Jean (Black)'s failure

[September 23, ????]

"so are you going to tell us who the fuck destroyed New York, there's no point in waiting for him to arrive if he already know" General1 said

"calm down, this is a meeting for all of the Generals" General2 said before the door behind opened

"sorry I'm late, I was dealing with something" Jean (Black) said as he sat in the last empty chair

"Jean explain to the all of General's about what happened in New York on September 16th"  Fredrick said as he sat down as well

"On September 16th at approximately 8:35, one of my agents was doing an hourly sweep of the state and accordingly to him two Devil leveled mages appeared out of the blue" Jean said

"according to him? you weren't monitoring them by yourself?" General1 asked

"quiet, let him finish" Scarlett said

"He immediately reported their appearance. The place and the way he showed up was strange, on top of that I also accounted for their mana presence -so I brought Scarlett along and called up the other 6 generals to meet us there (at the Devil's location of course) but unfortunately the coordinates were off so when we arrived at the location, it took a while for us to find them" Jean said

"wasn't Violetta with you, couldn't she just track 'em down with her clairvoyance magic" General1 said

"Walis... let him finish" Fredrick said

"...the Devils weren't appearing through her clairvoyance magic, either way we found them once they crashed into the plane coincidentally both of them landed on the wings. Wyatt caught the plane and Ivan stopped the plane from falling on any innocent civilian but the two Devils created a big enough crater on their own once they hit the ground. at this we assumed that they were unconscious but they have Light and Dark magic" Jean said

"..." before Walis said anything Jonathan stopped him

"Wally shut the fuck up and just listen" Jonathan said

"while they were "unconscious" the light mana was flowing into the air and making a huge ball just above them and the Dark mana began flowing and was doing as it usually does, devouring the mana until it reached a half way point and both the Light and Dark mana started mixing together... obviously it's unusual for that to happen. the mana began to grow unstable as it mixed all eight of us put a high level barrier around the huge ball of mana so we can try to at least contain the explosion but we were only able to minimize the explosion. the explosion turned everyone in the state to a burned corpse and left every building in the state broken down or turned to dust... the explosion only knocked us unconscious and our mana was depleted" Jean said

"so you just let them go?" General2 asked

"...there was still some heat residue lingering in the air so we decided to climb to one of the high points in the city to have a better chance at finding the Devils. at this point we had enough mana to complete one spell, when we got to one of the high points Scarlett started absorbing the heat residue, when she finished I saw two dark silhouettes that resembled magic beast climb the building the behind her so I decided to rush to her side and killed the both of them, I sent one of them into a building causing it to completely fall on itself but when it was falling we heard screams and all of us rushed towards the building. Devil1 lifted a large piece of rubble off Devil2 and passed out, unfortunately we were only able to capture them because we would've been hunted down by the Demons and at the time we were at a low level so the only thing we did was get a look at their faces... both of them had the exact same face as me and Scarlett. they were dubbed based on their hair color: "Jean White" and "Scarlett Blue", the Demons ended up taking them to their kingdom via portal.that is all the information I have on them so far. also the destruction of the state falls on me and me only, the Generals I've mentioned only tried to aid me. I'm completely ready for any punishment" Jean said as he took his badge off and placed it on the table

"lightning magic has no chance against Light and Dark magic so I'll let you choose which mana style you'll be training in for the next seven years but we'll do that after this meeting so until then you'll keep your rank as General" Fredrick said

"are we about to be at war with the Drausa continent" General2 asked

"no we aren't but if we were to it'll most likely be our fault. the Devils are seen as royalty in the Drausa continent so if they were harmed we probably would've been at war right now but it's fine at the moment they probably don't want a war with anyone but they were ready to go with us if we kept the Devils. So just keep getting stronger for that potential moment" Fredrick said

"why did you want all 50 generals along with the divisions in the Headquarters?" General3 asked

"I said it earlier didn't I?... I'm bringing all of the Divisions together for a special training" Fredrick said

"who's going to protect the states" General2 asked

"I put my team in charge of that mission. all of you except Jean go inform your soldiers and Scarlett after you inform your soldiers go and inform Jean's soldiers and have them start training immediately" Fredrick said

"yes sir" the 49 generals said simultaneously before leaving

"Jean... give me your badge" Fredrick said as he held his hand out

Jean picked up his badge and walked up to Fredrick, placed the badge in his hand, Fredrick opened a small portal and stuck his hand inside of it, he pulled out another badge that was a completely different color from the badge Jean gave him. Jean's original badge was a bright purple and had "G2" on it but the one Fredrick pulled out was brown and had the letter "T"

"as I told you before, your Lighning Magic will have no chance against Dark and Light so what magic type will you train to master?" Fredrick asked as he put the badge in Jean's hand

"I would like to master the Ice magic type" Jean said as the badge color changed to a light blue

"You know I'll make them train you 100 times more harder than the other trainees, right? You have one last chance to change it." Fredrick said as he put the purple badge in the the portal

"no, I'm fine with learning Ice magic" Jean said as he put the light blue badge on his shirt

"alright, I'll have the trainers come and get you, stay here" Fredrick said as he left the room

after Scarlett informed her soldiers, she headed over towards the room where Jean's soldiers were currently waiting

once they saw her enter the room they started questioning themselves why Scarlett showed up instead of Jean but they all went silent once she stood in front of them

"2nd General Jean is currently being punished for failing to protect New York. he has been demoted from General to trainee for seven years and he will be replaced by the Lieutenant of this faction, please step forward" Scarlett said

all of the soldiers were shocked by this information and they were pissed off as well but they knew they couldn't do anything to Scarlett for a number of reasons

"Micheal Grendel and I'm the Lieutenant of this faction" Micheal said as he walked forward

Scarlett covered her hand in mana before she walked towards him and tapped his badge. his badge was a white with the letters "LT." on it but now the letters changed to "AG" which stands for: Acting General

"this is an order from faction leader Fredrick, get to the training grounds and start training immediately" Scarlett said before she started walking away

"yes ma'am" the soldiers said simultaneously

Jean was teleported to one of the trainers and currently standing next to her while she gave the trainees instructions as they were sitting on a bed of ice

"you've probably didn't hear the news about New York since we're so far away but it's been destroyed and the one sitting next to me was supposed to be the one protecting the state but he failed to do so. this is the former 2nd General Jean and for his punishment he's been demoted to trainee for several years" the trainer said

"it's a pleasure to meet all of you" Jean said

the trainees was devastated upon hearing that the whole state has been destroyed but were also surprised that the 2nd General was being punished

"likewise" the trainees replied back

"you don't have to be so tense around him, he won't be training with all you, he'll be training alone and you'll only get to see him at breakfast and dinner as he won't be eating lunch at all" the trainer said