End of KMI

"Darkangel, I know your here, you killed my sweet little boy Joel so of course you have to pay with your life" Mother said into a microphone

"that was fast" Seras said

"yeah it was too fast" Jean said as he walked into the bathroom

"there most like gonna be at least a hundred people down there, do you need help" Selena said

"no, Me and Jean are more than enough" Azure said as she walked into the bathroom as well

"there's 1.2 million euros, 600k in each" Zack said

in the lounge the Mafia Boss's mother had around 200 goons waiting for Darkangel, Mother was also gonna kill the receptionist if Darkamgel didn't arrive in 5 minutes

"I know they don't care about you but it's worth a shot if I can kill him faster" Mother said as she cocked the gun back

"is this all of you?, this is more than I thought" Darkangel said as he walked into the lounge

"obviously not my worthless son is in Berlin and have no time to kill but the rest of my kids here are my little soldiers and their more than enough to kill you" Mother said as she looked at Darkangel with a smile

"you are way bigger than I thought" Archangel said as she lowered Mother's gun

"what the hell is this slut doing here" Mother said as she tried to kick her

the receptionist ended running into one of the rooms in the left hallway

Archangel pushed Mother's foot to the side and swept her other foot off the ground causing her to fall, Archangel tried to kill Mother but one of her soldiers tackling her into the receptionist's desk and almost stabbed her in the neck but she caught the blade and kicked him away and was about to cut his head off however another one of the soldiers shot the knife out of her hand so Archangel grabbed the soldier and threw him at the other one nonetheless another soldier grappled her waist and his grip got tighter but she used the receptionist's desk to jolt backwards and pushed her legs down, she pulled him over and catapulted him to the wall

then again in order to get her attention off of Mother another soldier tried hitting her in the head with a bat but she ducked and stabbed him in the knee before grabbing his head and smashing it on her knee

"do you need help?" Darkangel said as he kept dodging all of the other soldiers attacks

"don't make me laugh" Archangel said as she stabbed the soldier in the stomach and kicked her away

two more soldiers started charging her but she slid under them and once she was behind them she grabbed their heads and bumped them together, Archangel's hands ripped through their heads

under the mask Archangel had a smile filled with pleasure as she saw the blood drip off of her hands 

Mother made a face of disgust as soon she felt the blood touch her skin, she started wiping the blood off her skin as fast as she can

"is she getting turned on by this?" Darkangel thought as he flipped a soldier over and stepped on the soldier's head

when Darkangel stepped on the soldier's head right underneath his nose his foot ripped right through his head but there was still a large piece of the head so Darkangel kicked it up into one of the soldier's hand and he just stood still looking at the piece of his brothers head on his hand

"hurry up and kill them!" Mother shouted as she threw a tissue away

Darkangel tried kicking the soldier in the head but a metal wire pulled his leg back, as soldier1 pulled the wire back it started penetrating his skin and slowly his bones as well

another soldier almost stabbed Darkangel in the chest but he pushed her away while taking her dagger then he threw the dagger at soldier1 and the wire was a little loose now he was able to move but soldier2 came back and stabbed his calf and tried to stab him in the neck but Darkangel stopped it with his hand and stabbed her in the stomach with his sword

"probably should've had some sleep before this or a beer" Darkangel thought as he stood up

Mother pulled out a gun and started shooting Archangel but she used some of the soldiers as shields and waited for Mother to reload

one of the soldiers tried wrapping a wire around  Archangel's neck but she pulled him in closer with the wire and smashed the soldier's head on the floor

"how many are there now?" Archangel said as she smashed a soldier's head with her hands

"I think 184 are leftis left" Darkangel said as he cut another soldier's head off

"that's too many" Archangel exaggerated

"yeah, I'm starting to get exhausted so let's hurry up" Darkangel said

Mother tried shooting them but Darkangel threw his sword at Mother, Archangel predicted which way she was going to dodge and stabbed Mother's left knee

"son of a bitch" Mother said as she collapsed

Mother tried punching Archangel but she grabbed her fist, Darkangel grabbed his sword and sliced Mother's right leg off

all of the soldiers started rushing them but Darkangel took Mother's gun and started shooting them until he ran out and started charging them while Archangel stabbed Mother's eyes and dragged her knives down Mother's face

police sirens started coming from outside although they were getting closer and closer the goon's attacks didn't let up on Darkangel and Archangel until the finally arrive

once the police arrived they immediately saw all of the dead bodies on the floor and recognized they were KMI family on the floor as they got closer they noticed they weren't fighting amongst themselves and able to realized that they were fighting Darkangel and Archangel

"FIRE!!" Policeman1 ordered all of the policemen

as soldier's started dropping most of them scattering causing some of the policemen to focus their aim else where while making it easier Darkangel and Archangel to escape through the back door without a scratched  before the rest of the soldiers died

after all of the soldiers finally died the policemen checked the bodies and realized that Darkangel and Archangel wasn't amongst the dead bodies

"check the rooms for any staff that are alive" Lieutenant1 said as he walked over the bodies

the first hallway the policemen checked was to the left of the receptionist desk, after checking almost all of the rooms the policemen finally found them in a room all the way in the back

after hearing all of the gunshots Evelyn was hiding under the covers waiting for Azure to come back

"you bastards can handle the next 2 missions we have" Jean said as he walked out the bathroom with Azure

"we have to leave now anyway and head for Berlin so pack your unpacked shit" Seras said

"hello! pack up as fast as you can, you can't stay here anymore" Policeman2 said as he knocked on the door

"alright can we get our stuff out of our rooms first?" Amanda asked as she opened the door

"is this not your room?" Policeman2 asked

"no, it belongs to those two" Amanda said as she pointed to Jean and Azure

"...alright hurry up and get your stuff" Policeman2 said as he stepped to the side

"did something happen, why do we have to leave?" Seras asked

"don't worry about it... all of you meet me by the staircase" Lieutenant2 said as he pointed behind him

"sir the rest of the visitors are already heading downstairs we're just waiting on you" Policeman1 said before he heard an explosion come from outside

"what the hell!" Lieutenant2 said as he ran to the window at the end of the hallway

"Manny the cars just exploded" Lieutenant1 said into the earpiece

"did ours explode?" Lieutenant Manny asked

"no we're good, we.are.good" Lieutenant1 said

after the police took the visitors back to a hotel somewhere in Heidelberg and the two Lieutenants reported to the chief of A.A.N.M

"was there anyone else there or was it just the two of them" Richard asked

"yes it was just them fighting the KMI family" Manny said

"KMI family?, who are they" Trevor said

"their the family of a Mafia boss, they were compromised of a mother and over 200 kids but they were all killed except for the Mafia boss himself" Manny said

"did they put up a fight against you?" Trevor asked

"no I think they left as soon as we opened fire on them" Manny said

"no I think they left once the KMI kids started running in circles" Lieutenant1 said

"alright was that all or did something else happen" Richard asked

"every vehicle the visitors had owned simultaneously exploded" Lieutenant1 said

"alright thanks for reporting and stay in Heidelberg, unless something happens stay in Heidelberg, have a good day" Ricjard said before ending the call

"I thought the Seiken family would be able to deal with them by now" Trevor said while spinning on the seat

"it's unbelievable that the Twelve of them alone can just cause us this much" Richard said in distress

"but this should be the last Branch right let's complete this fucking plan already" Trevor said as he dragged his words

"yup let's launch the attack on all of these bitches on the same day" Richard said as he switched the screen

"the Luxembourg branch, the Singapore branch, the Norway branch, the Ireland branch, the Switzerland branch, and finally the United States branch" Trevor said