[New York December 31st, 2046 11:47 PM]

"why the hell do I have to do a roll call" Jean said as he looked st the group of people behind him

"just do it we need to check if everyone's here" Lynn said over the earpiece

"fine... Peril (Winter), Wizard (Mell), Blue, Solar, Odius, Adrom, and Spectur" Jean said as they all raised their hands

"Archangel, Luna, Witch, Merry, Zena, Polar, Aelo" Lynn said as they all raised their hands

"what the hell are these names" Jean thought to himself

"Ora, call it" Divinity (Lynn) said when she switched the channel on the earpiece

"right, I'll hook you up to the digital screen in a few" Ora said as she started calling a number

[56 hours ago]

inside of Lynn's office both Team A & B were there just waiting for Lynn to enter the room since she called them in

"she's the one who called us, why isn't she here" Spectur said in irritation

"why're you complaining now, are you tired of losing at poker" Winter mocked him

"fight me, fight me right now"

before Winter could say anything back Lynn walked into the room saying "okay bad news and good news"

"what's the bad news" Blue asked

"there isn't any bad news but there's good news" Lynn said as she sat down and spinned around on the chair

"what's the good news?" Aelo asked

"the plan that's been in the works for months is finally ready to be executed and only the people in this room are going on that mission" Lynn explained in a excited tone

"including you?" Jean asked

"yup, I'm gonna leave my assistant in charge of the base until we come back" Lynn said

"what's the mission about?" Azure said

"this whole branch is gonna be on the wanted list meaning innocent lives will get involved" Lynn said 

"where is the mission taking place and what are we gonna do?" Luna asked

"right as the ball drops in time square these six buildings will blow up and Team A and Team B will be waiting a couple blocks away on east and west of Time Square Plaza but before we go the Anti-A.N.M is all around the world and their our main target" Lynn explained before she told them to get ready

"Anti- A.N.M? who the hell are they" Blue asked

"they are the elite army group tasked with mainly dealing with our Syndicate, they are trained close combat professionals from around the world" Lynn explained


right now they're 2 blocks away from their target which is the six buildings in Times Square Plaza that has multiple bombs planted inside of them but the bombs, also when Ora called a number the countdown for the bombs were timed to go off a soon as the ball dropped

"9!!...8!!...7!!..6!!" the crowd chanted

"ahem, hello ladies and gentlemen in Times Square Plaza, I hope your listening" Divinity said on one the digital screen

"whose that" citizen 1 said

"what the hell is wrong with the screen" the news lady said

"this is from the of A.N.M's U.S branch, top executives to you and we wish you happy new years" Darkangel said

when Darkangel said this simultaneously every marked building on the picture Divinity showed them earlier exploded and the plaza became a complete mess

they waited for a couple minutes to past after they heard the explosions in the plaza

"okay guys, we start... Now!" Divinity said as she saw 5 A.A.N.M Vehicles (Anti-A.N.M vehicles)

"they respond fast" Zena said as she jumped off the roof

Team A and Team B jumped off the roofs of the the buildings they were on but they had a certain device that helped them land safely on the ground

after 3 minutes past they finally arrived at the Plaza and when they arrived the plaza looked like chaos, since the explosive weren't designed to completely take out building but to just make large pieces of it fall off

"SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE! HELP MY DAUGHTER IS UNDER HERE.... PLEASE HELP LIFT IT UP" a lady said before she started hearing footsteps "Please hel- he- h" the lady started stuttering as she saw Team A

"she's already dead but don't worry miss you'll be with her soon" Darkangel said as he raised his sword

but when his blade was just inches away from her head someone blocked it his attack and tried kicking him in the stomach but he blocked but the force from the kick pushed him back a bit

"I am Anti-A.N.M lieutenant Rivera and i will not let you take anymore lives starting right now" Rivera said as he stood in front of the lady

"cringe" Darkangel said as he backed away

"you, take this woman away from here and I'll deal with this one" Rivera said as he darted towards Darkangel

"are you sure you'll be able to land a hit on me" Darkangel said as he blocked as another attack

"yes I am and I'm sure that I've trained more than enough to kill the likes of you" Rivera said as they both simultaneously back away

when they backed up a large piece of one of the building fell and land at where they were just at and this made Rivera a little mad seeing the destructing they've made and then suddenly his attacks were more heavier than before

Rivera's sword was bigger than his body and everytime Darkangel blocked an attack from him, his arms will bend back a bit

after being on the defensive Darkangel decided to attack now, so he deflected the attack and now Rivera only had a second to pick his sword back up before Darkangel cuts off his head and as he was finally able to pick up his sword, Rivera looked at Darkangel and noticed that his blade was just too close for him to dodge but fortunately for Rivera someone stepped in front of the and blocked the sword with two combat knives and was about to slit Darkangel's eyes but he dodged it jumped back

"thank you Ally" Rivera said as he was breathing heavily

"back up a bit" Ally said as she moved with him

"there's more of them than I thought" Darkangel thought to himself

suddenly from around 60 feet away from them a loud gunshot was made and Darkangel was shot in his right eye, a large piece of mask covering his eye was broken off along with a chunk of his head and he slowly fell to ground 

"alright come on he dead" Ally said before she turned

"right" Rigera said before he turned around

but as they were about to leave they heard someone grunting and thought it was somebody stuck under debris but when they turned they saw Darkangel standing up with his right eye healing but half of his mask broken

"wha..." Ally confused by what's happening was left speechless but she still put up her guard and so did  Rivera

when Darkangel's head was fully healed he stood there looking up at the sky as if he was in a daze and then he looked at them then he turned around looked at the person who shot him and he was 60 meters away on a tall building with Darkangel's brain still healing, he was barely able to hold back like he was doing before and with his right eye completely white, Darkangel looked at Rivera and Ally, he saw their weapon and immediately rushed them as Ally thought she caught him with her attack he ducked under it and punched her in the chest, breaking all of the bones in her but before Rivera could process what just happened Darkangel punched him in the chest and ripped his heart out then he picked up the knife that Ally had but before he could anything with it he heard another gunshot, he was able to dodge the bullet at the same he threw the knife at the sniper, it broke the scope and went through his eye

as this was happening Archangel was fighting  six of the A.A.N.M members and she was able to kill one of them but soon after another one came and almost slit her neck but she dodged it by a CM and kicked the knife outta of his hand and kicked him in the face then she threw her knife his head soon after another came and she tried punching her but Archangel broke her hand and stabbed her in the throat

"that sniper stopped shooting so I guess someone already got to him" Archangel said as killed another one

"look at them, having all the fun" Divinity said as she stood on top of the debris that over looked the plaza

"commander of the Anti-A.N.M sixth division Jaylen" Jaylen said as she walked towards her

"nice" Divinity said

"this is the last name you'll hear before you die" Jaylen said

"if that's the case than, I'm Divinity commander of the A.N.M Syndicate's U.S branch" Divinity said