So troublesome

"there's really no point in talking about it... I  mean we are literally going around and killing people we have no purpose except spreading our name, this is the only person we've let live during a mission and on top of that we're letting her come with us, I forgot to mention she's scared of half of the people in the group" Noah said as he started the car

"right but that's only when we have the mask on as soon as we take it off we are different people  and you can't get mad at her for being scared of the men in the group, we can only imagine what she's been through at that age" Kota said as he closed the door

"we have ten days left until we leave Germany in those ten days we won't be doing anything special since we already spread our names through this country, so we have plenty of time to decide whether or not letting the kid stay with us is a good idea or not" Owen said

"It's obviously not a good idea to let the kid stay with us, I'm with Noah it's best if we just leave her where she'll be able to get help and better counseling from therapists instead of mass murders don't you guys agree that's the better option" Mych said

"I agree there's no point in the kid staying with us but I doubt she has anywhere else to go, Jean what do you think we should do" Zack said

"...I don't know" Jean said

after a couple hours past they had already made it to the inn and they were all asleep except for Jean and Azure who stood up watching the little kid in their room

"were you able to find out her name" Jean said

"she was called G9" Azure said

"what about her real name" Jean asked

"no she doesn't remember it" Azure said

"...did you find out where she came from or her parents name" Jean asked

"well.. apparently her grandparents took care of her but they owed a lot of money to the KMI Mafia but they ran out of time to pay their debt and they were killed, she was kidnapped only getting tortured until a while ago when that squad took her and went far beyond just torturing her, she hasn't been outside ever since she was kidnapped except when she was being transported to that safehouse we were at last night" Azure explained

"and she still remembers all of this" Jean said

"it kept replaying in her head" Azure said

"I'm surprised she was able to talk about it with you... someone she just met" Jean said

"we have a special bond" Azure said gleefully

"uh-huh" Jean said sarcastically

*ring ring*

"what?" Jean said as he answered the phone

"finally someone answered" Kyoaku said in frustration

"was I the last one you called?, is there another mission?" Jean asked

"does that really matter? and not really I just need you to go to the KMI Mafia's Base and pick up the money also of course make sure your in uniform" Kyoaku said

"...I'm not sure if I needed permission for this but for some reasons I might kill them" Jean said as he looked over at the little girl and Azure

"uhh... sure I don't need them anymore, do what you want and you might get hunted by his family but overall I don't care if you kill them" Kyoaku said as she shrugged her shoulders

"cool" Jean said as he yawned

"alright just let me know when your done"   Kyoaku said

"ok, ok" Jean said as he ended the call

"will you actually get answers about the girl or will you just forget about it and kill them all?" Azure said

"if your implying that I'll waste time going to a mafia base just to get money and kill them then your absolutely right but this time I'm only going to get answers about the kid" Jean said

"really?" Azure asked

"based on their answers but I'll get going now I rather not hear the kid cry" Jean said as he saw the kid getting up

"she probably isn't that scared of you anymore and she won't cry either" Azure said

when he got the briefcase from under his bed, he saw the little girl staring at him but she pulled the covers over her head

"told you" Azure said

"uh-huh" Jean said

"don't forget about the information" Azure said as she walked towards her

"yeah, yeah" Jean said as he left the room

"so... what do you wanna eat?" Azure asked the little girl

after 2 hours Darkangel finally made it to a place where he had to be escorted directly into the bases garage before being taken to the boss's room

inside of the room was 4 members 2 standing on each side of the Boss and two of them had a briefcase and he sat across from Darkangel who had a small bag

"it's good to meet you Darkangel" The Mafia Boss said as he held his hand out

"feelings mutual mr. Joel" Darkangel said as he shook his hand

"I had my boys check the location the Queen sent me and they verified the men there was certainly the traitors so here's the money for a job well done is there any questions you have" Joel said as he had the men present the money in a briefcase

"tell me what you know about the kid G9" Darkangel

"G9? sounds familiar" Joel said before one of the members whispered into his ear

"nope, I can't do that" Joel said

"..." Darkangel stood quiet as he stood up file and took the money

"don't take this personally, the Queen is an amazing asset to me but that contains too much information" Joel said

"right, I understand" Darkangel said as he put the money down near the door

around 2 hours later inside the Inn Azure was talking with the team about where they should go next after they leave Germany

"so we're going here next, right?" Noah said as he pointed to a country on the map

"yeah we were told that we can travel anywhere as long as we skip the countries where the branches are located" Seras said

"yeah but before we actually agree on this there should be a better place that's more populated than this so let's keep looking over" Amanda said

"by the way Azure, I haven't seen Jean, I haven't seen him all day" Mych asked

"yeah, I was looking for him earlier but I couldn't find him anywhere" Owen said

"what the hell are all of you doing in here" Jean said as he walked through the door

"where the hell were you" Seras said

"running some errands" Jean said as he tossed a briefcase to Azure

"what is it?" Azure asked as she opened it

"it's all of the files I took from the KMI Mafia" Jean explained

about an hour had past after all of them analyzed the document and read one of the documents over a couple of times

"why the hell are you looking at me" Jean said

"we already told you how are you not at least not a little bit shocked or angry" Selena said as she was waving the paper

"Oh No!" Jean said sarcastically

"not only him why the hell are you calm too" Amanda said

"...I am but I kinda already figured that was the case, she looks like him as well" Azure said as she shrugged her shoulders

"I mean we can just ask Aku if she knows the whereabouts of the Mafia Boss's family" Jean  said

while thinking about what happened to the girl and the death of their two friends, Jean and Azure were getting pissed off

"who are you calling" Noah said

"shh..." Jean and Azure said simultaneously

"... fuck you" Noah said in a lower tone

"what happen" Kyoaku said as she answered the phone

"yeah I got the money but I also killed all of them... do you know where his family is located" Jean said

"there was a spy in there did kill him?" Kyoaku asked

"no he helped me kill some of them" Jean said

"...alright than just wait a couple hour or more she should somehow find you " Kyoaku said

"what do you want us to do with the money" Jean said

"I don't know keep it I guess" Kyoaku said awkwardly before she ended the call

after the call ended they started going over the other files Jean brought and told him where they were going next

"how much did you get?" Noah said

"I don't know, check" Jean said as he tossed the other briefcases

"you didn't count it?" Noah asked as he passed one the briefcases to Zack

"no, I've seen the money but I didn't count it but did you think if a name for her" Jean said

"Darkangel, I know your here, you killed my sweet little boy Joel so of course you have to pay with your life" Mother said into a microphone

"that was fast" Seras said