
"it's unbelievable you still have this much power with one arm" David said as he was being pushed back bit by bit

"you should already know, this is my dominant arm" Jean said as a tear flew out of his eyes

as David was being forced back with each attack he blocked, he decided to deflect it causing Jean to stumble and David striked him as he was wide open but Jean pivoted and cut David's side

after he cut his side, Jean had enough time to cut off David's arm but he didn't take it the chance instead he backed away

"David before we end this, tell me... why did you betray me" Jean asked as he swung his sword and blood flew off of it

"to be honest..." David said as he rushed Jean

"...you would've been..." David said as blood was rushing out of his body

"I didn't want you to cry for me when I died so I decided to make you think of me as a enemy" David said as he attacked Jean

"but..." David said as more blood rushed out of his body with each attack

"I guess it doesn't matter now"  David said with tears falling down his face and he collapsed

"...since I couldn't escape death" David said as he faced the ceiling

"..." Jean stood quiet as he didn't know what to say

"... ya know this our final goodbye, our last time, you kill me... that's my wish and that's been my wish for 270 years, I rather you kill me than die to too much blood lost " David said with a smile

"...goodbye" Jean said as he put his sword over David's chest and wiped his tears

"goodbye" David said before Jean stabbed David's heart

Jean walked over to his Cursed Weapon and saw David's Cursed Weapon and he placed it on his body and the Jean left the room

"you finished" Scarlett said as she was sitting on the floor

"yeah, sorry for making you wait" Jean said as he walked over to Scarlett

on the battlefield 400,000 soldiers on each side were left, Carmen had to heal all the soldiers by herself while Xeala was killing the Cursed Beast who got, for some reason the soldiers who were supposed to be killing the Cursed Beast aren't responding

with screams occurring rapidly the soldiers were stepping on the corpses of the falling and a pool of blood almost like they don't care for it

"this is a mess" Jean said as he was on top of the wall with the rest of Squad Zero watch the war

"their like puppets" Jonathand said as he blew smoke out his mouth

with the soldiers dying rapidly and the more Cursed Beast interfering with the fight Squad Zero decided to end this war by completely letting go of their Energetic Pressure

"wha- it's more" Savannah said as she couldn't move

the Cursed Beast started got scared and ran away and the soldiers fell to the ground as the Energetic Pressure was to heavy for them




when they jumped off the wall, the soldiers bodies began to dig deeper and deeper into the ground

after a while they started suppressing their Energetic Pressure's allowing the soldiers to stand up

"what are you gonna let them do now that you allowed th ed m to get up" Xeala said

"I don't care about what they as long as they stop this war" Jean said

"where are you going" Xeala asked

"up there" Jean said as he point led to the top of the OBIYON Alliance base

"good luck" Xeala said

"do I need it" Jean said before he and Squad Zero continued walking

the soldiers started to lift each other up from the ground and retreated with the corpses of their allies back to their Allience to hold a large

"did he find out?" Xeala asked

"probably" Carmen answered

as Jean and the others were walking to the OBIYON HQ soldiers were hurrying past them towards the same place

as they were in front of the OBIYON HQ they heard glass shattering as they looked for cause of it the soldiers were shouting "IT'S THE COMMANDER" and pointing towards her

"beautiful wings" Jean said

"isn't she heading to KonKin HQ" Violetta said

after she said this Jean was about to go after her but everything went black, suddenly a white flash after there was a beautiful woman about 60 meters tall

"you must be his son hence the reason you look like him just... a little younger" ths woman said

"who the hell are you" Jead asked

"I am what you people call nature... a materialized version, cute right. but listen, I froze time for everyone except you who is perceived as the strongest to tell you something important, I need you to kill this man" Nature said

"why can't you do it yourself?" Wyatt asked

"I can only create the life you see on this planet not kill them" Nature answered

"please kill this man he is corrupting the animals I made for 216 long years it saddens me to see this happen" Nature said

"what do you mean by corrupting them" Violetta asked

"he's the one who released the negative Energetic System into animals and the reason they have violent natures. their hurting please whatever you do. kill him" Nature said

"so he was behind more deaths... well he's my main target anyway" Jean said

"wait who is he" Wyatt asked

"it's my dad" Jean answered

"now good luck" Nature said in sincerity before time resumed

"it's weird, they say Mother Nature is unfair to all but she's pretty nice" Scarlett thought

Jean quickly remembered what it was he was about to do, electricity started floating around his body and strings formed around his feet

"what the hell" the OBIYON Commander said as she saw Jean flying towards her

"of all people why the hell is she the commander" Jean said as he tossed his sword

"what the hell do you want" the OBIYON Commander said as she caught the sword

"that depends, what are you going to do" Jean asked as he was falling

"I'm going to go dispose of David's body and destroy the KonKin Allience" the OBIYON Commander as Jean was back in the air

"this should be enough to knock her out" Jean said as he snapped and started falling

from the clouds a thin lightning strike hit the commander electrocuting her and she began falling, once Jean landed he jumped towards the commander

"a funeral for both sides should be the end to this tragedy" Jean said as he caught the Commander from falling to her death before heading back to the OBIYON HQ

as Jean was heading back he started thinking about what Nature told him

"the creator of the Cursed Beast negative system is my dad... if that's so than the one behind their evolution is probably him as well the conqueror isn't a beast but an immortal with a twisted mindset..." Jean thought to himself

"oh you caught on quick kinda boring though, I wanted to see your face when you saw he fortress" Nature said

"you got a sick sense of humor" Jean thought as he landed inside of the commander's room in the OBIYON HQ

after this Squad Zero along with Carmen and Xeala was going back home to Erxe city, while on the way Jean was gonna sleep until they get there or until it's his time to drive and the one driving now is Wyatt

(the distance between Erxe city and Zera city is 3,000 miles)

"so how long 'till we get there" Jean asked

"I don't know a couple of hours, go to sleep" Wyatt said

"in one month" Jean thought to himself