for something as small as this, he sent me and my friends on a suicide mission and he insulted me multiple times after so I- why the hell am I explaining myself to you" Wyatt said before he left the building with Jean

"they should still be at the base right" Jean said as he was looking around

"yeah, they should be Wyatt answered as he found a Cursed car seller

"your honor, please let them go" Savannah said as she lowered her head

"wh-why should I" the Judge said

" because their complete monsters" Serena said as she was trembling

"besides they aren't the ones you should put in jail since their going to help us win this war, focus on the criminals in the city" Eric said as he tried to calm Serena down

"alright I will but wait, where are the cuff-, how the hell" the Judge said when he looked at the floor