A.A.N.M's board elective

"Kenny, what the hell are you doing?" man1 said as walked to the deck of the yacht

"I'm gonna test it out, we need to find out if it's good " Kenny said as he was holding a small (thick) metal ball with a red eye

"on what?" man1 asked as he looked around

"he said the highest this thing can go is around 45,000 feet, it could target anything at that height range and that helicopter up there is around that or lower.... I think" Kenny said as he pressed the eye of the ball

after the man pressed the red eye slim wings came out of the side of the ball and pointed the eye towards the helicopter, he pressed another button, a red laser beam shot out of the metal ball and on to the helicopter

the metal ball started flying toward the helicopter, as it got closer it released an electromagnetic pulse three times that 16 mile radius before it hit the plane

"an emp?, where the hell" the pilot said as he started pressing buttons

"something wrong" Archangel asked

"uhh, I think we were hit with an emp, the helicopter''s not working anymore " the pilot said as he looked out the window

the metal ball hit the helicopter's tail, then it began opened and send multiple fragments that was attached to a string connected to the center of the red eye

"what the hell" Darkangel said as he saw something fly pass the window

"what?" Archangel said as she looked over at him

"we're back online, luckily we only fell 20,000 feet!" the pilot said in excitement

after the fragments spread all over the helicopter, the red eye turned to a 3 second countdown and power surged through the strings and into the fragments

"do you have any way to check the helicopter surroundings?" Darkangel asked

"yeah, just pressed that button on the tablet" the pilot answered as he pointed to the tablet

as Darkangel picked up the tablet the helicopter exploded but after it exploded the only things that were left was Darkangel and Archangel's mask and burnt limbs

"what the fuck is up with that explosion" Kenny said as he watched the mask fall on to the deck

"that is to powerful why the hell did they release it, on top of that there's a bigger one as well" man#1 said as he looked at 4 larger crates

"I don't know but Alan" Kenny said as he inspected the mask

"what do you mean, you don't know it's not like we're going against tanks or ships" Alan said as he stomped on the crate

"no, no, no we'll get back to that later, hurry up look at this" Kenny said as he waved his hand

"what the masks?" Alan said as he picked them up

"yeah, don't they look familiar" Kenny said

"this one looks like that, um, Dark....uhhh.... Darklight and this one looks the girl behind divit" Alan said in frustration

"yeah, don't you think that's a little weird especially if they was in New York and I highly doubt someone would sell a mask that resembles a terrorist mask" Kenny said as Alan dropped the mask

before he entered the cockpit he said "it's weird those were the only things left after that explosion" but as he entered he screamed "IT'S FUCKING STUPID" before he slammed the door

"why the hell is he so mad" Kenny said

"that is stupid, if you don't understand it" Jean said as he climbed on to the deck of the yacht

"Ye-- where the hell did you come from" Kenny said as he pointed a gun at him

"come on, calm down, I'm a naked man, clearly I have no weapons on me" Jean said as he walked closer

"stop walking" Kenny said as he shot at Jean

"that probably alerted the others" Jean thought before he started stretching

after Jean was done stretching, he moved his right leg back and put all of his strength into it then he used it to quickly push himself behind Kenny, once Jean was behind him, he quickly snapped his neck, striped him and tossed him into the ocean

"alright I'm done" Jean said 

'thank you, I was starting to get cold" Azure said as she climbed on to the yacht

Jean gave her the shirt he took off Kenny, put his mask on, picked up the gun, and headed towards the cockpit

"I wonder the hell they used to destroy our helicopter, I don't see any rocket launchers or anything similar to that" Azure said as she picked up mask

as Darkangel was about to put his hand on the doorknob he stopped and walked up the stairs to the right, once he got to the top of the stairs he saw some of the floor was made of glass and you could see into the room below where there was 10 people just waiting around a laptop as if they didn't hear the gunshot

"they didn't even hear the gunshot?" Darkangel said as he walked on the glass floor

"what's taking her so long to answer the call" Alan said before he saw glass falling the ceiling

Darkangel was also falling from the ceiling and as he landed the call Kenny was on waiting on got answered but they weren't able to discuss since already started killing everyone in the room

" you need backup or something" Kyoaku said as she heard the room quiet down

"what a coincidence, send someone to pick us up and bring an extra spare of clothes for me and Archangel" Darkangel said as he pick up the laptop

"what the hell are you doing there and you just messed up my trade" Kyoaku said as she slammed her fist on the table 

"they blew up our plane, thanks to your explosives" Darkangel said

"if that's the case than it's fine and I'll send someone to get you, they should arrive in ten minutes or less" Kyoaku send before she ended the call 

"It's been a couple years since I've been there" Jean said as he threw the laptop

"is there any other clothes in here" Azure said as she walked inside with a bloody shirt

in the middle of the Ocean surrounded by a deserted island was a ship with the words Anti-A.N.M on the side of it and the only two people standing on the deck of the ship was Richard and Jack

"unbelievable we couldn't even take one person out not even the Majors" Richard said as he stared at at the water

"well they are high members of the Syndicate  and by the time--" before she could finish her sentence Richard cut her off saying "it doesn't matter we were picked by the presidents to annihilate them but I have no room to complain since I don't think I can even take out one of the high executives myself"

"so do you have a plan?" Jackey asked as she began walking to the cabin

"at the rate we're going I wouldn't be surprised if we hired bounty hunters to take them out" Richard said as he followed behind

"your not serious... are you?" Jackey asked

"why wouldn't I be, there's plenty of outlaws and bounty hunters stronger then a major but their just hiding right under our nose, their in plain sight" Richard answered

after they entered the cabin the water beneath the ship started to split and only a large circle o the ground beneath was left as it was lowering the ship underground as they were 18 feet below ground they were able  to see the first floor that had a mirror showcasing where the board is and the lower it got the more A.A.N.M soldiers there was until they reached the lowest floor which was 22 more feet below the first floor that was home to all of the ships 

after 20 minutes past the ship was already docked and Richard was reporting his mission to the board 

"how did the mission go" board elective1 said

"the mission went terrible, Sir" Richard answered

"please elaborate" board elective1 said

"we lost a whole division including and the captain is missing but we also lost the 3 siblings: Major Quincy, Major Glenn, and Major Mike when my team arrived on the scene the A.N.M members were already gone" Richard explained

"tch, so useless, hurry up and get out of our sight" board elective2 said as he waved his hand

"although you are the prine minister or mayor you're still lacking the knowledge to actually run an entire military force and the only person who actually showed more promise in that role you put him in jail for possible betrayal" Richard said in irritation

"he was scientist who joined the battle by chance and was able to kill that high ranking member of A.N.M but he used a weapon that was still in it's testing stage and would've destroyed the whole unit"  board elective1 said

"but it didn't and he not only did that but he located the branch located in Qatar and executed a plan to take them out, you are what's holding us back and bringing this military force to the brink of extinction, scientist Devin was only helping us get rid of the problem" Richard said

"watch your mouth" board elective3 said

"make me the General of this military force and I'll be able to show more progress against A.N.M than you did as a whole" Richard said

"I couldn't agree more, you have my vote" a voice said in the background

"what... what do you mean he has your vote" board elective2 said in confusion

"after hearing what he had to say, not only mines but he has the other presidents votes as well" President1 said as he was clapping

"it means that he will become the new board of  A.N.M, effective immediately" President2 said