Conquest l

"Perfect!, you don't need to scream, I can see your eyes from here as they scream a haunting tone! As your tears mix with your blood on the floor! COME ON MAKE IT RAIN WITH YOUR TEARS!!" the maid said out as she danced in a pool of blood.

Jean and Azure was no longer on the steel beam but instead they were hanging from the ceiling with burning ropes going through their legs, arms, chest, stomach. The ropes were stretched from the floor to ceiling with something stopping them from descending or ascending while their mouths were sealed shut with wooden wires.

"This fire is astonishing, it burns and heals at the same time. Perfect for torturing" the maid said as she blew gas into their face.

The gas caused Jean and Azure to start bleeding from their eyes and every pore in their body while it constantly destroying their organs but the fire kept it from killing them as it regenerated their organs. The pain was obviously excruciating but they couldn't shout, the only thing they can do was let the tears fall from their eyes as they think if ways to escape. 

"An anti-magic barrier makes it better. I can sit here and continously torture you until my King needs assistance" the maid said.

"Anti magic... magic...!! One of the steps don't use magic but I used pride earlier and was pulled out of it so if I used it now, I'd just do more damage to my body than this shit is doing" Jean thought before he looked over at Azure.

Azure forced her mouth open, her lips and the small portion of skin from under her nose to the end of her neck was all ripped off and the skin was dangling from her nose and she used the light from the fire to cut that dangling skin off and she healed it back with her light magic.

"God's Will, Step Zero: Judgement" Azure said the light started forming into a large ball above her.

The large ball of light started consuming fairly transparent blue bubbles. There was a blue bubble coming from the maid and she collapsed, the anti magic barrier, the wood wires, and the burning ropes disappeared as the maid collapsed. The maid looked like she was desperately trying to hold on to her life as the dangling blue bubble. Azure and Jean was finally released from the torturing. All of Azure's wounds were able to heal completely but Jean's wounds wasn't able to heal instead his dark magic replaced some of his organs.

"Dark Impulse, Step Five: Gluttony" Jean said as his shadow grew darker whilst expanding.

As the transparent blue bubbles started coming from outside the castle, Jean's shadow was consuming everything it touched and when it reached the maid, the muscles in her body began to sink in his shadow and the blue bubble left her body and the blue bubble went into the ball of light.

"What are the blue balls for?" Jean asked as the organs in his body started regenerating.

"They're souls but only the souls those I judge a certain way or those that are already dead and can't pass on are pulled into it. What about yours what does it do and they give me more mp. What about your's? What do they do?" Azure said  [mp-mana power].

"Mine grabs the darkest thing near me and usually if there isn't anything near me dark enough it uses my own shadow. But this is technically as a stomach and it helps me heal whatever I couldn't heal when I was using my other steps but it only heals as much as it can devour" Jean said.

"Oh!- I just noticed it but the immense Dark m.e is coming from here. Can you tell how many and what type nonsters he got?" Azure said.

Jean closed his eyes and allowed small drop of his m.e to follow the Dark m.e into a large basement. The monsters were all marching to the outside.

"There's 630,000 Zombies, 50,000 Troll leaders, 350,000 Ogres, 115,000 Cyclops, and 550,000 undead warriors and one undead Dragon" Jean said as his m.e flew into his body.

"Is that it or is there more? We might need our familiars for this than" Azure asked.

"Yeah that's the exact amount and they're all leaving the castle" Jean said as he felt the ground shake and different m.e.

"Isn't that the Royal's m.e" Azure said.

"Looks like they came to save us" Jean said.

"We don't need our-... did you start lifting heavier weights again?" Azure asked.

"No, I just use a heavy ass sword" Jean said.

"Why are your legs bigger than?" Azure asked.

"I can't look unbalanced. But what about you. Your hair's longer with highlights. I thought you didn't want to change the color?" Jean said.

"This happened once I had let it grow but I'm thinking about cutting it. What do you think" Azure said.

The Royals came to the castle without their army, they plan on facing King Reo's army alone. They were in the front yard of the castle standing in front of King Reo, his servants, and his created army.

"I have less than a quarter of my mana, so i I don't know how much help I'll be" King Drausa whispered to the other Royals.

"Oh that's right, your kids should be in my castle with my maid she's currently torturing them right now" King Reo said as he pointed behind to the castle.

"The other king was much more smart and passionate. It's hard to think your his son" King Drausa said as the sky turned dark.

"My old man was a bitch, he's better off dead" King Reo said.

"He was a good friend of mine it's hard to think that his son turned out to be the polar opposite. I'm guessing you also killed your other siblings as well because as far as I can remember you had a few older siblings" King Reo said as lightning struck the ground.

"Shut the fuck up, you worthless peice of shit you have no privilege talking about my fucking life" King Reo said as he stepped back.

Once he stepped back his soldiers started rushing forward but as they only took 5 steps, lightning struck them and nearly took out 50 percent of the Zombies.

Just near the front entrance of the castle Jean and Azure was standing there looking as if they were getting tortured, the only thing that isn't healed is their clothes.

"If the Generals in Fredricks faction fight the Royals both sides are gonna end up losing pieces" Jean said as he ripped his shirt off.

"I know, I rather not have one of the Royals dying because of us so we'll need to find a way to get them to let us travel this world" Azure said.

"We'll need to find a way to get them" Jean said.

"Good idea. But they won't let us go until after the birthday ceremony" Azure said.

Jean held his hand out and thick black string was connecting him to something else as he pulled the string towards himself he ran towards Reo's army. Azure held her hand upwards and light was shining from her hand, she ran so fast it looked like she teleported to the center of the Reo's army.

A bright light came falling from the clouds and everyone looked at it even the brainless zombies were distracted by this light. Once the light was nearly 50,000 feet in the air it disappeared.

(The clouds are about 100,000 feet above the ground, on this planet).

A large black ball was speeding towards Reo's army, Jean teleported to the front half of the Army where Reo was. Reo and the Royals noticed him and they also noticed the thick string on his hand they all including the undead Dragon had a terrible feeling about the string and the disappearance of the light and quickly moved away from the castle.

The large black ball and the disappeared light was going as fast as 2 Mm/s, those who moved out the way did it just before the speed boost. It's thanks to their raw instincts that they were able to get away from it.

As soon as the the large black ball and the light touched Jean and Azure's hand. Sound disappeared, next it was the air, then same ball of black and white that was in New York appeared, but much smaller. The black and white mana mixed once again and it got smaller, smaller, and smaller until it was the size of a bean. It sent out ten shockwaves before disappearing, Reo's army tried running away but the explosion had already taking place taking out the whole castle and half of the capital while also momentarily erasing all color around the castle.

Just by catching their weapons half of the capital, air itself, and the color of the world disappeared from where the castle was built. Azure and Jean was on the floor sweating a puddle.

"Why the fuck did I lose so much mana just from that, what the fuck happened to the castle. What the fuck happened to the rest of the capital?" Jean asked before a black and white portal appeared right next to him. A hellhound with four heads, two horns on each head, and with four wings sprouting from his back, this creature had risen from the black portal and a Gryphon had risen from the white portal.

"Was this on purpose or by mistake, either way, it looks like you two f*cked up" the hellhound said.

"It was most likely by mistake, their mana is all over the place" the Gryphon said.

"You think it was because a little bit of their mana was knocked out of their body" the Hellhound said.

"What are you doing here anyway" Azure said as the Gryphon put her on his back.

"I'm here because I thought Jean was about to kick the bucket with that explosion and there's a dragon" the Hellhound said as he put Jean on his back.

"My shadow isn't eating anymore so I'm gonna deactivate it" Jean said.

"I'm here because, I felt your mana lower at a high rate, with the use of judgement and your mana getting kicked out of your body, I also though you were gonna die" the Gryphon said as it started flying upwards.

"Ars, where are the Royals?" Azure asked.

"I don't know. I don't see them here but they aren't dead, I can sense their mana but it's no where near us" Ars said.

The Royals were at the edge of the kingdom facing off against King Reo and his undead Dragon.

"A ticking time bomb, aren't they" Princess Delsa said.

"Yeah, putting a seal on that unused part of their mana" King Drausa said.

"You pieces of shit" King Reo said in anger as he rushed them with his undead Dragon.

King Drausa snapped his fingers and unknown number of high speed blades of winds darted towards King Reo. How King Drausa attacked caught King Reo off guard. He along with his undead dragon were cut to nearly half a thousand pieces.

"There's no time to waste we need to get them quickly" King Drausa said.

"You could've done that earlier, instead of taking your time" Queen Drausa said.