Our Last-

time past as the 8 Generals of the past were training the soldiers since the big battle had finally started between the Xerma and the Zera City

Inside of a car going around Xerma City was the 8 General of the past including Daniela

"are we supposed to flank them" Daniela asked

"no our job is to make sure Jean gets to David Zell" Wyatt answered

"oh so we're not apart of that big fight" Daniela said

"did she not explain the mission to" Wyatt as he drove inside the city

[2 hours before the battle]

"oh, Daniela" Carmen said as she waved to her

"yeah is something wrong" Daniela said as she walked over to Carmen

"i forgot to mention that your assigned to Squad 0" Carmen said before she saw Xeala


"no she didn't mention it" Daniela said as she looked out the window

"were here, you ready Jean" Wyatt said as he parked in front of the KonKin Allience HQ

"of course, I am" Jean said as he grabbed his Cursed Weapon

"he's on the top floor" Violetta said as she opened her eyes

"is there something wrong with yo our eyesight we're right infront of you and you aren't getting to the boss" leader Nakamuraas he had other KonKin leaders with him

"you think, you can handle them" Jean asked

"of course we'll follow behind you when we're done" Scarlett said

"thank you" Jean said as he rushed passed the KonKin leaders

back on the battlefield was far from calm explosion occurred every 10 minutes on each side they weren't letting up on the attack to minimize the soldiers and take over the enemies territory

"hopefully this ends soon otherwise there will be as much bloodshed than the last time" Carmen said as she was healing the injured

"there's nothing we can do except wait for Jean to finish" Xeala said as she was healing the other injured soldiers

thankfully their are people who stood back and killed the Cursed Beast who got close to the battle

"how far is this guy" Jean said as he was jumping over the traps

"it's like he isn't taking me serious" Nakamura said as Jonathan was block all of his attacks

"how long are we supposed to stall them for" Jonathan thought to himself before he blew smoke in Nakamura's face

*cough cough*

"jackass" Nakamura said as he was coughing

"how can they trust him so much" Daniela thought to herself as she was dodging the attacks

"why the hell am I sweating" the leader fighting Scarlett said

on the battlefield Savannah was using the dust around her to her advantage and striking down all of the enemies she could find and Serena surrendered some of the enemies with a poison mist melting their organs but the OBIYON Alliance leader wasn't the only one showing off one of the leaders from the KonKin Allience were also killing their enemies by putting holes in them with a touch and another one of the KonKin leaders were killing soldiers with a regular combat knife by slitting the soldier's throats

"oh it wasn't as I thought" Jean said as he opened the large door

"you finally came" David Zell said as he was standing on the otherside of the room with a regular sword in the floor

(extra info: the room is about 40 meters in length and 30 meters in length, the room is made of wood and is only used for sparring)

"this is a big room...what is this" Jean said looking at the sword infront of him

"we'll be using the swords infront of us to fight put that weapon away" David Zell said as he placed his hand on the sword

"you want this fight like how we used to spar but only to the death, okay then how about we don't use our powers and just our skills" Jean said as put his sword next to David's Cursed Weapon

"deal I'm fine with that" David said as he smiled

"once this coin hits the floor that's when we start" Jean said as he tossed the coin up into the air

"this is our last time" David said as he waited for the coin to drop

outside of the Jonathan started wondering they were requested to stall the KonKin leaders as Jean was fighting David, then it clicked, they didn't want Jean to fight David in the first place

"which means they plan to interfere with his fight" Jonathan thought to himself before he noticed Eric jumping over them with three other leaders

when Violetta saw them she quickly killed her opponent and followed them following behind her was Ariel, Scarlett, and Crystal

"why the hell are they following us,  Gabriel, Conny, and Kerella, stop them" Eric said before they got in front of Violetta, Crystal, and Ariel

"Scarlett is enough to stop him" Crystal thought as she dodged an attack

"why the hell are you following me go help your friends" Eric said was trying to run faster while dodging the trapd

"their fine, I just need to stop you from interfering" Scarlett said as she was melting the traps

"it's been two years, we've gotten stronger do you really think their strong to defeat my allies" Eric said as he threw something at him

"their strong enough to toy with allies, no their even stronger than that" Scarlett said as she melted whatever he threw at her

"finally I made it" Eric said before Scarlett was infront of him

"get any closer and I'll have to kill you" Scarlett said politely

"why the hell are you stopping a commander's duty" Eric said in a angry tone

[24 hours prior to this event]

"yo, I got a question to ask" Jean said as he stopped walking

"what is it?" Jonathan said as he was drinking water

"can you make sure absolutely no one interferes with my fight against David?" Jean said as he was looking down


"I don't care if your my sister, I'm not letting anyone inside" Scarlett said as she pulled out her daggers

"tch, fine I'll just have to kill you then" Eric said as he rushed Scarlett

Jean and David's skills with a sword were almost equal but Jean knew more techniques was well adept in sword fighting as he trained for more than a century with a sword but David's also know alot of techniques the he learned from Jean and ways on how to deflect or parry these techniques, David also learned other techniques that Jean didn't teach him

"you've gotten better" Jean said as the sword cut his cheek

"thanks, I was taught by a friend" David said as a the sword cut his shoulder

as David and Jean were exchanging blows they would think about how they did this in the past, and with each exchange it felt like the atmosphere changed

"you know I've been wondering why did you betray me" Jean said as his and David's sword clashed together

"what type of question is that, you like to run your mouth when you fight don't you" David said as he backed away

"no I don't, because I end up biting my tongue" Jean said as he loosened up

Jean started throwing a barrage of attacks David was barely able to dodge them as he got cut in his leg, arm, and one of his sides then last David deflected Jean's attack and almost sliced him in half but Jean was able barely dodge the attack and he ended up cutting Jean's stomach

David Went in for another but stopped and dodged the attack Jean's attack and cut his left arm off

"completely destroyed my sweater" Jean said as he back away and tied cloth around his left arm

"you know damn well that hurts" David said with a small smile

"round 2" Jean said as he laughed a little

on the battlefield the soldiers were still fighting with more than 600,000 left on each side, with the occurrence of explosions appearing rapidly causing more and more Cursed Beasts to try and jump in

"so this is where the docs are" a KonKin leader said as she was infront of Carmen

"my powers aren't meant for healing anyway" Xeala said as she made the KonKin leader body slowly dissapear

"wai-" the KonKin leader said before mouth dissapeared

"thank you... I wonder what happened to the people protecting this place" Carmen wondered as she healed more soldiers