
PL = Powerless, M = Mana

three days later the incident was dying down but people were still talking about it, the strongest and dangerous gang in Los Angeles was completely slaughtered along with the S.W.A.T team and multiple police officers was killed

multiple families were filled with grief and cursing the Archangel and Dark angel knowing that their father or brother died tryin to capture them, other people were completely traumatized by the scene they saw before the FBI came and restricted anyone from getting close to the crime scene

"are you not gonna go to his funeral" Azure said as she looked out the restaurant's window

"wasn't planning on it, are you ready to leave?" Jean asked as he watched the news

"yeah, I'm ready" Azure said as she stood up

as Jean stood up, he felt everything around just vanish and he was just sitting in a empty half black and half white room

"4.12.30" a robotic voice said

"who the hell are you" M Jean said on the white side of the room

"why do you look like me" PL Jean asked on the black side

"it's weird seeing the two of you here" Regal said walking in between the sides creating a gray line

"who the hell are you" PL Jean said as he got up  from the chair

"oh yeah, I forgot they were separated at birth and he was immediately sent here" Regal thought as he made him sit down

"why the hell are we here" M Jean asked as he walked over to Regal

"well this was a wrong time so I'll make sure to erase this from your memory and send you back" Regal said to PL Jean before he made M Jean sit down before he snapped

when Regal snapped his fingers PL Jean disappeared from there and it was only M Jean and him in that room

"that was definitely a lie he would remember this since he has the memories in about 5 to 10 minutes" Regal thought as he stared at the chair on the black side of the room

"who the hell was he and why did look like me" M Jean said as he walked over to Regal

"it won't matter if I tell you since you won't remember this place or whatever I'm about to say" Regal said as the gray expanded

"what?" M Jean said as something stopped him from going further

"I separated you two from birth and sent him to a weak planet and you to strong planet. in hand to hand combat he is better than you but in using powers your better than him. he was 2,770 years old but the age that got reset on the men in your group was added to his age making him 4,968 years old, although he was born in the year the humans call 750 AD, he's been alive to witness alot of things on that planet and also experience them as well" Regal explained as he looked at M Jean

"what happened to the women's age" M Jean said as he moved away from the gray

"they were added to Scarlett's counterpart" Regal said before he snapped his fingers

after he snapped his finger M Jean dissapeared and he went back to doing whatever he was doing before he was dragged into that room

"hey Jean, Lynn wants us to go somewhere" Azure said as she waited for Jean to stand up

"...where" Jean said as he put money on the table and walked out the store

"she wants us to pick something up from some lady" Azure said before she got into a car

"..." Jean stood quiet as looked at the former gang's safehouse before he got into the car

"this is where we have to go" Azure said as she showed him her phone

"Chino ave, 19th street, granny's herb shop" Jean said in his head

as Jean began driving to the herb shop he started remembering the black room and the two people inside of it but he wasn't curious as to who they were because for some reason he didn't care

"are you planning on visiting that kid today?" Azure asked

"no, why" Jean answered

"we might have a task after this" Azure said

after 20 minutes past they finally arrived at the herb shop and when they walked in they heard shopkeepers bell rung and they also noticed that inside black and dark blue sheets covered most of the windows and plants of all kinds sat infront of the windows that wasn't covered by sheets and across from those plants were multiple shelves full of different types of herbs, candles, and multiple incense

and a couple feet from the door was a kang table that had flowers carved into it and behind the table was a two black curtains covering a hallway and counter covering it and as they walk further into the shop a black cat started hissing at them and slowly walking back

"she must think your intruders due to the blood she smells on your hand" Granny said as she petted the black cat

"sorry for disturbing you but Lynn sent us to pick something up " Azure said as she bowed her head

don't worry about it, I was just cleaning up the place" Granny said as she walked towards Azure

"really, do you need any help?" Azure said as she looked at the flowers

"oh your way older than you look aren't you anyway come with me " Granny said as she grabbed Azure's hand

"you think so?" Azure said as she walked with Granny

"yes,yes, your palms tell me everything from what you touched or touched you or your age" Granny said as she entered a large room with multiple books

"and your cat can just smell the blood on our hands" Jean said as he stared at the cat

"do you want me to read your fortune" Granny said as the cat ran into the hallway and she walked up to Jean

"from all of the shit we've seen and experience, nothing, will surprise me" Jean said as she grabbed his hand

"with such a negative look on the world you'd stay stuck in the same place your at maybe you should try exploring for awhile" Granny said as she let go of Jean's hands and walked towards a desk with different brews of tea

inside of the was two bookshelves that reached to the ceiling and different types of equipment used to make tea along with different ingredients next to them and across from all of that were stairs leading upstairs

"excuse me where's you bathroom" Jean asked

"it's upstairs at the end of the hallway to the left" Granny said as she pointed to the stairs

4 minutes later and Jean was walking out of the bathroom and as he walked past one of the rooms he felt someone quickly climb onto his back and held a cloth with some type of poison on it up to his nose and the person got off of his back and walked infront of him

"don't worry it shouldn't kill you after all it's just my mix of laughing gas" the girl said as she crouched infront of Jean

"what... the hell did you say" Jean said as he looked at the girl's face before his vision was distorted and his body felt alot heavier

"did I make it wrong?" the girl said as she watched Jean pass out

after Jean passed out he woke up infront of stage in the middle of a town that had a guillotine on the stage and he was tied to a chair

after a few minutes of Jean struggling to get out of the chair he heard 5 footsteps, as he looked up to see who it was, he was shocked and a chill was sent down his spine, there was a angry clown escorting the 4 other people

"..." after Jean noticed that he couldn't talk since there was tape on his mouth

and then clown took his mother and put her head into the hole and something made Jean's body paralyzed then he was forced to leave his eyes open and he had watch as his mother's head get chopped off right infront of his eyes, blood flew onto his face and surrounded his feet, he couldn't say nor do anything as he watched the rest of his family get decapitated as he thought to himself

"what the hell is wrong with you" Azure said as she slapped the girl

"why would you do that Daisy" Granny said as she put something next to Jean's nose

"I'm sorry, I just really needed someone to test the poi- liquid... look he's already walking up" Daisy said as she pointed to him

when Jean sat up a stream of tears ran down his face and as he saw Daisy his hand automatically wrapped around her neck and before he knew it he was choking her but he just let her go as the tears stopped and he noticed it was nothing but a nightmare

"did you finish making her order" Jean said as he stood up from the bed

"yeah it's downstairs" Azure said as she gave him his sweater

before they left Jean gave Daisy a frightening look as if he was saying "if you ever do that again I'll strangle you to death" his eyes made her worried about her life after they left and got into the car Jean put his head on the steering wheel

"so this one  already developed feelings before the other one" Regal said as a crack appeared on the orb