Team Twelve

"I'm surprised he didn't show up yet, he already knows what we're doing but he hasn't showed up yet" KoG2 said

"he must've found this one interesting but he'll most likely stop this once he's bored" Regal said

"probably but you know he won't let us off with a slap on a wrist" KoG2 said

"yeah but it's not us only the rest committed a taboo as well so we'll most likely get erased but who cares this life is boring anyway" Regal said as he shrugged his shoulders

"agreed if he's gonna do it then he needs to hurry, I KNOW HEAR US, HURRY UP AND STOP WATCHING US FROM YOUR BULLSHIT HIGH CHAIR and do something" KoG2 said as a black pocket opened in the air in front of them

[January 18th, 7:54PM- Earth]

"are the bombs in place yet?" Lieutenant Jackey asked as she walked up to the tree

"Al should now he's the one whose placing them" Ryoa said as he pointed to the tracks

"uhh... yeah, yeah we are definitely ready now we just need the train" Alias said as tossed a pack of cigarettes to Ryoa

"there shouldn't be much time left until the train departs from the station but it'll take over three hours for the train to get here, you have plenty of time to make sure that the bombs are actually ready" Ryoa said

"...right..." Alias said as he dragged his words while he rolled his eyes and walked back to the bombs "also one more thing I don't think Karla got on the train so she's most likely coming here" Alias said

"alright" Ryoa said

"by the way what's your relationship with them" Lieutenant Jackey said

"with who? the motherfuckers sitting on the floor?" Ryoa said as he pointed to his soldiers

"don't play dumb you know who I'm talking about" Lieutenant Jackey said as she moved the book to another branch

"I only know Trevor not Richard" Ryoa said

"what's your relationship with the targets" Lieutenant Jackey asked

"it's a pers–" Ryoa said as someone shook the branch he was on

"sorry for interrupting your small talk but we have to get in position now" Karla said

"what happened to the train?" Ryoa asked

"we have about 40 minutes before the train actually arrive before you ask why... they changed something and that something gave the train a speed boost" Alias said

"alright let's get into position than" Ryoa said as he dropped from the branch

"wait I'm not done, the parts they used took up more space than they thought it would and it ended up making the first car walls are more thinner than the others so the engine is easier to target" Alias said

"are the three guys that were with you on the train" Ryoa asked

"yes they're in their in the first car" Karla said

"have them leave the train and meet up with us when they can" Ryoa said

the train was finally ready to depart from the station and Team Twelve still hadn't realized that it was Ryoa's soldiers spying on them

"we will now be departing from the station hopefully all of you had already put your luggage in the compartment above you and are comfortable in your seats if not please wait until the train fully detach from the platform and hold on to your luggage until we detach, thank you for your patience" the train conductor said into the loudspeaker to everyone in the train

"what's your relationship with mr. Q" Amanda asked

"that's my nephew" Jean said

"does he know about your kid?" Amanda asked

"I sent him a letter about his sibl- cousin yesterday" Jean said

"I thought you were a virgin though so I was actually super surprised when we found out you had a kid" Selena said as she waved her hand at everyone as the train detached

"you thought I was a virgin? why?" Jean said as he was confused

"a bunch of reasons I can't think of right now" Selena said

"and I thought you was Azure's pet" Noah said

"I can't think of a reason why you would think that" Jean said as his confusion became visible

"I think we all thought you was her pet since you always with her and was most of the time super quiet" Selena said

"yeah I thought she made you her bitch until you fought her in that house and won" Noah said

"that was a misunderstanding and it was a tie since neither one of us died honestlythat fight should've lasted longer than it did whetheror not the smoke cleared" Jean said

"why did you stop than" Noah asked

"because...Evelyn interfered and started biting me" Jean said as he pointed the opposite side of the train car

as he pointed at Evelyn two officers ran past them almost seem like they were panicking but their faces were almost as calm as the sea as they ran out of the third train cart

"those were the same cops watching us right?" Seras said

"they were but they aren't now" Mych said as he shrugged his shoulders

"what's in there" Nora asked as she pointed to a vial

"liquid" Azure said as she shook the vial

"no shit, what is it" Nora said in irritated tone

"it's bl-" Azure stopped as she saw Ryoa outside the window with a smirk on his face

the third car almost past by them before Alias finally pressed the detonator and the bombs exploded causing part of the third train car to be demolished

"why did you wait so long to blow it up" Ryoa said as he walked towards the train

"I forgot to lower the bombs power, my bad" Alias said

inside the car Team Twelve quickly put their masks on and tried grabbing their weapons but the injuries half of them sustained didn't allow them to grip their weapon completely and they were still stunned by the explosion except for Darkangel who was barely stunned and went to climb out of the car from the demolished part of it to check the surrounding area and as he finally climbed out the train he saw someone's foot in front of him

"you look like shit" Ryoa said as he stabbed Darkangel's shoulder

"I wonder why" Darkangel said sarcastically

Ryoa's sword penetrated both Darkangel's shoulder and the train's walls and as the blood ran down his sword and into the train, the Seiken members started towards the train along with the AANM soldiers

"you want us to bring them back to HQ alive, why?" Lieutenant Jackey said into the earpiece

"there's something we want to show them and bring Ryoa as well there's something I need to give them something" Richard said

"alright I'll do what I can" Lieutenant Jackey said

"were you talking to yourself?" Ryoa said

"...according to both Colonel Richard and Lieutenant Colonel Trevor we are supposed to bring them back alive, all of them" Lieutenant Jackey said as she ignored his question

"pops we found a little girl with them as well" Seiken1 said as he held her up

"she's probably been kidnapped does she have any bruises?" Lieutenant Jackey asked

"nah they wouldn't stoop so low" Ryoa said as Darkangel tried to stand up

"sounds like you know them personally" Lieutenant Jackey said

"I probably do but compared to his reaction it looks like she's either his kid or his little sister or she's one of the others kid" Ryoa said as he stomped on Darkangel and pushed the sword until the hand guard reached his shoulder

"get them on the trucks" Lieutenant Jackey said

after the AANM dragged Team Twelve into the trucks it took them around 5 hours to make it back to the ship before calling some medics for the train passengers

"I thought he was your friend" Noah said

"yeah he is but since this is his first bounty in a while and he'll most likely get something more than just money from the AANM" Jean said before he closed his eyes and leaned back

"I don't- he fell asleep" Amanda said

"so did Azure" Seras said

"it's weird that they patched us up, we should be dead by now but instead they captured us do you think their taking us to their headquarters" Mych said as he changed his position

"they also knocked us out afterward but what did they do to Evelyn" Selena said

"don't...worry about her...if Ryoa is with her than she's fine and still unconscious" Azure said as she still asleep

"why're you still asleep and how are we supposedtobreak out of these" Noah said before Alias banged on the window

"don't worry about the handcuffs you won't be able to break out of them and if you managed to pull them away from each other they'll immediately be pulled back so if you manage to pull them away than do it in a second" Alias said with a smug face

"why is that?" Mych asked

"...." Alias chuckled as he looked away

"if we die... than we die, we already took a lot of lives it won't matter if they take ours" Kota said as he was still asleep

"without me you got your dumbass caught already huh..." Ezreal said as she squeezed Jean's face