Jean's demon

"what do you want" the President said as he stood

"contact the leader of A.A.N.M" Ghoul said holding a gun to the president

"there's no way for me to contact them from here" the President claimed as he

"then take me to a place where you can contact them, and if you decline or try anything opposite to what I tell we'll kill a mayor" Ghoul said as she aimed at the former board member

the president started to think if she was just play but Ghoul gave a warning shot at the mayor and he made up his right before Team B walked into the room

"the six of you stay with the mayors and keep them alive unless more of them come" Ghoul said after she took a glance at the guards on the floor

"what?" Fang said in confusion as he watched Team A leave with the President

one of the mayors used a device in her pocket and it started to light up but the light was too dim for Team B too see with a glance

"I guess they were only rumors, weren't they DA" Monster said as she poked Darkangel

"what rumors?" Darkangel asked as he stepped away from her

"the rumors said when you kill people it starts raining blood" Monster said

"it only starts once I kill a certain amount of people" Darkangel said as he looked at the governors

more than 60 meters away from the banquet was a A.A.N.M station and inside an alarm was going off

"division ten head to the banquet, division thirteen and eight be on standby" the Major said into a mic

"roger" Division ten commander replied

"copy" Division thirteen commander replied after

"okay" Division eight commander said

Division ten was already 10 meters away from the entrance to the house and over 40 meters away were to the right underground Divisions thirteen and eight were all on a rooftops just watching from afar

inside the house Team B were getting bored so half of them started killing the guards that was passed out in the room

"we probably shouldn't have killed them though" Monster said as she saw the governors start to gag

"right we should've at least left one alive" Terror said while poking one of the bodies with his foot

"I'm gonna go check outside" Darkangel said as he left the room

"what the hell's wrong with him" Fang said

as Darkangel was walking in the hallway dead bodies littered the floor and they kept piling on each other while his surrounding area got darker, as the surrounding area got as dark as it can get two lights appeared, Darkangel was the spotlight for one of them and blood from the dead bodies was drawn to the other light

the blood started shaping itself into a human figure with 4 horns, after it fully shaped itself, the skin started forming with patterns of a burgundy and pale skin patches and the horns that formed were on it's head and right behind it's ear was covered by the material on the pitch black walls

"i went to sleep for a little and you think you can make friends already?" It said as Jean walked by

"that was over 2000 years ago, I think I'm allowed to make some now" Jean said as he stopped walking looked back at it but it dissapeared

"you think?, why you gonna kill these 'friends' as well" It said as it appeared infront of him

"Ezreal, if I didn't kill them, they would've-- " Jean stopped as he realized what he was about to say

"what? They would've killed you too, pathetic... you don't need them your better off alone the closer they get to you is equivalent to them killing themselves just stay away from them or kill all of them now" Ezreal said before she heard some footsteps and voices coming from outside of the house

when they heard the noise everything went back to normal and they were already outside but it didn't disappear, Darkangel jumped onto the roof and noticed that the A.A.N.M was there

"put your hand down there no need to call them for backup your more than enough now... show me how you killed you friends" Ezreal said as she put it's hands on Darkangel face

Darkangel started shaking as he tried too ignore her

"don't try it, you've never been able to fight me and you still can't now, SHOW ME WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR FRIENDS" Ezreal said as she squeeze Darkangel's face

the color on Darkangel's uniform changed from white and black to a complete pitch black color

"what the hell that's new" Ezreal said before Darkangel jumped off the roof

Darkangel landed infront of Division ten with his katana's blade glowing red and Ezreal just watching from above with a smile on her face

the president took Team A to one of the rooms in a large basement, the room had a large screen on the wall, with a digital keyboard in the desk across from the screen

"is this it?, call them" Ghoul ordered him

the president started pressing multiple buttons after he turned the screen not wanting to waste anytime since he wouldn't know how they would react

"that's the plan we're going with" Richard said before he heard a call from the computer

"who is it?" Trevor asked as he put the plan in a blueprint labeled U.S

"it's the Japanese president" Richard said as he put the call on the screen

"hello?" Richard said as he was confused as to why a president was calling him

"I'm gonna change it to video" the President said

when he changed it to video call Richard and Trevor was surprised by the fact half of the strongest top executives in the Syndicate are holding the president hostage in the middle of his banquet

"we might need to come up with another if this is what I think this is" Trevor said as moved the files to the side

"Why The Hell Are You There, How The Hell Did You Know About The Banquet!" Richard shouted as he slammed his fist on the table

"relax this will all blow over shortly" Ghoul said as she pushed the president to the side

"what do you want" Richard said as he tried calming down

"all we wanted was to introduce the new team to the A.A.N.M, I'm pretty sure you met most of us or heard of us right richie, we are a team filled with the strongest top executives" Ghoul said as she raised her arms

"what do you mean a new team?" Richard said hoping he heard her wrong

"the Twelve strongest top executives in one team AKA Team Twelve" Ghoul said before a faint sound of gunshots were

" that all you wanted to do, what about the other governors are they good" Richard said said in concern

"bye, bye" Ghoul said as she ended the call

the silence in Richard's office was as loud as an explosion, they were both surprised but confused as to how the knew there was a banquet

"do you have any ideas, on how we deal with this crap" Richard said as he looked at Trevor with a frustrated look

"yeah, the only one I can come up with since I've never planned for this" Trevor said as he started searching through one of his folders

"what are you doing?" Ruchard said as he was now frustrated and confused

"I still have it, hopefully it's still viable" Trevor said as he grabbed the computer

"the best option is...?" Richard said waiting for Trevor to answer before he put another call on the screen

as they wait for the person to answer the call, Richard was just staring at Trevor waiting for him to reveal the idea to him

"what the hell did you call for" someone said with an attitude when he answered the call

"I'n sure you aren't busy right now, did you hear the commotion over at the president's residence" Trevor gossiped

"yeah I did, now what did you need, I know you won't call without business" the person said as he placed a cup down

"we have a big bounty for you to catch it will equal to 14.64 Billion in any currency you want, you up for it?" Trevor asked as he uploaded pictures to a chat

"we've been underground for a bit too long and these are some pretty strong characters, you couldn't find out way to kill them?" the person said in glad tone

"it was an unprecedented introduction but be careful Ryoa they are able to overpower hundreds of soldiers individually" Trevor said with a bit of concern

"did you forget your talking to the number one bounty hunter family in the world's leader: Ryoa Seiken, we will be able too kill every single one of them and send you their heads drained of blood" Ryoa said with an over whelming attitude

"this is a promise 14.64 billion in any currency you want if you kill all of them" Trevor said before Ryoa ended the call

"you placed a bounty on them just for the Seiken  family could hunt them down, came up with more than I thought" Richard said as he lated his head on the table

"yeah that was one hell of a call" Trevor said