Armageddon I (Hell)

"Where the fuck did he go? Ha, he left his human here all alone" Demon Guard1 said.

"Are you ready?" Jean said.

"Waiting on you" Sefra said.

"He preparing to attack us" Demon Guard2 said.

"What?, isn't he scared?" Demon Guard1 said.

Jean disappeared while the demon guards were talking and they only noticed when they felt the ground shake but in less than a second, Jean flew past one of the demons and sliced their head off, the combined added stregnth and speed from Sefra made Jean's sword cut through perfectly while they flew past him but Jean created a black platform and pushed himself back towards them.

"He's on your head" Demon Guard2 said as he pointed to his head.

Jean dropped to the demon's ear and kicked himself away from the demon's head, giving him a bounce as the demon's head flew in the opposite direction.

Demon Guard2 used both of his swords to try and block Jean but he had sharpened his blade with his dark mana and focused solely on using Sefra's stregnth to cut through the Demon's sword as well as his head. And when he did land the attacks,  he thought it didn't work until the Demon Guard's bodies finally fell. Jean placed his fingers on one of the demons and a black slime like substance slid off Jean's fingers and wrapped around the demon guard but when he lifted his finger the black substance stuck to his finger, he plucked it to the other demon and it did the same to him.

"Bond: End" Jean and Sefra said simultaneously causing Sefra to turn back into his original form.

"Belphegor controls the demons on the seventh floor to fight until they are all dead, he doesn't move an inch, he watches his subject fight for him while he relaxes on his bed, oh I almost forgot that even if his subjects are dead, he still won't move unless his personal guards are dead" Sefra explained.

"How long is this hallway?" Jean asked.

"Estimated from the door to the end is, 60 something feet, I think" Sefra said.

The hallway they were in was bare and seemingly spacious. It only seemed spacious because it was pitch black. Even the floor seemed like a never ending hole, the only thing illuminating the hall was oddly nothing, overall it was just large empty hall with a cold breeze shifting around awkwardly. At the end seemed to be regular sized door.

The other side was opposite as the door was red with light blue color shining from it, stretching out to never ending parts, thousands of demons separated and in straight lines just staring at the door with their weapons ready, they were standing approximately 48 feet away from the door. This floor was at the highest freezing point ever, although although the demons on this floor seemed to be in thin jackets,they were warm but there was one demon in behind all of the demon soldiers all just laying on a red and black couch with nothing but pants on and a sword sitting next to him, completely unfazed by the weather, two guards by his side and one servant hand feeding him.

"Master Belphegor, the two demons you sent failed" Demon1 said.

"Reioal, it isn't working" Belphegor said.

"What do you mean?" Reioal said.

"I'm not getting fat like the humans who can't walk although I keep eating and laying down, I just remain the same" Belphegor said.

"I dont see the point in worrying about when you can eat all you want and not get obese and like this your astonishing" Reioal said.

"No, that doesn't matter anymore, the intruders took out two of sla- soldiers and they're on their way here" Demon2 said.

"Your wrong, Eriol, they're already here, look at the floor" Belphegor said as he pointed to the front of his army.

Jean and Sefra was standing at the front of the army as they had weapons pointed to them.

"Brings a bad taste in my mouth" Jean said as he stared at the army.

"What the demons?" Sefra asked.

"No. Step Seven: Sloth" Jean said as a black shockwave was released from his body.

Once the black shockwave disappeared Jean's shadow grew expanded but unlike "Gluttony" his shadow only grew between him and what he considered his enemies but three balls of his shadow remained by his side. Once his shadow finished expanding something started rising out of it.

"You saw that right, we received no harm from that shockwave" Belphegor said.

"Yeah, it's weird not even a feeling from it" Reioal said as he touched his arm.

"He's copying me, get rid of him, he no longer serves me, my entertainment" Belphegor ordered.

Once the things finished rising and the black substance slid off of them and their appearance became clear, all of the people who Jean deemed as his puppeteer in old world were now under his command but ironically he doesn't enjoy using them, they were subconsciously summoned, this is the step he hates using the most, the step that leaves a terrible taste in his mouth And the three things that risen beside him were the ones who dealt the most mental damage to him, theyvwere also the ones fighting for him.

The three demons that were beside Belphegor started their attack as well as both of the armies.

"The one thing master Belphegor hates the most is copy cat's" Reioal said as he appeared in behind Jean as the other two demons appeared on the his right and left side.

"I would hate that too but nobody tries to copy me" Jean said as his three puppets blocked the attacks.

"I know you hate using 'Bond' so I'll just stay on the sidelines aiding our soldiers" Sefra said as he charged the battlefield.

"Wasn't that a Hellhound?" Eriol asked.

"I order you three to take them out at all cost" Jean said as he walked down the middle of the battlefield.

The demons were deliberately trying to attack Jean as they ignored their own fight but his soldiers kept protecting him as he walked past, getting angered by this Belphegor turned away.

"IF I HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIM MYSELF..." Belphegor's voice ringed throughout the whole floor making the demon's more intense then they were before.

"DON'T LET THEM LAY A FINGER ON ME" Jean's order challenged the demons intensity as his soldiers became violent.

Out of the three soldiers Jean left to fight only one of them managed to take out a demon but it was defeated by the other two, Eriol and Reioal pushed through the battlefield and headed straight for Jean.

"You really are copying, my master" Reioal said as he kicked himself above Jean.

"A worthless human imitating our, great master, how hysterical must you be" Eriol said as he aimed for Jean's legs.

"I'm telling you it's just a coincidence" Jean said as his sword dropped from his back.

The weight of his sword and the speed of Eriol's attack paralleled each other as his sword dropped on to Eriol's weapon, pushing it downward, his weapon was stuck under Jean's sword as he tried pulling it Jean roundhouse kicked him and it landed on his temple, launching into the demons but once he had put his foot down, Reioal's blade was on Jean's neck but before it had cut through his skin, Jean's head fell in direction with the blade as if he had fallen asleep, guiding it to the ground as he kicked his legs upwards, quickly moving his neck away from the blade as it slid off of his hair and striked the ground, Jean landed opposite from where he was before in between the demons but his soldiers still kept them away from their puppeteer as a black string appeared on his hand that went directly above Reioal's neck and to his sword hilt. Jean tried to pulled it towards himself but the string was cut and he suddenly felt like he needed to move out of the way of something but he was unable to even move his finger as his head was pushed back, shortly after he was sent flying into both his soldiers and demons.

"This sword seems to be awfully heavy for a human, I wonder how the hell he's... oh I see now this ball right here isn't, I'm guessing if I break it, he won't be able to use it let alone carry this hunk of metal" Belphegor said as he broke the black gem.

"Master Belphegor, you didn't need to intervene" Reioal said.

"Shut up" Belphegor said as he picked up Jean's sword and disappeared.

Suddenly Belphegor was now standing in front of Jean with his sword in one hand and Jean's sword in the other, just staring at him laying on top of a demon.

"You couldn't even stand a powerless punch from me, how did you put up a one sided fight against my Generals" Belphegor said.

"Don't get the wrong idea now" Jean said as he stood up.

"?" Belphegor looked at him in a confused manner.

"Your Generals didn't stand a chance against me, especially when I use my seventh step" Jean said.

"Is that it?, I thought it would be more interesting but you just wasted my time" Belphegor said as he raised his hand.

Jean jumped back once he saw Belphegor hands move but he disappeared, as he was looking around, on it's own his body jumped upwards and when he looked down, he saw Belphegor staring but he disappeared again and was now behind Jean.

"Don't give me trouble and just die already" Belphegor said as he used Jean's sword to stab him in the back.

Belphegor let it go allowing Jean to be slammed into the ground, he followed behind as if he was a missile and crashed into Jean's back. He started coughing up blood as his eyes rolled to the back of his head but they rolled back just as fast.

"And just like that I get to sleep" Belphegor said as he walked off Jean.

"Who allowed you to get any sleep" Jean said as he stood up.

"You are indeed no human neither are you a angel or demon, I've never seen a creature like you, what are you?" Belphegor asked.

Jean's sword turned pitch black and disappeared, he stood straight and a large slit going through his body.

"A human" Jean answered as his mana replaced his organ.