Armageddon (start)

[November 13th, 2145]

"This is one big gate, how the hell you expect me to open it?" Jean asked as he stared at the large red gate.

"There's a small door right there but if you committed a lot of sins or an absurd amount of one sin, you can open the gate just like you open your room door. it's nearly 3 million tons, the amount of sins you've committed makes it much lighter" Sefra said as he pointed at a small space in the door.

The large red gate stood approximately 400 meters long and 200 meter wide, with black flames on the bottom reaching to the middle of the gate and human figures dropping from the top of the gate into the flames, in the right corner of the door there was a smaller door for the souls who aren't able to open the large door.

"You should be able to open it regularly" Celes said.

"Really, there isn't gonna be anything to stop someone like me?" Azure said as she reached for the handle on the white door before her hand was back.

"...That's right, you've killed people before"  Celes said.

"I'm here to kill all of them, it doesn't matter whether or not I sneak in" Azure said as a large ball of light started forming.

"I can open it for you just wait" Celes.

The large white gate was half size of the red gate, the white gate seemed to be like a regular oversized gate but it had a glowing light and made anyone near it feel warm and safe.

[Three days ago]

"Heaven and Hell?" Jean said.

"How are we supposed to go to Heaven and Hell?" Azure asked.

"Despite what you might think, it's very easy for some physical beings to enter either place" Celes said.

"Why would we go there anyway" Azure said.

"To consume Heaven and Hell, you'll get an absurd boost in stregnth" Celes said.

"Isn't that your home?" Azure said in a confused tone.

"When we became familiar, we were teleported to the other world to live with the other familiars" Celes said.

"Ok but why would we need to consume Heaven or Hell and how would we do it?" Azure asked.

"The only ones you really need to worry about is God and Lucifer, unlike god Lucifer turned into a physical being after descending into hell and becoming the king of the first and second level" Sefra said.

"After fighting with the Archangels and the Devils it'll be easy for you to consume them but they wouldn't go down easily like the souls, they'll need to be unconscious first and for God and Luifer, you need to consume everything down to the last blood vessel but you need to focus your mana solely on him" Celes said.

"We won't go with each other, will we?" Jean asked.

"To be blunt you'll be useless in Heaven and the same for her. She'll be useless in hell. The amount of Dark magic in heaven is non-existent. The same goes for light magic in Hell" Celes said.

"You keeping dodging my question, why would we go fight them anyway?" Azure asked again.

"...We have a hunch or a bad feeling" Celes said.

"If you go to Aemoura like you planned or if you don't you'll need to get a lot stronger than you are now or else you'll die, It feels like more of a premonition then a hunch though" Sefra said.

"It feels like there's a monster waiting for you there" Celes said.

"That's a good reason, I'll go, what about you, will you go?" Azure asked.

"Yeah I'll go. But we need these off" Jean said as he lifted his hand showing a silver bracelet.

"When the hell did they put a limiter on you?" Sefra asked.

"It was the day before the ceremony" Jean said.

"As it was prophesied the last battle for good and evil or Heaven and Hell, will be the so called end, no battles will take place before such time. They're messing up the balance of all worlds and overfilling both places... it's a good thing you two came along for Armageddon to happen, the last battle will be the end of this particular world, a quick start as well as a short end this is what both kings subconsciously wished for" Celes said.


"Who's... first on the list?" Jean asked as he started pushing Hell's gate.

"The first is Belphegor the sloth Devil" Sefra said.

"Belphegor?, wait you said it was, nearly 3 million tons right? Than why the hell is it so light" Jean said as he quickly pushed the door open.

"I also said it becomes light with the amount of sins you've committed but it is weird, you were able to push it open that fast" Sefra said.

The door that was nearly 3 million tons was easily opened as if it was feather, the person who opened the door has committed the same sin over and over again until it was second nature to him.

"Is there any guards, guarding the gate" Jean asked as he walked past the gate.

"Yes, only two huge ones but you should be able to deal with them" Sefra said before the gates.

"It's the Hellhound who was turned into a human's pet" one demon guards said with a laugh as he walked to the gate.

"What the hell are you doing here, you should be with those pansies or did they kick you out for being a worthless mutt" the other demon guard said as he also walked to the gate.

"These are the obnoxious peices of crap you need to clean up first" Sedra said.

"Is this a gift?, you brought a human to us, oh wait is he you master" Demon guard1 said.

"I hate being called master, I'm gonna get rid of them now" Jean said as he pulled his sword from his back.

"They're standing at a pretty height, do you need help?" Sefra asked.

"I'll admit it, I've never fought any thing this tall before and the fact that I'm about to fight them is giving me goose bumps. I don't need help but I don't like the way they talked to you, so can you help me?" Jean asked.

"You see this idiot, he's walking towards us with that ugly sword" Demon Guard1 said.

"Master Belphegor's sword is much beautiful" Demon guard2 said.

Both of the guards were approximately 30 meters tall with two swords in each of their hands, Sefra jumped directly above Jean. When he was about to land on him, the both spouted the words "Bond" and Sefra turned into something covering both his arm and legs, Sefra's body expanded up to Jean's head, giving him horns, and black wings, and expanding his lung capacity along with giving him extra speed and stregnth. Jean pulled his sword from his back and got ready to launch at them.

"Where the fuck did he go? Ha, he left his human here all alone" Demon Guard1 said.

"Are you ready?" Jean said.

"Waiting on you" Sefra said.

When the large ball of light was fully formed, but Celes already opened the gate so the light just flowed into Azure body.

"Is there anyone waiting for me at the front?" Azure asked.

"Yea, Kemuel, he should be the one stopping intruders from entering. He uses the music from his piano to lure them out of Heaven, sometimes when they anger him he uses music to manipulate the intruders and kill them with their own hands, he makes it look like suicide" Celes said.

"And God allows this to happen or he doesn't know?" Azure asked.

"He knows but the intruders are the ones in fault" Celes said.

"You there, who allowed you to open the gates... Celes well what are you doing here? Visiting?" Kemuel asked as he was sitting next to his piano.

"Something like that" Celes said.

"I guess you didn't lie to me after all but you still came with impure intentions, do you think that human of yours can resist the sounds of my piano" Kemuel said.

"It's just music, I'm not really fond of it anyway" Azure said.

"Quiet human what you came here to do is nonetheless the work of the devil, stay silent. Celes, Father said that human over there will not fall under my control and it angers me so much that he thinks a mere human is superior to me" Kemuel said as he started playing his piano.

When Kemuel was playing, the sound was so beautiful and serene, the sounds turned into visible strings of wind that flowed into Azure's ear. Azure raised her daggers to her throat.

"HA! Look at that Father, I did it, I've took control of this worthless human!" Kemuel said in a euphoric tone.

The daggers started pushing up against her throat until it peirced her skin and blood trickled downward where the daggers poked, her hands stopped, Kemuel was shocked by this and started playing his piano more aggressive and vigorously.

"Come on go further" Kemuel said.

"I told you... I'm not a fan of music" Azure said as she pulled her daggers away from her throat.

"....Do you expect me to believe you, you were obviously just under my control" Kemuel said.

"Don't you find it odd" Azure asked as she wiped the blood off her throat.

"What do you mean?" Celes asked.

"The angel close who stands at God's window and the one follow who follows him without doubt, fails to follow his only warning" Azure said.

"You vile creature, your no of course your not but it still doesn't makes sense, not even a brainless creation of my Father can resist my music" Kemuel said in irritation.