
I'm gonna get that piece of shit back" Regal said as he was standing in front of The God of the Universe (TGotU)

"first time I heard you talk about dad like that" TGotU said as he handed him a orb

"this is the rest of my power" Regal said as he was observing it

"yeah, you put it like that did you forget" TGotU said as he looked away

Regal crushed the orb and a bright flash of appeared and after a second past it was absorbed into his body

"uhh, I still feel a little weird" Regal said as his hair was glowing white but half of if was black

"you feel weird?, what do you mean?" TGotU said as he put his hand on his head

Regal gave a gentle look to TGotU and he accidentally let his guard down

"I knew it, you took some of my power, I was wondering why you was so big" Regal said as his hand was in was inside his chest

"If you kill me dad will kill you" TGotU said as he was unable to move

"I'll just kill him as well and become the ruler of all the Gods of the universe" Regal said as he TGotU got skinnier and smaller

"you the ruler... why so you can make everyone suffer like last time" TGotU said as his body was got significantly smaller

"I never did that" Regal said as TGotU body exploded

Regal's hair was now fully glowing white and he started flying towards out of the universe with his speed, he was going as fast as 100,000,000 kilometers per second but at the same time he was also gaining speed

"ah... there it is" Regal said as he was towards a red asteroid

"what do you wa... Regal what the hell are you doing here?" Ruler of TGotUs said as Regal slowly walked towards him

"oh, are you not happy with seeing your son off that terrible planet" Regal said with small smile

"no planet is terrible, when are you gonna learn that, I guess your still nothing but a idiot child of mine where's your brother" Ruler of TGotUs said as he sat down

"your so proud of him aren't you then I'll just send your soul to him and you can spend the rest of your life bonding with my failure of a brother" Regal said as he was standing in front of the Ruler

"oh you really think you can kill me without your power" The Ruler said as he stood back up

"yes, I do" Regal said as he stuck his hand in the Ruler's stomach

The Ruler grab Regal's hand and threw him into the faraway parts of space but he still went after, he was just riding the red asteroid

"idiot child of mine when are you gonna learn that you can't kill me"  The Ruler said as as a staff came up from the asteroid

"when are you gonna realize your the idiot" Regal said as his hand already peirced the Rular stomach and destroyed his insides

"when did you!" The Ruler said as he slowly looked back

"I can Create All and Destroy All, didn't you know that I can also Create clones of myself as well" Regal said as the Ruler got skinnier and smaller

"if you kill me you'll be alone for all eternity" The Ruler said as his eyes were slowly closing

"no, I won't, my kid will be here soon and he's the that will kill me, so until then I'll get strong enough so when I die and he absorbs my power he'll become the very last King of Universe G3 " Regal said as the Ruler's body was a skinny as a twig

"do you think he'll even do it, he's nothing but a e--" the old ruler couldn't finish as he turned to dust

"pathetic, don'teven try to lecture me when you couldn'teven walk out of reality" Regal said as he made a broom a started sweeping the dust away

as a way to test his power Regal decided to destroy a galaxy and as he thought about one, that galaxy immediately vanished, he also thought about recreating the galaxy he destroyed and as he thought about it that galaxy was recreated

"you think they succeeded" Xeala said

"no they've failed and now he's once again the the king of Universe G3" Nature said

"it's a shame though, all we needed to do was get him weak enough so we could kill but even on this planet he was the strongest" Carmen said

"I guess there's nothing to do now except for them to get strong enough to kill him or we have to wait 300 more years to get our power back" Xeala said

"what about Judith? at the moment she's strong enough to overpower him" Nature said

"she won't betray her husband and even if she wasn't, she wouldn't want a war between both groups" Xeala said

"and she have the rest of his power so that he could fully reclaim his title as Universe G3 king" Carmen said

"so not even luck is on our side" Nature said

"unfortunately not" Carmen said

as Regal was relaxing on the asteroid a door opened and a lady came through it

"it's been a long time " Regal said as he stood up

"you still haven't changed" Judith said as she gave him a orb

"not a lot kings change" Regal said before he swallowed the orb

"so are you gonna give his memories back" Judith said as she created another chair on the asteroid

"if I give him his memories back than he'll lose all of his emotions " Regal said as he slowly sat down

"and it's already been over a thousand years" Judith said as she got a bit agitated

"emotion, memories, time, and space, a god of the universe or king of a Universe group need all four of those but he was born with only three which is memories, time, and space but if you give him emotion he'll lose his memory" Regal said as he created a table

"he's the only disabled king" Judith said as she calmed down

"we have the power tocreate everything in ever Universe group and destroy everything in every universe groups but I can't create his emotions unless I destroy his memories but making lose his memoriesis painful " Regal said before he closed his eyes

"the longer you keep it from him the more stronger the box will become and it'll cause him to lose more memories" Judith said as she stood up

"depending on earth's time he have 16 years before that happens" Regal said as his body was glowing bluish purple

"the others are waiting on you to bring him back so they could bring her back" Judith said as she left through the door

"fortunately everything went as planned and I'm finally back to being the king of Universe G3" Regal thought to himself

the Kings/Queens of Universe groups are entities that control everything in the multiple universes grouped next to each other, they are not number by strength they are simply numbered by who has more universes in their group. There's a total of 12 universe groups and each of the group has well over 600 million universes, each group is over 6 billion lightyears away

the Kings/Queens of the Universe Groups stay on the outside of reality where they can see all of the universe

"this countdown was good idea" Regal said as he placed the orb into a small space and then made it dissapear

after Regal walked down a row of universes and every time he walked past a universe a number showed on them and as he reached the end of the row he lifted six universes upwards that had the time 0:00:00 blinking on them, Regal snapped his fingers and simultaneously all six universes were destroyed and different universes were made in their place