
in a pitch black room where there seem to be no end and no beginning and the only place where there was light although it was dim it was enough for Jean to see the monsters infront

the monsters face was completely destroyed as if looked as if it was dragged through the rough concrete and a body of a human that is very skinny with their ribs poking out of their bodies

as Jean looked at these monsters he was strapped to a metal chair wondering where he was since a couple minutes ago he was in the car with his friends but as he was thinking about his friends the monsters started getting closer to Jean, he tried using his powers to kill them or at least stop them from getting closer but it was no use

suddenly a bright light appeared from behind the monsters causing Jean to look away and close his eyes due to the brightness but when Jean opened his eyes he saw his father standing in front of him

"what are you doing here, Regal" Jean said as his father released him from the chair

"I can't check on my son (calling me father or dad would be nice)" Regal said as he made a chair

"where the hell am I anyway" Jean said as he was looking around

"you can't tell it's your dream and those were your monsters" Regal said as he made the pitch black room a bit lighter with a little more furniture inside

"don't start filling my head with junk and where is Sword and Scythe" Jean said as he was walking around

"they have a name you know" Regal said as pointed to a room

"yea I know but they prefer I call them that" Jean said as he walked to the room

"you can make the room dissapear with a single word" Regal said as the chair turned into a couch

"what type of words do I say?" Jean asked him as he looked at Regal

"as long as you have intention you say any word or just think of what you want to do and you'll be able to do it" Regal explained as a dog appeared on the couch

"is that so" Jean said as he looked back at the room

"you dream is your world, you can do whatever you want as long as it's your world you can do anything but when it comes to another dream the only thing you can do is abide by the rules set by the owner of that dream" Regal explained as he was petting the dog

"dissapear" Jean said as he touched the room walls

"can you put it back we're trying to sleep" Scythe said as put the blanket over his head

"oops, my bad" Jean said as the room reappeared

while Jean was in his own world Wyatt was still driving,  as he was horde of Elaphante was on the road and Wyatt had to abruptly stop the car before it crashed into the Elaphante's

"well, I certainly can't wait to see how strong you've gotten kid" Regal said as Jean dissapeared

"that was close" Wyatt said as he sighed

"my head hurts 'the fuck happened" Jean said as he was rubbing his forehead

"there's a couple Elaphante in front of us, wanna  fight them?" Wyatt asked as he pointed to the Elaphante

"nah just let them pass" Jean said as he looked at the car's ceiling

"their charging us" Wyatt said as he looked at Jean

"how the hell are they asleep" Jean said as he looked at the backseats

"yeah, so can you take care them" Wyatt said as he also looked at the backseats

"sure" Jean said as he exited the car with his Cursed Weapon

after he got out of the car he walked to the front of it and pulled his sword out of the sheath as he did this electricity started floating around him while this happened the Elaphante's were getting closer and closer and for a split second Jean felt like he was still inside the dream

when the Elaphante's were close enough Jean quickly cut all of them to pieces and as Jean looked at the corpse of the disintegrating Cursed Beasts, he wondered why his father started appearing in his dreams but he quickly disregarded the thought as Wyatt pulled up with the car and Jean got in

"you could of easily used lightning for that" Wyatt said as he continued to drive

"that would've been overkill for a couple Cursed Beasts" Jean said as he put his Cursed Weapon in the back

"you think so, I think it would be just fine" Wyatt said

"you think this could be faster?" Jean asked

"if you know how much you need to put then yeah" Wyatt answered

Jean raised his hand and small amounts of electricity was floating around his hand, he kept it in the air for awhile before slightly tapping the roof of the car

"what I put enough as you can see and the car is way faster than before, you should keep your eyes on the road" Jean said

"I meant Cursed items dumbass" Wyatt said

now that the car is going 10x faster than before (900 mi/h) they should arrive in the city faster than expected

on a continent to the west inside a castle in one big bedroom was Regal sitting on his bed with a sword similar to Jean's sword

"I guess, he seen his fair share of enemies to have the same monsters as me, although their weaker" Regal said as

*knock knock*

"come in" Regal answered the door

"sir put your shirt on and dinner is ready do you wish to eat in your room or in the dining room" the maid said as she entered the room

"good evening Ms. Rey, I'm only eating there if you guys are gonna eat with me" Regal said as put on the shirt that was next to him

"yes we will but did you have fun talking to your son" Ms. Rey said

"yea, it was fun teaching him how the dream realm works" Regal said as he stood up

"is that so" Ms. Rey said as she widened the door

"it's a shame that his death will be a crucial part in my plans" Regal said he left the room

as he was heading towards the dining room he past many guards that saluted him along with many Cursed Beast that had abnormal behavior

after a minute of walking Regal the maid finally made it to the dining room where he saw 5 kids and 4 maids

"good evening Tony, Daisy, Rell, Leroy, Iya, Ms. Eley, Ms. Lemon, Ms. Quen, and Ms. Marie" Regal said as he sat down

"big bro Jean coming today" Daisy asked

"no not today he's been quiet busy probably a bit. he'll probably come here in a month or 2" Regal said with a small smile on his face

on another continent to the east inside a room with multiple people who seem to be of high status in that continent (country leaders)

"my scouts picked up activity in the South West continent but none signaling to wage war " CL 1 said

"the west continent isn't showing any as well their residents seem to be weak as well" CL 2 said

"your saying you want to wage war upon them and claim their land?" CL 3 said

"Well as I said before they seem weak our soldiers can easily wipe their army out and make the residents surrender" CL 2 said

"I see if that's the case which continent shall we conquer first" CL 4 said

"let's Conquer the west continent" CL 5 said

"let all the soldiers know next week we're conquering the west continent" CL 6 said

back to South West continent (Jean's continent)

Wyatt was about 40 miles away from the Ajan Dawn HQ but the car was faster

"why the hell did you again the car again" Wyatt said as he was stepping on the brakes

"I didn't hit again, it just broke as we kept at that speed" Jean said as was looking out the window

"damn it, I'll just make it stop when we get there" Wyatt said as he looked at the other passengers

After 20 minutes they were about 90 feet from the city as they got closer Wyatt's arm started glowing light orange and he waited for the distance to close

as they were about 50 feet away Wyatt had Jean take the wheel as he jumped a couple feet in front of it and his arms quickly turned purple

Wyatt immediately stopped the car from getting any closer to the city

"sir we just recieved word and it's confirmed" a soldier said as he saluted Regal

"well things are really going according to plan then" Regal said with a smirk on his face