The eight Generals and The two Angels

"are you sure you don't see anyone in the sky besides the plane" the man asked over the phone

before the 2nd General could answer him the barrier around the plane broke, Jean and Azure fell on the wings breaking them off while heading straight to the ground beneath them as the plane fell with them

"Wyatt" the 2nd General said

"right" Wyatt said before he leaped towards the plane

Wyatt tried grabbing both of the wings along with the plane but his reach was too short and all he managed to grab was the plane before it crashed into one the buildings and the wings were enveloped in water before they hit the ground

"Violetta is there anything left?" Wyatt said before something slammed into the ground

once Azure and Jean's body hit the ground a white orb started to form above them almost a second had passed and the white orb grew as big as one of the sky scrapers and half of the white orb began to turn black

"what the hell is this" 2nd General said in shock as he watched the black and white mix together

"there's a highly unstable concentration of both light and dark mana mixing infront of you and unless you put up a strong enough barrier it'll destroy more than just the state" another man said

"Mr. Fredrick welcome" the man said as he saluted him

"either you put up a barrier around the huge ball of mana or you strengthen the barrier around the State barely limiting the destruction, you have to hurry up and decide" Fredrick said

"wha- shouldn't you help them" the man said

"by the time I make it there everything would have already been destroyed. Jean, Scarlett, Violetta, Wyatt, Ivan, Jonathan, Ariel, Crystal.... Are you listening I need you to defend this city, I won't be of any help" Fredrick said as he tapped the mic

"I think we lost connection with them" the man said

after the mixing finished the giant orb dissapeared and reappeared multiple times until it sent out a large shockwave that ended up creating large cracks in multiple buildings and destroying the eardrums in anyone who was within a meter 4000 meters radius it soon after it disappeared and reappeared but instead of completing that cycle over and over again it popped like a balloon, the eight Generals quickly created a barrier together unfortunately the mana itself was strong enough to overwhelm the barrier and gave almost every living being 3rd degree burns within the state before the actual explosion occurred and left broken down buildings and burned corpses all over the place but there was still some heat residue in the state

after a while the eight Generals bodies finally finished healing and they made it to one of the high points among the rubble and Scarlett started absorbing the heat at one of the high points

"first we were on a ship, next we fell through the ship and passed out, and then we some how woke up and ended up here" Jean said

"... I dont remember a city that was in ruins like this, what the hell happened to it" Azure said as she clinbed up the rubble

after Scarlett absorbed all of the heat residue the skin on her arm started peeling off due to the overwhelming amount of mana she absorbed that was in the heat residue but it ended up melting her right arm down to the bone

"can you tell us where the Devils are now" Scarlett said as green flames flowed around her right arm and red flames circled infront of her

"no at the moment we are unable to since the monitor is messed up but besides the eight of you the Devils are the only ones that are alive in that state so just wait until Violetta's mana starts to come back and than continue the search" Fredrick said

Violetta's eye's hold about 60% more mana than her body and when the explosion occurred her eyes were loaded with too much mana causing them to overcharge and explode right before her body was destroyed, without her eyes she can't see (obviously) and she can't use her clairvoyance magic

"Jean, you okay?" Ivan asked

"what is he doing?" Violetta asked as she poked Ivan's face

General Jean saw two figures climb up the building Scarlett was on and without hesitation he darted towards her but once he got close enough to them he cut the man's arm off then he sent him flying and then he kicked the other one in the temple taking a chunk of his head off than he spinned around and kicked it again in the back of the head sending it flying towards one of other high points further away from the group 

"finally we made it here but this city is much more fucked than we thought" Azure said before something crashed into the building they were standing on

as the building collapsed Jean and Azure screamed in fear almost forgetting they were immortal and when the eight General's heard the screams they rushed towards it thinking there was some survivors left

"if they look like a human be cautious because there's no way they'd actually survive the explosion and a building failing on top of them... well... unless there like us" Fredrick said

"this is tiring, we need to find a place to rest without it crumbling down on us" Jean said as he lifted up a platform

"I agree but I don't think there is a place like that here" Azure said shooked the dust off her head

"oh well we can just rest here" Jean said as he laid down

"the monitor is working now and there is an army of demon level mages heading your way and the Devils dissapeared from the monitors" Fredrick said

"you think they're dead?" General Jean asked as he picked Jean's head up

"is it an illusion?!" Scarlett asked in a surprised tone

"no, there's no illusion magic here" Violetta said

after General Jean put his head down they heard loud footsteps just a couple meters away and because the eight of them were running low on mana, they decided to head to the base and leave the two "Devils" before the demon level mages arrived

"we'll call him Jean White and we'll call you Jean Black because of the hair color and the girl is Scarlett Blue while you're Scarlett Red" Wyatt said

" think the demon mages went there to pick the Devils up" Jean (Black) asked as he ignored Wyatt

"if so than they're probably not dead and the demons just acquired two new royals" Scarlett said as she also ignored Wyatt

"there's nothing we can do about that at the moment since we're nearly out of mana" Ariel said

the demon mages put Azure and Jean (White) up in a carriage and then they immediately started to head back towards their HQ, all of the demon mages seemed to be wearing bright red armour except for the two demon mages who was sitting in front of the carriage

"General Mils two of the scouts that you sent ahead with me has been killed" the scout said as he sat on top of  the carriage

"do you know who did it" General Mils said

"it was the eight Generals of the human: Fredrick's faction and they were also the reason for the two royals being buried in rubble" the  scout said

"Delsa, I'll take over steering the carriage from here, while you go and check on the royals... and you go tell the other scouts to open the portal to the Palace" General Mils said

the scout quickly headed towards the front of the army and relayed the order to the other scouts and soon after a portal about 20 feet wide had open and the army started marching into the portal

"THE ROYAL'S ARMY IS BACK!!!" a civilian yelled as he saw the army marching through the portal and thousands of civilians rushed to the streets to greet them

after one row of soldiers stepped out of the portal they either went to the left or right of it and waited for the carriage to exit the portal but as soon as they did the entire crowd went wild


the crowd went silent and then they started getting louder second by second


"actually they just woke up" Delsa said as she poked her head out of the cart

"they did?" General Mils said before Delsa walked back

"why the hell are people screaming so loud, holy shit I can't sleep in peace anymore" Azure said as she poked her head out of the cart

"Ms. Delsa filled us in on a couple of things but as long as we can sleep without anyone disturbing us than we are fine" Jean (White) said as he poked his head out of the cart under Azure

immediately the crowd fell in love with Jean (White) and Azure once they popped their heads out and began throwing flowers but they immediately put their back inside

"by the way how many continents are there" Azure asked

"you don't know that? it's common knowledge, well there isn't an exact number but estimated there's around 50 continents and the one you were just on is call Aemoura but we are now on the continent Drausa" Delsa explained

"one more question, how long did it take us to get here?" Azure asked

"I guess about 1 second" Delsa said

"alright thank you" Azure said

"if that's all than I'm going back up front" Delsa said as she left the cart

"hopefully this crap is just a shitty dream because if it isn't than we might have to give up on saving them" Azure said in a disappointed tone

"Azure... I understand the feeling but giving up on them was inevitable ever since we met them and the same could be said for Ryoa, Kyo, Lynn, and Qual...they were all gonna die may it be on the ship or at their homes but our blood wasn't gonna keep them alive for long" Jean (White) said as he put her head on his shoulder