Unexpected return

"Sorry about this" Jean whispered in Sefra's ear.

"Don't worry about it but in return you can't back out of this, it's equally beneficial for the both of us" Sefra said.

"Is it eating souls?, you said we were going back to that forest so that means we're eating a country's worth of souls which is... a lot" Jean said with a calm tone masking his exhausted state while he looked to the clouds.

"No he only left us half of the souls, which are the ones that didn't go to descend yet

But don't you and Azure share the same interests?, it's weird that the only difference is the soul thing" Sefra said.

"No, we don't share many interests, there's plenty of things she enjoys doing and none of you seen the worst of it but the same could be said for me as well" Jean said.

While Jean and Sefra were in the middle of their conversation, Orval and Kortau was chatting away as well and as they were having there own separate conversation  they were so deeply invested in it that they blocked out the others conversations.

"I'm currently researching all of the gases and toxic flowers that are on the continent" Kortau said.

"Is that why you got all of those gases with you?" Orval asked.

"Actually, I don't have many of my research stuff in there, I was moving to another city" Kortau said.

"Why didn't you just teleport there?" Orval asked

"Yeah I could've but there's a bunch of stuff I could pick up on the way and research later"  Kortau said.

"I'm gonna speed up now" Sefra said as he stayed still in the air.

Once Sefra said this, a small barrier around them formed and as soon as he resumed proceeding towards the forest, they immediately went over the speed of light but his speed was only guided by the shadows cast upon the ground by the trees, grasses, and more, the bright moonlight helped the shadows grow ever larger as they traveled through them.

And they went from the halfway point to the forest in approximately 30 seconds they were at the wall that was separating the former Kingdom and the Drausa Kingdom. Sefra started slowing down and as a blur they flew past the wall.

"It was nothing probably just our imagination" the wall guard said as he looked over the walls.

"We just got a notice from the king saying we need to head back before afternoon" wall guard2 said as showcased a paper to them.

Once they made it to the forest, Kortau and Orval was speechless as were the other two, although Sefra and Jean witnesses the creation of the forest from start to finish they didn't see the forest from above and it was simply breathtaking.

The moonlit forest was as beautiful as the.... there was nothing, you can think of the first moment your eyes laid upon the forest. This was definitely one of Mother Natures admired creation.

"Did you get any sleep from the one you used earlier?" Sefra asked as he landed.

"No I didn't but when I was unconscious it helped waked me up a little" Jean said.

"Cel told me there was 4 million souls here but he took half" Sefra said.

"You want me to eat that much?" Jean asked.

"Yeah... this will give us an out of pocket boost so just do it, you'll need it later. But just use gluttony and only focus on the souls but put it in the sky just a  couple feet above the center tree" Sefra said.

"...I'll pass out after this so catch me" Jean said.

"Twice without sleep is the max for you... we're gonna have to do better than that" Sefra said.

"Dark Impulse, Step Five: Gluttony" Jean said as his shadow grew larger and larger.

His shadow started floating upwards once it was higher than the center tree. All of the souls started coming from one place and they were going straight towards Jean's floating shadow.

After half an hour passed all of the souls were finally consumed by Jean's shadow, he deactivated Gluttony and fell unconscious. Sefra caught him before Jean collapsed.

After a minute later Jean was once again surrounded by corpses but unlike before he was in a wide white room with blood covering the whole floor and Jean was in the middle of it, sitting on a black chair with the blood evading it while a small path opened up leading towards a yellow, brown, and Green chair, sitting a top of the chair was Ezreal but she was different from before, seeing her like this Jean's vision started to get slightly blurry.

Instead of her patched pale and burgundy skin it was a light caramel skintone with perfectly smooth skin, with beautiful golden hair reaching down to her shoulders and bangs barely touching her eyebrows, instead of her eyes being pitch black it was a bright emerald green but her left pupil was white while the other was Blue, she now had two horns on her forehead that was shorter than her pinky. But on her chest was a large hole that was nearly the size of a fist. Ezreal was sitting in a scared position as she was staring at the blood with an emotionless expression.

After Ezreal noticed Jean was staring at her she raised her head.

"How did it feel?" Ezreal asked as the question was also written in blood.

"How did what feel?" Jean asked.

"How did all of it feel?, not getting revenge, force to live in this world, saving someone after years of realizing your better off doing the opposite, does it make you feel much better about you life choices to put your life on the line for others, what if you would've chose the opposite, although your answers wouldn't matter, I would still like to know" Ezreal said.

"...I guess your right, no matter what my answer is it won't change anything" Jean said.

"Unlike you, mother answered both of my questions although she knew it wouldn't matter, she answered it with much interest and enthusiasm" Ezreal said.

"I'm not one to show much of that for questions" Jean said.

"How many scars have your body accumulated up until this point?" Ezreal asked.

"I don't know" Jean said.

"How many scars have you given those you haven't killed?" Ezreal asked.

"I don't know" Jean said.

"Is it that you've never left anyone alive or you lose count?" Ezreal asked.

"Did you ask Azure these questions as well?" Jean asked.

"She answered all of my question I don't see a need to ask her anymore of them but you haven't answered any of my questions since you've arrived in my space" Ezreal said.

"I don't know how to answer your questions" Jean said.

"Will you get revenge on Ryoa for killing my sister and brother?" Ezreal said.

"Yes we will" Jean said.

"When you say we, do you mean you and mother?" Ezreal asked.

"Yes" Jean said.

"...How many siblings do I have again I lost count especially after you left some with your former colleagues, I think I can name all of them. Let's see my youngest sibling would have to be Evelyn, next would be Mych, Lynn, and Koal. Two of them don't even know their real parents nor how close they were to them it's sad I wonder how life would've been of we were just a normal family, would I have died at the age of nineteen because of people thinking I was a witch, why wasn't immortal just like my parents, better yet where was my parents the day that happened, where was the parents I grew to depend on, the same parents who vowed to protect me" Ezreal said.

"Why wasn't I there to protect my daughter, my first child. I promised her I'd protect her I'd protect her forever but I..." Jean's expression screams what he was thinking to himself.

"This question is better off suited with both of you here" Ezreal said as she pointed to the white wall.

Once Jean looked to where Ezreal pointed he was pulled towards the white wall and seemed like he was going to hit it but he just simply passed through like a ghost. On the otherside of the white wall was a beautiful wooden room with more furniture inside, it resembles a high-end office used by therapists in America.

Right beside Jean was Azure, they were both in the same room on the same couch sitting across from Ezreal whose attire changed. Before she was wearing a wore down white dress and now she's in a black dress with glasses on and her hair in a ponytail.

"I don't think either of you remember my question word for word" Ezreal said .

Jean and Azure sat there in silence as they watch Ezreal created a TV hanging from the ceiling.

"Now allow me to refresh your memory, allow me to see what you were doing on that day I was burned at the stake" Ezreal said as scars began to show all over her body.

The scars spread through her body and only stopped after covering half of her face, the scars covered the lower half of her body and only split apart once they reach her the middle of her chest and led all the way up to her nose and past her ears. Oddly enough her hair remained the same.

Ezreal Pressed a button on a remote and turned the TV on.

"This is gonna show what each of us was doing the day of my death so please watch closely" Ezreal said.