An interference

"he actually showed up" Kog2 said


"and he dragged everyone with him, fucking loser" Regal said as an tall pitch black entity carrying all of the Kings and Queens of a Universe group out of the black pocket


"all of you committed the first taboo and i generously gave all of you a warning but you just ignored and as punishment i will erase all of you from existence but before doing that we'll watch how it'll directly interfere with the world of creation"


"where's Judith I'm sure she also committed a taboo" Regal said


I obviously didn't commit a taboo" Judith said as she walked through a portal


"ooh you boring" Kog3 said


"she's smarter than all of you, honestly this is a complete a pain in the ass why the fuck did he decide to introduce me so late"


"how did you interfere with the world of creation in your group" Kog4 said


"they split their kids existence in half and sent them to different universes"


"wait that's what I did, nice" Regal thought


"I need new kings and queens"


"why are you gonna break the first taboo that you loooove so much" Kog11 said


"you wouldn't be alive by then so it doesn't matter but just watch the screen in front of you"


as Team Twelve was being transported to the AANM HQ via ship while kyoaku was tracking their movements through their clothes 


Team Twelve was being locked up in different cells on the bottom floor of AANM ship (brig) with multiple guards watching all of their cells


in one of the cells Jean and Azure tried pulling the handcuffs apart but they just kept breaking their wrist whenever they managed to create some space between the handcuffs as it pulled back together


"you know they won't be able to break out of them why are you going down their" Karla said as she stood in front of the door


"because I wanna see the looks on their faces as they try to break out of it and what about you why are you trying to stop me from coming here" Alias said as he pushed her out of the way


"because... I'm bored" Karla said


"no one aside from the Lieutenants can enter" guard1 said as he stopped Alias and Karla from getting in


"I'm Second Lieutenants Alias and she.... yeah escort her back upstairs please" Alias said as he pointed at Karla


"what? no I'm Second Lieutenant Karla and I'm just checking on the prisoner" Karla said as she pushed his hand away


" get 2 minutes" guard1 said as he stepped out of the way


"okay" Karla said as she walked in


as Alias checked the cells to watch them struggle in breaking free from their handcuffs he noticed that their wrist seemed red and swollen while most of them had stop to let their swollen wrist heal while Jean and Azure kept going even after their wrist was completely swollen


"times up head back to the deck or wherever you wanted to go" Guard1 said as he tried pulling Karla and Alias away


"come on just 2 more minutes please" Alias said


once they looked away from their cell Azure put her hands on the floor and stepped on the handcuffs as she relaxed her arms and hands she tried standing up and the skin on Azure's arms began ripping apart, the muscles were showing but they began tearing until the was fully while holding in her cries tears starts falling down her face along with sweat as she looked at Jean he knew what she wanted him to do so he stood and with all of his force he kicked right through her bones and right before he got in position to do as she did, Azure leaned on him and started catching her breath also allowing her arms regenerate as the tears stopped falling down her face  


about 30 seconds later they went through the same process again but instead Jean was the one ripping his arms off and they got ready to kick open the door


"what do you need the one minute for anyway just go back up stairs" guard1 said


"because I still wanna know if one of them-" Alias said before he used the guard to get out away from the door


once he and the guard switched places the door on Jean and Azure cell suddenly flew to the cell across from them


Azure rushed out of the cell towards the guards on the left side of the brig and Jean rushed to the other side the first people that started fight to him was Karla and Alias while the other guards pulled out guns


"get back!" guard2 said as he aimed at Azure


Karla kicked Jean in the stomach and Alias hit him with an uppercut once they were able to get out the way of the bullets Azure already taken both of the guards on her side but the others started to open fire, Azure didn't have any where else to take cover so she picked up one of the unconscious guards and used him as a shield while dragging another guard once she saw Jean in one of the rooms taking cover she tossed one of the guards to Jean and started rushing them while Jean picked up the guard he ran out of the room behind Azure as they got closer Azure noticed the pistol on the guard's hip and pointed it out to Jean, once the guards stopped to reload Azure and Jean pulled the  pistols off the guards hip started shooting back


as two the guards fell Karla and Alias copied them and used the guards as a shield and once all of the guards died Azure and Jean threw their shields at the two Seiken members, the added weight from the guards bodies made it harder for them to push the bodies away but once they did Azure and Jean was already standing in front of them after they knocked them out they head to one of the cells


"since their Ryoa's kids we'll let them live but this is the only time we'll let an enemy live" Jean said before he kicked open the door


"how the hell did you get out?" Noah asked in surprise


"...hold still" Jean said as he aimed at the middle of the handcuffs


right as Jean pulled the trigger the bullet stopped just as it left the barrel, Jean's finger stopped only a centimeter from the trigger, Azure stopped as the tip of her foot touched the door to the cell, the ship has stopped moving, in other words time has stopped for this planet


"what the fuck, why did you pause it" Qog12 said


"watch your tone"


"sorry" Qog12 said


"as I said before your gonna watch me interfere with the world of creation and I've been doing so on small scale so far but I almost forgot about that planet"


the black entity destroyed Tura X and reached his hand out to another universe, grabbed another planet, than grabbed the planet where Jean and Azure lived and put one on top of each other close but while doing so he accidentally allowed time to resume on the powerless earth


as soon as the bullet made contact with the handcuffs the ground under both Azure and Jean collapsed causing both of them to fall in a void then it closed


as they were falling they weren't able to hear, see, or breathe realized the both of them tried to grope around to see if they could find grab on to each other but as they kept moving around they were losing but as they desperately tried to find each other they ended up losing consciousness, the space a couple meters right under them finally opened


after a while they finally made it to the open space, they appeared to be on their planet but the sky had a darker hue to it and they weren't on the ship anymore instead they were falling from the sky


"2nd General, two Devil leveled mages just appeared on the map" a man said as pointed to two red dots on a monitor


"where are they?" 2nd General asked as he walked towards the map


"they seem to be in New York" the man said


"and it looks like it in the same spot from when we arrive here" another General said as she walked towards the monitor


"4th General Scarlett welcome" the man said as him the other with the other men saluted her


"is that so... alright come on and send the coordinates to the other top 8 Gernerals and if they make it their before us tell them to be cautious around it even if it's unconscious, this might not be a human we're dealing with " 2nd General said before he walked out of the room with the 4th General


"think he sent more Turanians here" 4th General said


"no I doubt it Regal stated that we'd be the last ones... I think but whatever the case we ought to at least hope they have a good understanding of human language because unless it is a Demon there's just no way they'd appear out of the blue with a power level that exceeds 0" 2nd General said


"right well no matter how strong they are I'm just stronger" 4th General said as she flexed her muscles


"...right well let's hurry to their location before someone gets killed" 2nd General said