A.A.N.M ll

"the rest of you watch from a distance these three are on a completely different level then the others" Archangel said as she pointed to three people waiting just outside the plaza

"what, what about L- Divinity" Winter said

"don't worry about her, I'm guessing they won't interfere unless that girl's going to die and where's Darkangel" Archangel said

"he's just sitting down on the other side of that rubble" Blue said as he pointed over to a big pile of debris

"alright, then one of you tell him to come over here before you head back" Archangel said

as Divinity and Jaylen were fighting the three people that Archangel mentioned were just standing there waiting patiently

"she's just playing with her at this point isn't she" man #1 said as he watched Divinity dodge all of Jaylen attacks

"yeah, shouldn't we step in about now" Glenn said

"nah, let's wait it out and don't forget she know's we're here so we can't let her die" man #1 said

"we wasn't gonna let her die anyway" man #3 said

Divinity kept dodging Jaylen's attacks until her back was against the wall and she was about stab her in the chest but Divinity grabbed Jaylen's arm and broke it then she kicked her to the ground

"I guess rumours were wrong" Divinity said as she pulled out a gun

"your still gonna die... not by me. but by them" Jayken said as she looked to the left of her

when Divinity looked to the left all she saw was running towards her with inhuman speed, in just 1 second he was close enough to pull a large axe and attack her with it but all he did was cut a piece of her clothing as Archangel kicked her out of the way before she block the attack from hitting herself

"you was trained to react quickly in situations like that, what happened" Darkangel said when he caught Divinity

"wasn't paying attention" Divinity said

"is that so" Darkangel said as two of the other men were suddenly behind him with large axes was attacked

the first one to attack was the man on the right, Darkangel dodged his attack by jumping upwards and landing on the head of his axe then the man on right attacked aiming for his back but Darkangel dodged it by doing a backflip over it

*Clap Clap Clap* "it's amazing how you was able to dodge our attack without even looking while carrying someone, amazing" man #1 said

"allow me to introduce ourselves before we continue, I'm Major Glenn, he's Major Quincy, and the one over there is Major Mike" Major Glenn (man #3) said

"your not human" Divinity said as he put her down

"can you take one of them out" Darkangel asked

"yes, of course I can" Divinity said

"if you can then watch your opponent closely or else... you'll probably die " Darkangel said as he blocked Major Quincy's attack

when Darkangel blocked the attack it pushed him through a small pile of debris, Major Glenn rushed right after Major Quincy attacked Darkangel and Archangel was still fighting Major Mike

Archangel tried blocking Major Mike's attack again but upon impact her knives broken and both of her arms were cut off but she was able to deflect the attack by using the arm that was cut off to push it away from her body, she started backing away from him

"do you have any other weapons" Archangel said into a earpiece as she drunk something from a flask

"what the hell, only military personnel are supposed to have those how did you get your hands on that" Major Mike said as Archangel's arm started healing

"yeah, I have this staff that one of the engineers gave me, you need it?" Darkangel asked as he backed away from Major Quincy

"yeah I do" Archangel answered as she put the flask away

Darkangel pulled out a small black cylinder and looked around for Archangel, once he saw where she was he threw the cylinder at her with enough stregnth so Major Quincy of Glen couldn't catch it

when Archangel caught it, she pressed the top ends of the cylinder and it expanded into a 8ft staff

"okay, fine we'll finish this up" Divinity said

"is something wrong?" Polar asked

"we gotta wrap it up, missy's getting impatient" Divinity said as she rushed Major Glenn

as Darkangel heard her say this Major Quincy's axe was just a centimeter away from cutting off his head but he dodged it and hit Major Quincy with an uppercut, the force from the uppercut made the top half of his head explode

Archangel dodged Major Mike's attack, swiftly hit him the throat with the staff crushing his windpipe causing him to drop his axe, as he was struggling to breathe she picked up his axe and chopped his head off

"your just gonna leave him there" Winter said as he pointed to Glenn with his legs cutoff

"he's probably gonna bleed to death, so yeah"  Lynn said

"where Darkangel and Archangel" Mell asked

"I had missy send them a heli before hand" Lynn said as she saw their helicopter land on a nearby building

as Darkangel and Archangel were 5 blocks away from the helicopter, there was a roadblock due  a more than a hundred people getting first aid inside of medical tents due to the immediate treatment they needed, most of the cops dispatched helped put up almost all of the tents that was out there

as they were walking by the tents multiple cops stood infront of the tents aiming at them and in between the tents was a pathway leading towards the ends of the roadblock but they saw a fire on one of the buildings behind one of the tents

"this is the fastest way to the helicopter right" Darkangel said as he looked at the fire escape

"yeah if we go up the fire escape and from there we should be able to see the helicopter" Archangel said as she checked her phone

(on her phone it displayed a map that labeled buildings as dark blue and the streets light blue, there was also a green dot and a red dot. the red dot indicated where the helicopter is located and the green dot indicated where Jean and Azure were located)


after they climbed the fire escape and was on top of the roof of a buildings they were able to see the helicopter that was quite a distance away but they also saw a bearded man in a A.A.N.M uniform sitting on a cardboard

"my hunch was right, you wasn't going down that suspicious pathway" the man said as he held his hand on his uniform

"you have a choice whether you could try to fight and die or you could let us pass, ho back to your unit and just act like you never saw us" Darkangel said as he gripped his sword

"I guess, I have no choice in the matter" the bearded man said as he stood up and slowly walked to the fire escape but before the bearded man started climbing down the fire escape he said "remember the name Richard Wilson" with a tone that made the tension in the air thicker

after they watched Richard climb down the fire escape they started making their way towards the helicopter

"that's the first time someone has threatened us when we're Darkangel and Archangel like that right" Darkangel said as he jumped to another building

"we probably should've killed him though, I have a terrible feeling in my stomach" Archangel said as she looked back

"he scared you?" Darkangel said as he waited for her

"funny" Archangel said in a sarcastic tone

as Richard got to the end of the roadblock there was a dozen A.A.N.M vehicles and multiple soldiers just waiting the A.N.M members show their heads but it was just Richard

"Major Richard what happened to your hunch" a soldier greeted him as he entered the camp

"lieutenat Jackey... my hunch was probably wrong let's send the unit to the site immediately " Richard's said as he was swing his hand

"what if your hunch is wrong the board isn't gonna sit well with it" Lieutenant Jackey said

"don't worry about them, they aren't doing shit for us" Richard said as he got into one of the cars, as he picked up a microphone and said this to the soldiers "we're heading to the site"

Jean and Azure finally made it to the helicopter they were supposed to take and was finally on their way to Kyoaku

[January 1st 2047 12:00 PM]

"New York was attack by a Syndicate who call themselves A.N.M last night, no one knows how many people died and no one knows what the abbreviation stands for except for except the members or so is said by the government"

"in the past 6 years A.N.M have targeted many cities around the world and managed to cause the presidents of these specific countries (and some more) decided to create an army solely focused on targeting A.N.M"

"this information was revealed early today by president Benson himself, now on the scene of the horrifying incident is Ms. Tristan" a News Anchor said