Bloody storm

"It's one of the most dangerous gangs in Los Angeles vs Darkangel, let them take each other out and then we could rush in and take who ever is left" the sheriff said to the police officers

"I assure you won't be able to take dark angel out even if he fights 400 people at the same time, honestly it's best if we get more S.W.A.T Teams just in case the archangel comes with reinforcements" S.W.A.T Team leader said in disagreement to the sheriff

"are you saying he'll come out on top even against this gang, he'll be fighting over 600 members at once" the Sheriff asked

"that's the same unless we get him surrounded by armed forces, no one is bullet proof" S.W.A.T Team leader said

Jean was kept cutting the gangsters down one by one and each time this happens the acid from the blade melted whatever was left of the wounds


as one them tried throwing a punch at Jean, he just dodged and cut his arm off , the scream of misery from the acid melting his arm was so great it made the other gang members back away

"AGGHHH" Azure's scream of agony echoed throughout the whole safehouse

"what happened to the gag?" man#1 said as he was looking around

"ahh I left it out, I couldn't help but want to hear her scream as we tortured her" man#2 said as he was moaning

as the dark angel heard her scream he body tensed and almost looked like his skin was about to turn red in anger and he almost simultaneously killed over a 150 of the gang members bodies were cut in half and as his hands gripped sword in anger, he headed towards the basements

"send Mell and 30 other member over there to pick them up " Lynn said

"he doesn't really need the back up though" Winter said

"your right but it's better safe than sorry so just send Mell to pick them up" Lynn said 

and in the distance he heard the men from the recording voices and he started running towards the room

"who the hell is down here, yo Kay go check" man#1 said

"right" Kay said as opened the door before his body was cut in half

"what the fuck" man#2 said in shock as he saw dark angel enter the room after Kay's body fell to the floor

"what the hell are you scared for" man#1 said as he broke the Azure's finger

man#1 threw a knife at the dark angel but he dodged and cut man#2's body in half and he started slowly walking toward man#1

"HEY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU USELESS BUNCH AT!!" he was scared stiff as the dark angel walked closer to him

the dark angel cut his legs off and then he kicked him away from Azure while he was screaming in pain, she was covered in blood as her 7 of her fingers were broken and 3 knives were in her legs

the dark angel pulled a syringe filled with blue liquid out of his pocket and stuck it into her arm

"it can heal type of wound unless it's an organ but in return the person it's used on will pass out. To think I have to use this on her just..." Jean the dark angel thought as heard footsteps hurried down the stairs

"ayy, he's in there get him" gangster#405 said as he pointed to the dark angel while some gang members were behing

the dark angel's blood was still boiling as he seen Azure's body slowly being healed and the rest of the gang members darted to the dark angel and he started walking towards them

when he was further away from the room he waited for them to get closer as he gripped his sword

the first person to throw a punch was cut in half and the person behind him had a metal bat and swung it at the dark angel but he dodged it and proceeded to cut him in half and the other gang members head's off or cut their body in half

after 30 minutes past the hallway leading to upstairs was littered with the corpse of the Risqué gang and the dark angel walking with Azure on his back and his katana strapped to his hip was walking all over the corpse

"did they not have guns?" the Sheriff said

"of course but they probably figured that since it's one man they didn't need it and even if they did the outcome would've been the same" the S.W.A.T Team leader said

"I think I see someone coming up" an officer said as he pointed to stairs

"turn on your flashlights" S.W.A.T Team leader ordered them to do

"It's the dark angel!?, he destroyed the whole gang!" the Sheriff said in shock

"OPEN FIRE!!!" S.W.A.T Team leader said as soon as he saw Darkangel

fortunately Jean was able to quickly take cover behind the stairs before a bullet hit grazed his cheek

"I should've guessed that they were waiting for me" Jean said as he moved a body

"you need a new mask" Azure said as she wiped blood off his cheek

then one of the officers threw a stun grenade towards them and they had enough time to get inside one of the rooms in the basement before it disoriented them

"check every corner in every room" S.W.A.T Team leader ordered them to do as he went to the room all the way in the back

"this is disgusting" the Sheriff said as he walked over the corpses of the destroyed gang

when three of the officers walked into the room two doors down from the stairs they were quickly stabbed in the head and dragged into the room

"hey where did those three officers go" officer#3 said as he walked in front of the room

when officer#3 put his hands on the door knob multiple shots went through the door and into his body

"what the hell, who shot" S.W.A.T Team leader said as he walked out of the room

"he's inside that room" officer#4 said as he saw a stun grenade thrown out of the room

after the stun grenade went off each of them watch each other's backs while shooting all of the officers down there

"did ya--" officer#41 said before he was shot in the head

as they got to the top of the stairs there was six officers waiting there with ballistic shields and nine other officers were behind them

the Archangel went back down stairs and the darkangel watched her back by trying to shoot the cops whenever they peek them

"I have four of them" the Archangel said as she gave two stun grenades to the dark angel

the dark angel made sure he wasn't gonna get caught when the stun grenades went off by going back down stairs

"what the hell" officer#23 said as he felt the stun grenade hit his feet

after the stun grenades went off Jean and Azure  ran up to the officers and used their shield to get behind them and started killing the remaining officers there now with a bloody storm and crows going crazy in the air, the Darkangel and Archangel will be wanted in California

"isn't it weird how they knew exactly what Azure looked like without her mask, Oris" Lynn said as she reloaded a pistol

"what the hell does have to do with this... you unloaded a clip into my legs" Oris said as he was crawling away from her

"only the top executives of the New York branch, the leader of the Syndicate, and me knows her identity along with the other top executive" Lynn said as she stepped on the bullet wounds with high heels on

"ARGHH... you think I told them" Oris said as he tried to forget the pain

"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know now would  I. we found the camera you placed in here as well as your fingerprints on them" Lynn said as she started stand on Oris's legs

"no way he'll actuall believe her, she'd never use that shit" Winter thought to himself

"you really thought that was gonna work, I swept this room clean of everything you put in here" Lynn said as the heels sinked into the wounds

Lynn started getting tired of it and coocked back the pistol and shot Oris in the head then called someone to clean the blood and body up

"I can't believe you had a traitor in your branch" a man said when she appeared on the TV

"don't you have better things to do other than peeking into my office, Qual" Lynn said as she put her gun inside her desk before telling Winter to leave the room

"just calling to tell you that the boss lady said to wrap up this big mission you have planned and send them over" Qual said

"she can't wait two more months...ugh... whatever we're just about done all we gotta do is launch the attack" Lynn said

"hurry up she's already tired of waiting 2 months for them to arrive and the top executives from the other branches" Qual explained

"right, right, right, we're just about done just let my Angels introduce themselves... trust me what I have planned for New Years is gonna blow everyone away" Lynn said with a mischievous smile on her face

"...just have them call this number I've sent to your phone" Qual said

"okay, if that's all than talk to you later" Lynn said before she ended the call