And The Beginning

"do you remember who you are and who you were with before appearing in the street" the nurse said as she was blushing

"well no but I know my name is Jean Nyles and I'm 15 years old... wait what about the people who were with are they okay" Jean said as he was worried

"yes their fine but before we get to that I'll answer your question from before, you are currently in New York city, in the year 2115" the nurse said as she began looking at the file

"New York... that's right I lost to and now I'm stuck here" Jean thought to himself

"do you know your ethnicity" the nurse asked

"no" Jean said as he shooked his head

"well we took your blood test and your blood type is O+ " the nurse said

"what's that?" Jean asked

the nurse later left the hospital Jean was in to report to the doctors the he is now awake and Jean was standing in the room looking out the window admiring the view

"hey mr. Jean, my name is Leslie and I need to talk to you so please sit down" Doctor Leslie said

"okay" Jean said

"do you have any parents or any family members you can contact" Docter Leslie asked

"I don't remember anything aside from the one's who were with me" Jean answered

"do you remember what you was doing before passing out on the street" Doctor Leslie asked

"I didn't know I was in the street until the nurse told me" Jean answered

"okay well follow me" Doctor Leslie said

"where are we going" Jean asked

"we are going to test your strength" Doctor Leslie said

as Doctor Leslie was taking Jean to a place where he could test his strength the other Doctors were doing the same and after walking for 2 minutes they reached a room with two bug doors

"okay step over there, place your hand on the black and white ball" Doctor Leslie said as she pointed towards the machine

"okay" Jean said as he placed his hand on the

"ma'am I think the machine is broken, it says 1.5" the worker said as he pointed to the screen

"stop lying the machine wouldn't be broken you probably see the wrong numbers" Doctor Leslie said as she walked towards the screen

"is something wrong?" Jean asked as he thought he broke the machine

"no your mana is at a level of 1.5" Doctor Leslie said she walked towards him

"is that bad? " Jean asked as he looked at the machine

"7 through 0, 0 being the strongest and 7 being the weakest and your level is in between 1 and 0 so you can definitely grow stronger and reach level 0" Doctor Leslie said as she signalled him to follow her

as Doctor Leslie was taking Jean somewhere they passed by the others who just came to earth and when they made to the destination they were in front of the Hospital CEO's office

*knock knock*

"come in" the Hospital CEO said as he was writing inside a book

"Mr. Fredrick I brought one of the kids who appeared on the street yesterday" Doctor Leslie said as she handed Jean a piece paper

"okay kid sit right there and we gonna wait for the others to arrive, oh and Ms. Leslie you can clock out for the rest of the day" Fredrick said as he continued writing

"thank you for keeping your end of the deal Fred" Doctor Leslie said as she left the room

"okay now that she left we can talk, your from Tura X aren't you" Fredrick said as he closed the book

"wait how did you" Jean said as he look at the wall

"you look exactly like Regal, let me guess your son aren't" Fredrick said as clicked his pen

"what how did you, no how the hell do you own a hospital" Jean said as he reached behind his back

"that's not a question you should be asking and relax I'm not an enemy, I wanna help because If you was sent here that means you was an enemy to him weren't you" Fredrick said before someone knocked on the door

"Sir we've brought the others here as well" A doctor said

"let them in and you can clock out" Fredrick said as he started drink water

"let me guess your also from Tura X any way sit down and listen" Fredrick said as threw the cup out

"who the hell are you" Wyatt said as he sat down

"as you may have guess I'm also from Tura X and I was betrayed by Regal, that's why I'm here"  Fredrick said with confident tone

"but that doesn't explain the reason why you want to help a traitors son" Jean said as he stared at a painting on the wall

"well, you and I share the same goal, you want to do whatever you can to kill him and I also want to do whatever I can to kill him" Fredrick said as he stayed with the confident

"I'll agree but in return I'll kill him myself" Jean said as he walked over to Fredrick

"so what about the rest of you, your life ended on Tura X but it begins on Earth" Fredrick said as he held his hand out

everyone shook their head in agreement to Fredrick before shaking his hand but a few days later Fredrick had them all signed up for prestigious high school grade with all of them being in different grades like Jean and Scarlett in 10th grade, Wyatt, Ariel, Daniela, Violetta, and Ivan in 11th, Jonathan and Crystal in 12th grade but they wouldn't attend the school yet as it starts in two weeks, Fredrick just applied them to the school and right now everyone except Jean was at Frederick's mansion waiting for time to past

"heh, look at it, it's crying" someone in the alley said

"look how pathetic this things is" someone else in the alley said

"what the hell is going on back there" Jean said as walked towards the alley

what Jean saw when looked in the alley was three kids about a year older than him picking on a cat and it's 2 kittens

the kittens were bleeding and mother was being held down and all she could do is watch as the boys are beating her children

as Jean saw the kitten's blood and the cat's cries he was getting a little mad that someone would do this and before he knew electricity was floating around his body but Jean just ignored it and kicked one of the boy's in the head and some blood spilt on the floor

"wha- hey what the hell are you doing!!" one of the kids screamed as he saw his friend on the floor

"relax I didn't use alot of strength but it was enough to at least not kill him" Jean said as as he look at the other kids

"leave the cat and it's children alone and leave this alley, if I see you doing this again I'll definitely kill you" Jean said as his hair started floating and his eyes were glowing red

the kids got scared and ran away after they picked their friend up from the floor

"they got scared that fast, I thought they would put up more of a fight like in the TV show" Jean said as he saw the cat trying to protect its kittens

Jean got closer to them but the cat kept hissing but he ignored it and picked them all up the cat kept biting him with a little force but it stopped as it realize won't put her down

"Fredrick should be able to heal you" Jean said as electricity flowed through his body

after electricity flowed through his body Jean quickly made it to Fredrick's estate and hurriedly went towards his room

*knock knock*

"do you need something" Fredrick said when he answered the door

"can you heal these cats?" Jean asked with a serious look on his

"uh, yeah I can but what the hell happened to them" Fredrick said as he placed his hands over all of them

"I found them in a alley" Jean said as he saw sparkling light fall from Fredrick's hand


"thank you for healing them" Jean said as he ran into his room down the hallway

"is there something wrong Mr. Fredrick" a maid asked

"no there isn't but can you get Jean a black sweater please" Fredrick said as he went back into his room

"what are you doing in my room??" Jean said as he place the cat's down

"it's so cool and comfortable in here" Scarlett said as she was rolling on Jean's bed

"do you know what cat's eat" Jean asked as he saw the cat licking her kittens

"you should be able get it from the store is should be called cat food" Scarlett said as she sat up

"the end of our life on Tura X and the beginning of our life on Earth" Jean said as he was petting the cat