Conquest ll

"Reo and Undead Dragon has just been killed" the Gryphon said.

"There are over a million souls wandering this kingdom as well" the Hellhound said.

"Weird, once Reo died it seems like every soul in this kingdom was released from a cage" the Gryphon said.

"If you can separate the souls that goes to hell and the souls that go to heaven than I'll share and eat those souls with Jean" the Hellhound said.

"...Alright, well I wasn't going to send them to heaven anyway. You know more than they do that my first and only priority is protecting Azure as yours is protecting Jean and those souls are much more disgusting than the ones that go to heaven" the Gryphon said.

"But just as you need to show her heaven I need to show him hell and your just a picky eater, they all taste the same. No matter if they belong in heaven or hell" the Hellhound said.

As they were looking for the Royals, the Royals were walking around the rest of the capital city looking at all the building and while they were walking they noticed that they didn't sense any m.e coming from the buildings which seemed strange to them so they decided to search the city with their mana and to their surprise not a single living body was in this kingdom. The bodies were either already in the form of ashes or they were decaying.

"Unbelievable how much people he killed just to summon his army, although he didn't have the mana style for it he still tried what he can to become the strongest without consideration for his people and his army he was dumb enough to rely on summoned monsters rather than the humans who already served him to die for him. What an ungrateful King" King Drausa said.

"What do we do with this country though, do we just leave it as is or...?" Princess Delsa asked.

".... I don't know" King Drausa said.

"You can turn this country into a forest and bury the dead bodies" Queen Drausa said.

"Right there isn't that much space for

wildlife in my Kingdom, this will be a great spot for it as well but I need all of these buildings gone before I do that" King Drausa said before he heard something land.

"Good afternoon Mr. Tru, Ms. Arla, and the young ones" the Gryphon said as he laid down.

"I overheard you talking about the building needing to be destroyed, I can help you with that. I was getting hungry anyways" the Hellhound said as he made Jean roll of his back.

"Good afternoon, Celes and I appreciate the help Sefra, the only thing I need you to eat is the buildings" King Drausa said.

"You awake?, I'll take all the repercussions for this and with me here it won't take more than 12 minutes" Sefra said before Jean stood up.

"Dark Impulse, Step Five: Gluttony" Jean said.

Jean's shadow started expanding again and when it reached the Royals it didn't harm them like it did with the maid in the castle but when it reached the building they all started to break down and sink into his shadow and it left the dead bodies as well. The more buildings that were devoured by his shadow, the faster it grew and in approximately 1 minute, majority of the country was Jean's shadow and full of corpses laying on top of it.

As the moonlight crept onto the continent, the former suffering Kingdom: Muah was now a vast empty space.

"Make it into small sphere and leave it in the sky then wait until I tell you what to devour with it" Sefra whispered into Jean's ear.

"He devoured everything, amazing" Prince Deso thought.

The king grasped some dirt into his hand on the ground and small frown was formed on his face as he notice the dirt was dried up barely clinging to life. He stepped forward and held his left hand in the air.

"Gaia's Blessings: Bury" King Drausa said as all the dead bodies on the continent were buried "Gaia's Blessings: Environmental Enrichment" King Drausa said as a red flower with a purple and yellow stem sprouted.

Grass quickly grown, Trees immediately sprouted afterwards. Some grew to an amazing height while others grew a bit older and toppled over with moss quickly growing on it. A beautiful abundance of flowers quickly sprouted, some were Daisies, Roses, Dahlias, etc. Some flowers were an odd mixture of colors while others had single color running down the flower. A beautiful river was built along the neck of the forest leading to a beautifully large lake where the castle once were, the place was now turned into a forest and where they stood was the heart of that said forest, where a large and thick tree had grown with all types of leaves, this tree had surpassed the height and width of any normal tree, it was arguable the most beautiful and relaxing spot in the forest and obviously the one and only icon for it.There were plenty more changes to this former kingdom but now the Royals of Drausa Kingdom conquered it and turned it into a country solely for the animals of his Kingdom. As the moonlight fully shined on this forest the beautiful glow was captured and the purple moon's reflection was as clear as day.

"Did this take up all of his mana?" Azure said as she laid her head on Celes's head.

"No, this wasn't even a quarter of his mana" Queen Drausa said.

"This is now apart of my Kingdom it's my country and I'll leave the wildlife to govern it, I'll think of the name later but I left a trail for everysingle animal to follow, now all that's left is to head back to the capital" King Drausa said as he raised his hand.

"Allow me, you've already done a lot" Queen Drausa said as a large pink portal opened beneath them.

After they were teleported to the castle, Jean and Azure went to get a change of clothes, the Two Generals were released, and was ordered to wait until Jean and Azure both returned to the room (summons chamber). Once they arrived the General's and the two Royals were to report to King Drausa.

"Fifth Royal Prince Jean and Sixth Royal Princess Azure you didn't fail this mission since you did the completed assignment and saved the children but another reason I sent you two on this mission was to assess your stregnth in battle but unfortunately there was some unexpected interference, you lost control of your mana and destroy half a city fortunately the destruction wasn't as large as seven years ago but it was without a doubt stronger, I'll keep sending you on missions but I'll have to put a seal on you because without it you're indeed like a ticking time bomb. And for 5th General Klas and 7th General Orval, I'll give you a light punishment because I even I didn't expect him to get his own hands dirty and take the 5th and 6th Royals as captives on top you also succeeded in the rescuing of the children and you failed your second assignment so you're off military duty for three days, that's the full punishment you'll get that's the lightest I'll go. For the reason I stated before and I was also able to stop the muah army before they injured any of my soldiers and citizens, this was all around a benefit for our Kingdom. Now all I need to do is pay attention to the outside of the continent" King Drausa explained before he stood up.

"Thank you, your Majesty" Orval and Klas said simultaneously.

"That's all for today, all of you can leave now" King Drausa said as he walked out of the room.

"Which one is supposed to be protecting you" Sefra said as he put Jean on his back.

" it's Orval" Jean said before Sefra started walking towards him.

Once Sefra was behind Orval, he bite his shirt collar pulled him over his head then he left the castle and headed in the direction of the forest.

"Orval is it normal for the Royals to give each other a birthday gifts" Jean asked.

"The Prince and Princesses only give gifts when their unable to attend but the King and Queen will always attend and give gifts" Orval explained.

"Have you never given anyone a gift before?" Sefra asked.

"It's been over one thou.... it's been over 10 years since I've given someone a gift" Jean said.

"Can't really send someone a gift from hell, can you" Sefra thought.

"Where are we going?" Jean asked.

"We're going back to the forest the Gryphon left something something for us there... I'm gonna speed up" Sefra said as Jean and Orval held on tighter.

But before he was able to speed up, Jean and Orval smelt something but the smell only made Jean pass out and he fell off of Sefra. Orval tried to catch him but his weight was was unbelievably heavy pulling him off of Sefra as well, as they were falling Orval tried to think of why Jean passed out but as he noticed the smell, he figured out why. They were decending fast as Sefra was heading towards the source of the smell instead of trying to catch Jean and Orval from falling but Sefra's direction was the same as Jean and Orval's direction.

Orval created a thick layer of bedrock around them, it only increased the amount of layers of bedrock as Jean's weight increased. Once they hit the ground, their bodies all of the layers broke and their bodies turned into mud and turned back into their original forms.

"Oh my!!" A lady said in surprised tone as all of them landed next to her.

"Miss I need you to suppress that smell, immediately... please" Orval said as he pointed at her cart.

Looking at Sefra walking towards her cart with drunk stride and Jean unconscious while sinking into the ground, she immediately noticed the smell was leaking out of her cart.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to weaken it " the Lady said as she rushed to her cart.

Once she tightened the lid on the jar in her cart she noticed that Orval wasn't affected by the smell.

"Why aren't you affected by this" the Lady asked before she looked at Sefra.

"I'm immune to this smell" Orval said as he notice her immediate stiffness.

"Sefra, change your form" Jean said as he also noticed her stiffness.

Sefra changed his form into a regular, one headed dog with wings and he was a lighter shade of black.

Sefra was still staring at her cart and with his new appearance, the Lady body was no longer stiff and she went back to her cart.

"My name is Kortau, who are you three" Kortau asked as she placed one of the weakened jars filled with that smell next to Sefra.

"My name is Orval, this is Jean, and the dog is his familiar Sefra, it's nice to meet you" Orval said.

"The pleasure is all mine, what are you doing out here so late at night?" Kortau asked.