
[7 years later (present)]

Selo and Tiall finished training them but they switched students for one year to teach them how to properly defend against the opposite magic type.

"That sword is growing on you isn't it" Tiall said.

"No I'm only using it because it can withstand some of my mana without breaking" Jean said as he stuff the sword into the ground.

Jean stuff some of the sword into the ground and it was still nearly an inch taller than him. The sword that had two large opposing blades and two hand guards, under the first hand guard was three hilts and under those hilts was the second hand guard with one more hilt at the bottom, at the end of the hilt was a black gem, this alone was 2 feet long and the two large opposing blades were black while the edge was silver with two small red rods connecting them, one blade was as big as a one handed sword. The blades was roughly 7 feet long with it weighing 48,000 pounds, without Jean inputting his mana into it he wouldn't be able to lift it as effortlessly like he usually do.

"Of course! That's a rare gem and metal for a sword, it's nearly indestructible. You sure you want to carry it all the way to the meet up point?" Tiall asked.

"Aren't we gonna teleport there" Jean asked as he opened a portal.

"No, we're walking there.... actually carry that sword on your back, take a little bit of your mana out of the gem" Tiall said.

"Why would I do that, it would just make it harder for me to carry" Jean said.

"Just do it until you can carry that weight effortlessly than take more mana out until you can carry it effortlessly, continue like that until you can carry the whole sword without any mana in the gem" Tiall said.

Jean started pulling some of his mana out of the black gem as he was pulling the mana out, the sword kept sinking deeper into the ground.

"Where are we supposed to meet them at anyway?" Jean asked as he pull the sword out of the ground.

"We're supposed to meet them at the entrance to the capital but we're pretty far so we're going to teleport 3 miles away from the entrance" Tiall said as he opened a portal.

"Why can't we just teleport to the entrance?" Jean asked.

"Exercise" Tiall said as he stocked his thumb up and walked through the portal.

"I'm carrying 24 tons in my back, just standing up would've been exercise if I hadn't taking out 47,000 pounds from this sword" Jean said as he walked through the portal.

Once they were both on the otherside of the portal, a small part of the ground began to shape into a human like structure but it turned into mud and started melting. As the structure melted, a man stood there waiting for the mud to slide off of him

"Welcome back, 5th Royal Jean" General Orval said as he knelt.

"5th? I thought the Royal were ranked based on who joined first" Jean said.

"No, they are ranked based on their age but if their the same age then whoever is the strongest between the two for example the King and Queen is the same age but the King is easily the strongest in the kingdom and the Queen is the second strongest, but 1st Princess Delsa and the 1st Prince Deso are twins but the 1st Princess is stronger making her the 3rd Royal while the 1st Prince is the 4th Royal, you are the 5th Royal since your the 5th oldest and 6th Princess Azure is a year younger than you so that's why she's the sixth but there is four more Royals below you which is the 7th Princess Tyrola, 8th Princess Seyoa, 9th Prince Doru, and 10th Prince Dorl" General Orval explained.

"How old are all of the Royals" Tiall asked.

"Please don't refer to me as a prince" Jean said.

"The King and Queen ages are unknown but the Princess Delsa and Prince Deso is turning 27 in 2 weeks, Prince Jean is 19, Princess Azure is 18, Princess Tyrola is 16, Princess Seyoa 14, Prince Doru and Prince Dorl is 13" General Orval explained as he held his hands out.

"I'm 19?, did something happen to my age when I came to this world" Jean thought.

"I'm gonna bring you to the castle, grab my hand" General Orval said.

Once Jean and Tiall grabbed General Orval's hand they immediately plunged into ground and faded away and in less than a second they were ascending from the stone floor in the castle but a mist started filling the floor before rising and and flowing into one spot, three figures emerged from the mist. Azure had emerged from the mist with two white daggers on her hip and one gray dagger without a blade, it just had a hilt and was strapped to her thigh. The other two who had emerged from the mist was Selo and General Klas, the mist was flowing into her palm.

"We've brought the 5th and 6th Royals along with their professors, your Majesty" General Orval said as he knelt.

"Excellent, how did the training go?" King Drausa asked.

"It went smoothly with no problems" Selo said as he kneeled.

"Yes, they are great students I was able to teach her nearly everything I knew" Tiall said as he kneeled as well.

"Great than I'll like them to detect Magic from this whole Kingdom. Is that fine with you?" King Drausa asked.

"Yeah, I think I can do that" Azure said.

"I'll probably do it" Jean said.

Jean and Azure closed their eyes and allowed a small portion of their mana into the air and outside of the castle, Azure controlled that portion of her and made it to merge with every light covering the continent but Jean controlled his mana and merged it with all the darkness covering the continent but it wasn't nearly as fast as it sounds as they spread and controlled that portion of their mana to the whole continent. They were completely shocked by that what they had seen, the King decided to check the continent.

"He's most likely trying to invade my Kingdom little by little, Jean I'm pretty sure you can get a closer look at the Dark mana and if your strong enough and if summoned monsters there, you can take their senses for a while. Try it" King Drausa said.

"Wait there's something else happening in a school" Azure said.

"Where is the school and what's happening?" King Drausa asked.

"The school is in Orlo city and it looks like it's been over run by mercenaries" Azure said before someone walked into the room.

"YOUR MAJESTY....w-we... we... the...." the man said as he was trying to catch his breath.

"Calm down, relax, take some deep breaths than tell me what's wrong" King Drausa said as he stopped the guards from approaching the man.

"Th-the.... the younger school in the city Orlo has been under attack by mercenaries and the governor believes that the Ruler of the Muah Kingdom: Reo Muah V is paying them and he said if anyone from the governor's family gets close to the city than he'll kill all of the kids there. Half of the cities citizens have surrounded the governor's mansion and he's doing all that he can to calm them down" the man said.

"I see... General Jorkav put more guards at every entrance to the kingdom, create more secure patrols in every city and have the barrier guardians strengthen the barrier 10 times over" King Drausa said.

"Yes sir" General Jorkav said as his body melted into the ground.

"Wh-what about the younger school?" the man asked.

"General Orval and General Klas, I want you to deal with this immediately but bring Jean and Azure along with you. Is that fine Mister?" King Drausa asked.

"Yes sir" General Klas and General Orval asks.

"Yes whatever it takes to save those kids" the man said.

General Orval grabbed Jean's shoulder and quickly sunk into the ground as General Klas grabbed Azure's hand and a deep mist quickly swallowed them, in approximately 3 milliseconds they have completely disappeared from the room.

"Mister... I'll tell you this right now so you won't have high hopes but if we're dealing mercenaries hired by Reo Muah than those kids are severely injured or most likely dead, I have sent two of my kids and two of my high ranking Generals into a situation where they have to see kids and toddlers torn apart because you invaded my Kingdom do you know what this means for you right" King Drausa said as he let a bit of his m.e loose and walked towards the man.

"Wha- what are you t-talking about I'm just here to tell you about the current situation that Orlo city is facing" the man said.

"You know you can't fool me right?, I am the King that will soon rule over this whole continent for a reason so tell me why would Reo send a bunch of low life mercenaries to my Kingdom, there's no way he's that stupid" King Drausa said as his m.e completely surrounded the man

the man tried to fool King Drausa but he couldn't come up with anything of the sort as the King's m.e was completely surrounding him, he was completely overwhelmed and the only thing he could say was the truth as he tried to lie


"Exactly" King Drausa said as he cut the man's head off

"I am the king that will soon rule this kingdom" Queen Drausa mocked the King as she laughed at him.

"That was the only way to get him to tell me about Reo's situation but now I'm sure and depending on how well Jean and Azure do than I'll need to think about that option" King Drausa said as he walked back to his throne.