Team Twelve's start

[January 4th, 2047]

[Team AA: Ghoul, Archangel, Antler.

Team AB: Monster, Grizzly, Fang.

Team BA: Polar, Death, Serpent.

Team BB: Angel, Darkangel, Terror]

2 days have passed and team Twelve is about to start their first mission and Richard iisin hi# office with Trevor going over his plans and blueprints on a screen

"they already made a branch to replace the one that was destroyed, right" Trevor said when he sat down

"yeah, they made a Syndicate in the U.S and that branch probably or most likely has the most dangerous executives" Richard said

"where is the branch main base stationed, depending on that we could pick whichever plan and blueprint is suitable for wiping out that branch. what about the other branches did they change locations or did they stay in same spot" Trevor asked as he changed the screen to a detailed map of 5 states

"for your first question our Intel is saying that the U.S branch in either in LA and for your second one, the first 3 branches haven't changed their location but the other two have and their location is unknown for now" Richard said as he used the computer to update the map

the map added 1 new state with a question marks on it and it also closed in on three cities with a circle on multiple buildings, each circle was labeled with the name of a branch, the states that the map didn't close in on had a question mark on them

"so the Luxembourg branch, Singapore branch, and the branch in Denmark didn't move to a different location. Norway's branch and Switzerland's branch move to a different location, any clues as to where they went? and tell me about the new branch in the U.S" Trevor asked

"before the U.S branch was introduced they were taking out multiple gangs in LA, the top executive 'Darkangel' took out 3 gangs by himself a couple weeks ago and the other top executive 'Archangel' did the same thing but this was over a month ago, the other top executives were able to take one gang on their own I'm guessing but just a couple days before the incident in New York Darkangel and Archangel took out one of the most dangerous gangs in LA along with two SWAT teams and multiple LAPD officers" Richard explained as he tossed a file to Trevor

"tell me about the incident in New York" Trevor said as he put the file to the side

"the branch decided to introduce themselves on new years eve in New York, times Square by blowing up multiple buildings in the plaza as soon as the ball dropped, only the top executives and the commander of the branch was there they took out a whole division and 3 of our strongest generals, later it counted six thousand people were present and only 15 percent survived and all of them lost a limb and/or organ" Richard explains with a guilty tone

"damn... okay for now we'll start coming up with ways to destroy that branch but for now let's focus on the Luxembourg branch I already prepared something for them but we'll need two more days for it to be transferred and a major needs to use them" Trevor said as he began reading the file

Team Twelve were waiting on top the house where the banquet is being held and they were watching some of the guards walk around around the house's yard

"are you rea-" Seras stopped as she saw Noah jump off the roof

"luckily it's not that far from the ground" Amanda said as she followed behind him

when Noah and Amanda landed two A.A.N.M guards spotted them immediately and noticed their masked, they tried calling for back up but Nora and Kota landed behind them and snapped their necks

"Me and Azure will go with them, the rest of you  go in through the left side" Seras said as she jumped off the roof

"alright" Zoey said as she walked towards the left side of the roof

"I think there's more guards over here than there is over there" Mych (Angel) said as he jumped off the roof

when Angel jumped off the roof he landed on a guard and shot him in the head, the guards around him tried shooting at Angel but Darkangel and Polar killed them

"is right entrance good" a guard whispered the earpiece

"yeah, everything seems clear over here" guard2 answered

"what about you, is the left entrance good" the guard asked

"..." no one answered his question

"three guards on the right side check the left entrance" guard1 said

"right" Fang answered

after Fang answered him, he broke the earpiece and headed for the rest of the guards with Grizzly and Monster while the rest headed towards the banquet

"we'll take out the other guards over here so just head over to the president" Darkangel said as he signalled for Terror (Zack) and Angel to follow him

"alright, be careful" Death (Selena) said as she followed Polar into the house

as they were about to turn a corner multiple A.A.N.M guards started jumping out of the bushes and began charging at them

"wait!" soldier1 said but half of them kept charging towards Team BB

only 6 out of the out the twelve who didn't listen to the soldier noticed the tags and mask design and stop moving but the ones who didn't noticed got their head chopped off as soon as they were in 5 meters away

the soldier in the back tried to call some back up but he also failed by getting shot in the head by Angel and almost a second after the rest of the soldiers were killed and they heard multiple screams from the right side

Angel walked over to the device and shot twice before leaving the scene with Terror and Darkangel

Team AB were able attracted almost every guard on the right side of the yard and were being surrounded by them

"we're close to the main entrance of the building  so let's hurry up and kill the rest of these bitches" Fang said as he rushed the guards

Fang started stabbing the guards in the neck while Monster used his back to get over the majority of the guards and began shooting most of them in the head or in the stomach but one of them we're able to catch monster by surprise and started squeezing her, all Monster did was move her head to the right as Grizzly threw a knife at the guard's head, the knife shot the blade out whilst being attached by string and stabbed the guard in the nose when the reattached to the knife the back of the guard's head exploded

"nice" Monster said as she picked up the knife

Grizzly put on gloves the had metal attached to the knuckles with razor sharp claws attached to the fingertips

"your first person I'm gonna use this on be grateful" Grizzly said to the guard as he used the claws to penetrate his torso and rip his heart out

witnessing this guards started backing away but Grizzly rushed them and started using metal knuckles instead of the claws and every time he would punch a guard their Jaws would easily break

"their weaker than the normal A.A.N.M soldier's I fought against before" Grizzly said as he punched a guard in the neck

"yeah, they're not even using their guns" Fang said as he lifted up a guard

"that's because their just Privates their not sergeant like the other A.A.N.M soldiers we went against" Terror said as he walked around the corner with the rest of Team BB

"oh... your right" Fang said as he dropped the guard

"what the hell... that's--" a guard said before his head was cut off by Darkangel

"anyway what the hell are you doing over here so fast, do you already kill the guards on the left  side" Fang asked as he killed another guard

inside of the house the governor's we're scared after hearing the screams coming from out side and the guards were inside of the rooms

"you, go check what's going on and report back" guard1 said as he pointed to one of the other guard

as the guard stepped outside of the room half of his head was chopped off, his body fell back and everyone inside of the room saw him and the governor's started to vomit

the face showed his brain, bloody skull, and a couple extra parts after Team AA and Team BB (Team A) walked into the room and the president was shocked but that shock quickly turned to fear as he saw all of them walk into the room

the only thing hovering inside of his mind was the question "am I going to die" then the guards started rushing them, the president was too scared to talk all he could do is watch as the guard run towards his death

Archangel attacked the guard that rushed them but made her attack wasn't strong enough to kill just enough to make him pass out