The rogue squad’s basement

"how many is that now" Antler said as she sat down

"we're done for tonight but this is the 20th target" Ghoul said as she tossed the body into the pool

the house they were in was in the middle of no where with three roads that wasn't being occupied, the house had belonged to a rogue squad that was apart of a mafia and the mafia it escaped from had strong ties to the A.N.M Syndicate, the boss requested for them to take out the rogue squad

"hold onto this" Archangel said as she handed Darkangel a dagger

"Mr.Q said there was surprise in the basement, let's go check" Fang said as he opened a door

the basement had eight locked rooms with dry blood trails barely making it out of the door and one with a fresh blood trail and a hammer hanging on the side of it with blood dripping from the head of it, four of the members kept watch outside while the rest checked the rooms and Archangel checked the room with a fresh blood trail leading out of it but there was a little girl covered in blood and chained to a bed, her eyes seemed to be closed but when she heard the creaking sound from the door opening her eyes opened wide as she started getting terrified

"this is disgusting" Archangel said as she looked at the dirty walls and floor

the walls had blood stains on them with and the floor had white stains, blood stains, and a broken syringes with blue liquid near it all over the floors

"she looks like she's 6 years old, did they drug her or did they use that fucking medicine" Archangel thought as she walked towards the little girl

(the medicine was created by scientists and it was able to heal all the wounds inflicted unless it was severed. It was created in the year 2029 for the sole porpose of helping the U.S military in upcoming battles but in one of the production everything about the medicine was leaked including how to make it and the medicine slowly got into public hands but was highly priced but it quickly got into the hands of underground scientists and they became highly respected as they sold the ingredients and the premade medicine)

when Archangel was close enough she saw the girl crying but she wasn't making and she broke the chains on her wrist and ankle, the girl looked like she was beginning to calm down after Archangel took her mask off and started comforting her

"we only fou--" Fang said Azure threw a knife at his feet

after the girl heard his voice she started to freak out again but Azure helped her calmed down, Fang left with the others and waited for her to come out

as they were waiting outside they called someone to bring their car so they could head back to the hotel after they took their uniform off

"so everyone you found in there was either dead or hoping they were dead" Owen said as he heard barking coming from the back of the house

"yeah I think they were all tortured and the one's that were dead seemed to have died either or 3 days ago or yesterday" Nora said as she heard a low voice coming from inside the house

"yeah but where the hell is Jean, he was a right there just a minute ago" Mych said as he pointed to a boulder

inside of the house there was one more member of the rogue squad left that had 5 dogs next to him and he was aiming a shotgun towards the bathroom while hiding underneath plants

"what the hell is she doing in there" Jean thought as he placed his hand on the door

the man immediately shot Jean's arm once he saw him

"go get 'em" the man said to the dogs

Jean's arm was completely blown and the dogs started biting his legs and his other arm

"I thought she was in here since the water was running but I guess that was just a trap set by him" Jean thought as he grabbed one the dogs and threw them at the man hiding under the plants

"ouch, you jackass" the man said he stood up

the man started shooting Jean until he ran out of bullets leaving around five large holes in his stomach and one hole in the left side of his head

"guess, I have no choice since you already saw me here without the mask" Jean said as his body started to heal

the dogs were still biting him but they all let go and ran behind the man then they started coughing up blood before collapsing to the ground

"what the hell are you, a robot?" the man said as he tried reloading his gun

"they usually become speechless or just call me a monster" Jean thought as he cut the man's head off

right after Jean cutoff the man's head he heard the bathroom door open and thought there was one more left and as soon as he saw the feet he immediately swung his sword at the door but it was blocked and pushed away, the person continued to walk forward and tried attacking again but Azure blocked it with her gun and rushed out of the bathroom

when Azure rushed out she was carrying something wrapped up in a towel and a pistol steadily trained at whoever she thought attacked and started opening fire

"who you think is gonna win, I got 20 on Jean" Zack said peeking through the door

"I bet 20 bucks on Azure" Noah said as he started recording it

"I mean Azure is carrying something but she is also spraying a sub at him so she'll most likely win" Amanda said as she peeked through the window

"yeah but if he he's strong enough and I think he is, he could just launch the couch at her" Nora said as she pulled out her wallet

"speaking of which shouldn't we like you know stop it since one of them might end up dying and plus I wanna know what she's carrying" Kota said

"yeah probably but I don't think a couple of bullets would kill him I mean he stepped on a mine before and some how survived it" Nora said

"true but we should still stop it I also wanna know what she's carrying" Seras said

"yeah but it's not like they'll kill each other, they should be able to recognize each other" Mych said

when Azure ran out of bullets she threw a small grenade towards Jean and she went behind a wall to take cover from the explosion

"stay here for a minute okay" Azure said as she put the towel on the floor before hearing the explosion

before the bomb exploded Jean noticed what type of bomb it was and jumped over the chair at the same time he flipped the couch over to cover the explosion

"didn't think ex-goons would have these bombs" Jean said as smoke started filling the room

"actually let's just stay and watch from here, I wouldn't want to get caught up in their misunderstanding" Seras said as she backed up from the door

after the smoke fully filled the room Azure was able to sneak up behind Jean and tried slashing his body but as soon as he felt something sharp on his shoulder he ducked as fast as he can and tried sweeping whoever he thought was behind him off their feet but she heard his feet slide against the floor and jump away, she started shooting him and quickly stopped as the gun was jammed yet with all the bullets she fired she saw someone's hand rush towards her face and grabbed although it was easy for her to evade it she didn't as she was too surprised that the person was able to dodge all of those bullets nevertheless she was still able to dodge the other attack aimed at her since she felt the movements in his body through his hand she also heard the something ripping through the smoke and was able to get out of the way of the weapon according to it's trajectory but Azure had to break Jean's arm to fully get out of his grip, his hand started to heal immediately but as it was about to heal he felt the smoke near his shoulder start to disperse so he used the nearly healed hand to block it cau unfortunately he was to focused on blocking that attack that he didn't pay attention the kick she threw at him just a millisecond after he blocked it and was able to kick him in the neck and her foot ripped threw his neck but he was able to heal it and his feet before he caught her leg and swept her off her feet and as he heard her body hit the floor he stabbed her neck but she pulled it out and pushed the sword away after her neck quickly healed she tried stabbing him in the head but he blocked it with the dagger he just remembered he had but he also tried stabbing her but she blocked with her other knife, now it was just a matter of who has more strength but the smoke became more clear, they both noticed who it was they were fighting each other and stopped but Jean felt something hit him in the stomach

"it was you?, I thought you were someone else" Azure said as she stood up

"same" Jean said as he felt something bite him in the stomach

when Jean looked at what bit him it was a little girl who was about to start crying as soon as she saw his face

"never knew that could hurt so much" Jean thought as he picked the girl up and gave her to Azure