The kids saviours

"Are we invisible to them" Jean asked.

"Yeah we are for a while but it'll deactivate once we get inside so try to keep your m.e as low as possible when we get in" General Klas said.

"There's about 150 students alive and the others are dead" Azure said as the small portion of her m.e went inside her body.

"How did you figure that out?" General Orval asked.

"With one of the traits I can see all of the souls that can't pass on and there's a horde of them inside of the school" Azure said.

"One of my traits is similar but it doesn't tell me  if they can pass on instead it tells me if the souls are ripe" Jean said.

"Alright than are you able to figure out where the students are located in the school?" General Klas asked.

"No, it only tells me if the soul is ripe or not" Jean said.

"It only tells me if the souls are able to pass on or if they're alive" Azure said.

"It looks like the mercenaries just activated a barrier so we can't use any detection spells. We just have to go inside the two of you stay as close as you can to us" General Klas said as she opened the school's front entrance.

When they walked into the school there was a security desk but all of the security guards there are torn in half and one of the security guards body was pulled from the desk and into a room, leaving a blood trail behind.

"Unbelievable" General Orval thought as he covered his mouth.

"Let's continue" General Klas said as she followed the trail of blood.

Once they were in the room it became much more clear that they weren't dealing with ordinary mercenaries as the blood trail to the otherside of the room that security guards head was plastered on the wall, there were also traces of Dark mana in the room. All of the students desks and chairs were either destroyed or thrown to the side. The students limbs were severed, their bodies and heads being carelessly thrown around the room. There were some bodies still intact but their heads were caved in, showing that they had been beaten ruthlessly. The room was a complete bloody mess, the guards were almost unsure whether or not they should continue with the two Royals but those thoughts were quickly discarded as they saw Jean and Azure's reaction to the room.

"We should assume that the whole first floor is littered with corpses only" Jean said.

"Agreed, General Klas and I will have the second floor. Jean and General Orval have the third floor, if we can't find anyone or we can't find enough students after we can just regroup on the fourth floor search up there but that's only if you're willing to split up" Azure said.

"Alright but we'll contact each other if you run into anyone" General Orval said.

"Agreed" General Klas said.

Both teams did as they previously mentioned and went up two different staircases. Jean and General Orval went to the third floor while Azure and General Klas went to the second.

"They really aren't gonna send anybody,?" One of the Mercenaries said in one the rooms.

"Well, we gave them an hour and it's been... yeah they have 20 minutes left to show some effort of trying to save those bastards" mercenary2 said.

"one, two, three, four, five, six... go out and check if there's anyone in the building" mercenary3 said as he pointed at them.

the six men nodded and walked out of the room but as soon as they closed the door three of the mercenaries head fell off while the other had three glowing yellow arrows and before they fell General Klas gently laid them down so they won't make any noise with her wind magic.

"How many are in there--" General Klas said before she realized Azure wasn't near her "fuck" General Klas said.

Some of the sunlight was seeping through the window curtains and the light was shining on the board behind mercenary3. The upper half of Azure's body started moving through the light on the board and she covered mercenary3's mouth before shoving her dagger through his heart and she disappeared.

"What the hell...yo, Carlo" Mercenary1 said as watched Carlo's head split in half.

"There's six more in here... Klas will most likely come in and help but I can probably-- where are the kids, shit" Azure said before she disappeared again.

"Where the fuck did she go?!" Mercenary1 said before someone opened the door.

"Ms. Azure--" General Klas said before she saw Azure standing to the side of room.

"Azur--oh right, I don'thave my mask... The kids aren't here these guys were just a diversion" Azure said as she walked out of the room.

"What about--" General Klas said before all of the mercenaries were just standing there without any m.e in or around them.

As soon as Azure left the room General Klas watched all of the mercenaries bodies get slit into three pieces as the collapsed.

"Can you contact the other two and tell them we're waiting on the fourth floor?" Azure asked.

"Impressive" General Klas thought as wind started circling in front of her.

Jean and General Orval were on the third floor looking through all of the rooms searching for the mercenaries until they noticed flickering lights and pounding on a door from one of the rooms on the other side of the hallway. General Orval realized immediately he was being contacted.

"What happened?" General Orval asked as he answered.

"We found some mercenaries but the kids weren't here so we'll meet you on the fourth floor" General Klas said.

"Did you hear that Jea--" General Orval said before he saw Jean running towards the room.

"Is something wrong" General Klas said.

"We probably found some mercenaries but Mr. Jean started running after them... how the hell is he running so fast with that big ass sword on his back" General Orval said as he started chasing after him.

Once Jean made it to the room's window he saw some of the mercenaries in there and they saw him too so he climbed in through the window and pulled his sword out.

"Who the fuck are you, wait... don't tell me your the kid they sent" One of the mercenaries said as he chuckled a little.

"Your the old peices of shit that took the kids as hostages" Jean said as he mocked the mercenary.

"Stupid fuck, I guess you want to die" the mercenary said as told the the others to attack Jean as he just sat there.

Eight mercenaries started running towards Jean, he took the light out and snapped his fingers and multiple spikes peirced the mercenaries and then disappeared.

"I wanted to use my sword but they weren't worth it" Jean said.

"Dark magic? Are you Selo? I'm surprised you look so young" the man said as he stood up.

"No I'm his student... refer to me as Jean without the mask" Jean said as he lifted his sword.

"Alright Jean, my name is E, those spike were surprisingly strong for such a kid but I guess it makes sense since you were trained by Selo" E said.

"Don't talk like that" Jean said.

"Talk like what?" E asked.

"Don't talk like this will be a challenge for me!" Jean said as he swung downward.

"Oh wow" General Orval said as he watched Jean's sword cut E's body in half

"Oh you were watching" Jean said as he walked out of the room.

"My bad I didn't help, it looked like you had it under control" General Orval said.

"It's cool, I actually wanted to do that by myself" Jean said.

"Well than let's go meet up with them on the fourth floor" General Orval said.

"Alright" Jean said.

After a couple minutes had passed they met up with Azure and General Klas. They already searched the whole building except the auditorium.

They were at the top entrance to the auditorium which was in the middle of two stair ways leading to where the audience sat and on the stage was 20 mercenaries and there was four mercenaries sitting on chairs.

"Mr. A, we've lost contact with E and F" A Mercenary1 said before he saw two of them sitting next to Mr. A.

"Mr. B,Mr. C, and Mr. D, Don't go after them, they're already here" Mr. A said as he looked at the door all the way at the top of the auditorium.

"Those four took out E and F? Unbelievable" one of the men said as he watched four of them split up and go down the two stairs.

"Hey you brats, it looks like they finally sent someone to come and rescue you" Mr. A said.

"Now watch as your saviour dies trying to save you" Mr. A said.

All of the kids stood up to try and look but some of the chairs in front of them were destroyed, the kids got scared and sat back down.

"Mr. Orval can you make sure those kids are alright" Jean said as something black started covering up his face.

"I'd rather stay near you" General Orval said.

"There's no point, your gonna be able to see me and jump in if it looks like I need help" Jean said as is fully covered his face.

"...Yes sir" General Orval said.

"Thank you" Jean said.

"Klas, please just sit back and make sure the children are safe" Azure said as something white covered her face.

"Yes ma'am" General Klas said.

The black and white thing that covered their face as they walked down the stairs, resembled their Darkangel and Archangel masks from their old world.

"It's feel weird having something on my face while killing again" Jean said as he pulled the sword off of his back.

"It does but it kinda makes me feel better wearing this" Azure said as she pulled the daggers off of her hip.

"It feels weird fighting to save someone though" Jean said.

"It does and I never thought I'd be called a saviour, it's kind of... unbelievable" Azure said.