A day of celebration

[Day of Delsa and Deso's Birthday ceremony]

"So is this birthday extra special?" Jean asked as he watched as Deso and Delsa greet the townspeople while leaning on the Public's stage railing.

Deso and Delsa was riding on a carriage that didn't have a roof or any walls to it, the carriage was only a platform with chairs and a red and white carpet covering it whole while the only thing guiding them was magic. The only people protecting them are their guards.

"I guess this is one if things we neglected to teach you, sorry for leaving you out but this is what we call the great Gryolph, it's only used for events similar when the kids of the Royal family are able to become a lord, which is when they turn 27 years old, this also happens when the current King and Queen retire. I almost forgot to say, in the morning they come and celebrate with the townspeople and at night they celebrate and party with the Dukes, Lords and Nobles in the castle. It's only drawn by their magic each of them controls half of the great Gryolph" Queen Drausa explained.

"You do this everytime one of them turns 27?" Jean asked.

"you know you'll do it to" King Drausa said.

"Are you sure about that" Jean thought as he saw some of the townspeople come out of their shops or homes with picnic baskets.

"Well we should leave them to it and get ready for their ceremony tonight, they should be back with all of our outfits by now" Queen Drausa said as she walked into the castle.

"The Duke of Orlo should be here in a couple minutes. Arla can you handle my outfit for me while I deal with this?" King Drausa asked.

Queen Drausa raised her thumb as she turned the corner. The great Gryolph stopped and lowered slowly. Once the great Gryolph was set on the ground all of the townspeople sat around them, setting up plates to place the food down while the kids tell them stories, myths floating around in their school, showing them games, and telling them about the sports they played.

20-30 minutes passed and the Duke of Orlo finally arrived to the King's castle, the maids escorted him to the council room, where the King was waiting.

*Knock* the maid only knocked once as she waited for the King to answer.

"Enter" King Drausa said after half a minute passed.

"The Duke of Orlo: Uiteal Drausa has arrived and will be entering the room" the Maid said as opened the door and bowed.

She moved out of the way so the Duke Uiteal can enter. The council room had a long table stretching from just 6 meters away from the other sides of the room's wall to 7 meters away from the room's entrance, the room was large with. approximately 600 chairs, one chair at each end of the table and 299 chairs on each side. The room itself had dim walls made of dark purple and brown wood but to liven it up there was multiple paintings hanging on it, one of the painting had the king and all of the Govenors in the kingdom.

Once the maid closed the door, King Drausa snapped his fingers and immediately the whole room seemed like it was detached from the castle and was set in another place, they felt as if they were close to eachother, easily being able to hear eachother despite the distance.

"Welcome back to the castle, brother Uiteal... sit" King Drausa said as he pointed to the chair at the other side of the table.

"What a warm welcome, baby Tru. How's the family, I heard you have two new kids. as well, how are they coming along?" Duke Uiteal said as he sat down.

"Their doing great" King Drausa said.

"So-" Duke Uiteal said before he was cutoff.

"No more small talk... I wanna get down to the real reason why I called you down here" King Drausa said.

"Really? Even after all this time, you don't wanna talk to your big brave brother Uiteal?" Duke Uiteal said with a frowned.

"We have no time for that, I'll get to the point instead of wasting time" King Drausa said.

"Ooh... is this about the reports?, you know I was busy with some internal affairs". Duke Uiteal said as he leaned slouched on his chair.

"Yes that also but it's more importantly about the mercenary incident" King Drausa said.

"Ooh! Please don't bring up such a depressing day! It saddens me" Duke Uiteal said in a dramatically sad tone.

"*sigh* what has become of my dear beloved brother" King Drausa said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Excuse me?" Duke Uiteal said in confusion.

"I will squeeze every detail out of you before I let you leave this room... you have hours to tell me why you didn't send anyone to rescue the children as you know that was your city to protect" King Drausa said as he took off his crown.

"Yes, I know all to well that was my assigned city to protect" Duke Uiteal said.

"Then this doesn't make any sense, why didn't you protect them" Tru Drausa said.

Nearly 9 hours passed, the ceremony's guest were just chatting the time away as they waited Deso and Delsa's birthday ceremony officially start which was in a couple minutes. In the meantime this was just a social event. Deso and Delsa weren't at the party themselves neither was the King and Queen but all of the guests were still waiting for them in the castle's ballroom where they grew anxious for whatever was to come, especially for the party.

Although there was more than enough to Dukes to stop any attacks from each other, some of the Generals were hiding in the high corner of the walls, completely making their m.e while watching every movement they make.

Near the entrance to the ballroom was a curved staircase leading upstairs, All of the guest stood a couple of feet away from the staircase, not aknowledging it, almost as if it were invisible.

"Hello, my name is Oreva, I'm one of the lords but I haven't seen you at any of these parties before... are you new noble?" Lord Oreva asked as she held her hand out.

"No I'm not, My name is Azure, it's a pleasure to meet you"Azure said as she shook her hand.

"Azure...Azure, Azure?....Oh!, where have you been, I've been itching to meet you" Lord Oreva said in surprise.

"What city are you in charge of?" Azure asked.

"City?.... oh, I'm in charge of six cities actually which is... ummm... sorry I forgot the names" Lord Oreva said with a smile.

"I thought only the Dukes were in charge of more than 1 city" Azure said.

"Although I'm not a Duke, I was giving six cities because I'm the strongest behind the King and Queen but I'm not considered a Royal anymore" Lord Oreva said.

"Why not?" Azure asked.

"I told them 'if I'm not released from the position, I'll kill myself' and it worked" Lord Oreva said before someone bumped into her.

"Sometimes they flirt or have sex with the higher up so they can get promoted- oh sorry, are you okay" the Man said.

"I'm fine, just watch where your going next ti-.... Yeralo!" Lord Oreva said in surprised.

"Revs!, when did you get here?" Yeralo asked.

"Like 30 minutes ago... I think, what was you talking about?, sounded.... Interesting" Oreva said

"Stuff, that's not important..." Yeralo said.

"Look's like their finally coming" Lord Oreva said.

When Princess Delsa, Prince Deso, King Drausa, and Queen Drausa started walking down the stairs, the chatting stopped. They stopped where the stairs were flat and the railing was facing all of the guest. It being, more or less, like a stage for them.

"I thank you all for coming especially for today, I know the journey was long and tiring and I hope you had some rest beforehand" Prince Deso said.

"Nevertheless, we are honored that you still decided to attend our ceremony" Princess Drausa said.

"On this day, October 23rd, 2145, First Prince Deso is now able to be the duke of any country that has neither Lord or a Duke, First Princess Delsa will be the Queen of this nation and she will also have my position, First Prince Deso will be the second in command but that will only be in affect when the Queen and I retire" King Drausa said.

"Although they have yet to reach that point, I still hope some of you will be able to assist them on some endeavours and as you heard from King Drausa, In the near future Princess Delsa will be the strength of the Kingdom and Prince Deso will be the brains but enough of that we'll let them enjoy their birthday as they want now" Queen Drausa finished.

The guests raised their cups and cheered to the announcement of Prince Deso and Princess Delsa's prestige.