Other half

"this is where his other half is located, on the powerless planet Earth a place where magic don't exist and gods are nothing but beliefs, I wonder how he's doing right now, oh I almost forgot he also took some of her emotions and put it here as well " Regal said as he stared at the Powerless planet Earth

"what's the point in having the orb" King of G2 said as he walked out of a door

"it's a link between the memories and the emotion" Regal said as he went outside of reality

[December 25, 2046 6:53 PM]

"are you gonna go pick him up Azure" a man said staring at a large screen

"yeah yeah, give me the keys to the armoured car and make sur there's another car at the intersection " Azure said as she walked to the door

"catch and there should be one there already" Winter said as he tossed key to Azure

the powerless earth (Pe) is a planet that's similar to the earth Jean is on but it's in a completely different universe the only thing different is that it has no power out of all of the planets this is one of the weakest

"I should've brought an umbrella" a masked man said as blood was falling from the sky as he was sitting on a pile of debris

infront of the masked man was multiple police men taking cover behind their cars and before blood stopped falling someone's head fell from the sky

"he took out a 3 gangs of the small gangs that was in this city that was supposed to be meeting by himself" one of policemen said into a HT as his body was shaking while one of the cops were praying

"I'm still not comfortable with using explosives" the masked man said as he was wiping blood off of his clothes

"who is he, what is he doing right now" the policeman said on the other end of the HT

"wh- why do we have to deal with this on Christmas... he's just sitting there in the middle of the blood rain" the policeman said before he felt the floor vibrate a little

as the policeman was about to look around but before he could all of the cars exploded simultaneously

"this new grenade launcher is amazing" Azure said as she closed the hatch on top of the car

"is something wrong?" the masked man said as he entered the car

"you made a huge mess and make sure you change there's extra clothes in the back" Azure said as she took off her mask

"it doesn't matter the authorities will clean it up anyway" the masked man said as he took off the mask

the man's face looks exactly like Jean's face and his hair was the same length except it was white

"your not watching the other one" king of Universe G4 said as he walked threw a door

"No, that one is more boring than this on" Regal said as he made one screen bigger than the other

"so are you still thinking about killing their little friends" king of Universe G4 said as he sat down

"Steve what... what friends are you talking about" Regal said as he seemed confused

"you know Wyatt, Jonathan, Ariel, Crystal, Ivan, and Violetta how did you forget about the kids you nearly killed" Steve said as he started watching the screen

"I can't kill them since Jean's power and Scarlett's power is resonating inside their bodies now" Regal explained as he move the small screen away

"if that's the case that means their quarter prince of Universe G3 and G4" Steve said in surprise

"no their actually half of it but that's a discussion for a another time" Regal said as he started staring at the screen

Jean and Azure were able to leave the bloody scene undetected by the SWAT Team or military and Jean was now talking with commander of the HQ

"you could have done the mission without destroying the building anyway it doesn't matter now, anyway where is Azure" Commander of the HQ 3 said

"she's went out for a bit" Jean said

"oh well, I'm pretty sure that Azure told you already but you and the other top members from around the world are gonna meet up with the big boss in Japan" Commander of HQ 3 said

"alright" Jean said as he opened the door

"wait before you leave are you planning on dyeing you hair brown?" Commander of HQ 3 asked

"no" Jean answered

"really, I think you'll look pretty good in brown" Commander of HQ 2 said as threw a paper airplane towards him

when Jean unfolded the paper plane he saw a sketch he drew of his other half on it, he crumbled it and threw it in the garbage can then he left the commander's office

"so he's the rumored dark angel of the A.N.M. Syndicate, Ms. Lynn" a lady said on the screen behind her

"yes he is, Ms. Kyoaku" Lynn said

"based on his results and personality do you think he's suitable for becoming a commander" Kyoaku said

"no, the person who I think is suitable for that role is the Archangel of the A.N.M. Syndicate but why're you asking" Lynn said

"no reason thank you and talk you later" Kyoaku said before she ended the call

as Lynn was about to leave the room she saw her the screen her turn back on and three men were sitting infront of it

"helllloooo,  is anyone there" man#1 said with his face close to the camera

"what the fuck do you want" Lynn said as she slammed the door

"woah relax, we just want to you that we captured your prized member, I think her name was " man#1 said as he had a smile on his face

"I have no time for games, what the fuck do you want" Lynn said as she was a bit irritated

"the Archangel, one of your top executives" man#2 said as he move to the side of the camera 

in the video Azure was unconcious and tied to a chair and surrounded her were multiple table with different tools used torture

"for a top executive she really didn't put up much a fight" man #1 said as he was poking her face

"I mean we did use an insane amount of laughing gas, I'd be surprised if she still alive after that" man#3 said as he was rocking back and forth on a chair

"you have one week to come up with 4.6 billion dollars the longer you take the more painful the torture will and if you are late we'll pass her around to the whole gang" man#2 said before the recording ended

*Knock knock*

"Lynn it was broadcasted to the whole base" Winter said as he walked into the office

"dammit, I was planning on dealing with this myself" Lynn thought to herself

"did you figure out what gang it was?" Winter asked as he closed the door

"yeah, I noticed that there was a risqué flag behind them" Lynn said as she looked back at the screen

"Jean left towards there safehouse already with the prototype car along with one of the new weapons" Winter said before he realized what she said

"which weapon did he take" Lynn said as she felt impatient

"he took the katana covered in acid but I'll send reinforcements for Jean just in case" Winter as he was about to rush out of the room

"NO don't, they won't do that so for now sell the supplies and make the money and I'll try to bring Jean back" Lynn said as she seemed a bit disturbed

"what!? but the more time we waste the more she'll suffer!" Winter said in aggravation

"trust me if we rush them now they'll just kill her and plus that car Jean's in might explode as he is driving it" Lynn said as she picked her phone up

*ring ring*

"what do you want" Jean said as his hands gripped the steering wheel

"Jean come back, I know how you feel we'll get her back I promise you but you just need to come back" Lynn said trying to convince him

"I'll kill them all and bring her back, don't send any backup" Jean said before he ended the call

as Jean was driving he put his mask on to hide the face that was twisted in anger and smoked started to flow out of the car, soon after that fire started to devour the the back wheels of the car

"yeah she really is cute but what's that" a gang member said as he watched the car dart to them while stood on top of a balcony

as he saw the car dart towards them he saw someone jump out of the it, before it crashed into the safe house's walls and blew up. Jean landed on top of the balcony and killed the guards standing there

"what the hell was that" gangster #1 said as he looked through the hole left by the destroyed  car

before the gangster pulled away his head was quickly cut off and the neck started melting until it reached the collarbone

"who the hell's that" gangster #2 said terrified as he saw Jean walk over his dead colleague