The Drausa Kingdom's Royals

"King Drausa, my team has successfully brought the Royals to the kingdom" General Mils said as he knelt down

"did we suffer any casualties" king Drausa asked

"yes we have lost two scouts and I was told that the 8 generals of Fredricks faction were present at the time looking for them as well" General Mils said

"very unfortunate, bring their families comfort but were you able to get their bodies" King Drausa asked

"no but I can send the scout who made the report and he will probably be able to get the bodies" General Mils said

"I'll think about that. After all, we wouldn't want to send them to into enemy territory now would we?" King Drausa asked

"your Majesty, that whole state has been destroyed and all that remains is nothing but broken down buildings and burned corpses" General Mils said

"very well, call in the Royals" King Drausa said

the two guards near the door opened it and waited for the new Royals to come

"I appreciate it but was it necessary for them to change my hair style and add these red things to them" Jean (White) said as he softly pulled his hair

"since we're meeting the king this is an appropriate look for that" Azure said

"General Mils bring the other Royals here and the two guards over there wait outside, I want to talk with them alone" King Drausa said

"yes sir" General Mils said before he walked out of the room

after they left the room the king took his crown off, stood up from his throne, and then he walked towards Jean (White) and Azure and held his hand out

"my name is Truw Drausa and it's a pleasure to meet you" Truw Drausa said as he waited for one of them to shake his hand

"my name is Azure and the feeling is mutual" Azure said as she shook his hand

"the pleasure is all mine and I'm Jean" Jean (White) said as he shook his hand

"honestly it's almost unbelievable how well you can mask your m.e but before we get things started I want you to let go of your m.e" Truw Drausa said as he walked back to his throne

"what?" Jean (White) said in confusion

"you know... your mana emanation... wait don't tell me you didn't unlock your core yet...well actually that would make sense since you m.e disappeared completely, by any chance do you know what magic is?" Truw Drausa said as he walked back to them

"yeah we've heard of it but we don't know how to use it" Azure said

"Before I show you how, let me check something first. It will only take a couple seconds, but first, please allow me to learn more about you with my magic" Truw Drausa said

"sure go ahead" Jean (White) and Azure said simultaneously

"thank you but please stand still" Truw Drausa said as he put his hands on their head

when Truw Drausa placed his hands on their head both Jean (White) and Azure felt a warm sensation throughout their body and Truw Drausa started gaining knowledge about the both of them such as: their birthplace, birthdate, gender, mental health, magic type, magic level, the location of their magic core, their species, and their kill count

"alright that's a problem" Truw Drausa said as he stroked his chin

"is something wrong?" Jean (White) asked

"since your core is locked I'll have to force it open, do you still want to proceed with it?" Truw Drausa asked

"how will you do that?" Azure asked

"it's pretty complicated to explain but in simple terms, I'll have to surround my hand in mana and grab whatever is locking your core" Truw Drausa explained

"I'm fine with that" Jean (White) and Azure said simultaneously

"...alright sit down" Truw Drausa said as he sat on the floor and crossed his legs

after Jean (White) and Azure sat down, Truw Drausa started a stream mana into his right hand and after 1 minute had passed, his hand was covered in grass with small flowers growing on it. He made sure kept a fixed flow of his mana while his mana felt as if it was being treated, but it soon had to come to an end as his hand made way to Azure's core within a short amount of time, and ripped the lock off, destroying it afterwards.

"alright now it's your turn" Truw Drausa said

unlike with Azure's core, Truw Drausa made his mana sporadic as he made way to Jean's core, all of the small flower on his hand started dying or began to turn ugly while the beautiful green grass turned ugly and brown, the amount of mana being released became unbalanced and weird as it kept getting absorbed but as it happened he was able make it to Jean's core and destroy the lock and the flower and grass on his hand began to dissolve after he removed his hand from Jean (White's) body

"as soon as you start to your mana capacity fill concentrate all of the mana you are feeling into that core and focus on keeping it there and don't ever let go of it even when your asleep" Truw Drausa said before he heard someone knock on the door

Truw Drausa hurried to his throne and put his crown on while he told Jean (White) and Azure to stand in front of him before he allowed them to enter the room

"I've brought the other Royals here as requested, your Majesty" General Mils said as he moved away from the door

after General Mils moved out the way 7 people walked into the room and although the others  were pretty there was one woman who seemed to be the prettiest but her looks were rivaled by Azure

"perfect now that you all are here we can start the meeting" King Drausa said

"I am Queen Drausa and the other six sitting on the thrones are the 3 Princes and 3 Princesses of this Kingdom" Queen Drausa (prettiest) said

"were they filled in on why you brought them here?" King Drausa asked

"no I didn't tell them anything of the sort, they were completely clueless of the world as if they lost their memory so I didn't want to waste my time telling them but I told them about the amount of power they have" Princess Delsa said

"do you have any guesses as to why your here?" King Drausa asked

" you want us to join your army because of our power?" Jean (White) said

"well yeah you are here because of your power but not to join my army, you see every Royal has coincidentally been born into my family but you unfortunately you were born in Aemoura where they see some Royals as Devils and proceed with their immediate execution... but I don't want you join our army instead I want you to join my family as a Royal" King Drausa said

"if we agreed to join your family, how will you do it" Azure asked

"with an equals blood contract of course, all of the Royals present in the this room will make a blood pact with this contract of course" King Drausa said as he pulled a contract out of a portal

all of the Royals except for Azure and Jean (White)  made a small cut on their palms and spilt the blood on the contract as King Drausa walked towards them with the contract, he clapped once and the guards pinned Jean and Azure to the ground while a sword was held just above their necks, General Mils stabbed their shoulders with a knives strong enough to easily penetrate their muscles as well as the stone floor

"what's this about?" Jean (White) asked as he tried shake the guard off of him

"when I used my recognition magic on you, you both had a kill count of 10,903,998 on top of that an Aemoura state has been destroyed completely and you two appeared right as it happened also the 8 Generals were there as well without a doubt looking for you now what I wanna know is how you destroyed a whole state with your magic core being locked" King Drausa said as has his eyes started glowing

"what are talking about when we woke the state was already destroyed and we played no part in that" Azure said

"sir when we arrived there they unconcious and they were also buried in rubble from a collapsed building, the building collapsed because one of the scouts were slammed into it by the 2nd General" General Mils explained

"I see... well that also means that you don't know how to control your magic when unconcious.... I guess we'll have to put a seal and find someone to train you probablyfor a month" King Drausa said his eyes stopped glowing

King Drausa clapped twice and General Mils took his knives out of their shoulders before the guards picked Jean (White) and Azure up

"apologies for the rudeness but for the sake of my Kingdom I needed to make sure you weren't a red flag but put your blood on the open spots then I'll activate the contract" King Drausa said as he held the contract in front of them

"you're protecting your country as well as your family, I'm fine with being stabbed for such a cause" Jean (White) said as he and Azure both swiped their blood on the contract

after King Drausa completed the contract it disappeared and some of the blood from the Royals cuts started to flow out of their body and  mix together for 12 seconds before it divided and went back into their bodies after the wounds heal almost completley leaving a small scar

"starting today on September 16th the Royals Jean and Azure are officially apart of the Drausa family" King Drausa said