Armageddon II

When Azure and Celes used "Bond", they had a similar form to Jean and Sefra's bond but her wings were pure white instead of pitch black, she had a halo instead of horns, his skin stretched to her neck but left her stomach bare and covered her back, she gained the same properties that Jean did but with "Punishment" included in "Bond", they had 50% increase from the ordinary "Bond".

"The four Serephim, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Raziel, Haniel, Cassiel, Sandalphon, Sariel, Zerachiel, and Muriel, these are all of the angels that are just below the Archangels and they are also the leaders of the army in front of us" Celes said.

"So once I take care of all of them, the Archangels are the only ones left along with their Father" Azure said.

"You killed our older brothers and and are currently in possession of our sacred wings, none of our powers will work on you either, so the only thing to do is rely on vulgar tactics to defeat you" Zadkiel said.

"The angels behind them are easy pickings so just focus on the strongest 13, I pointed out" Celes said before Azure disappeared.

Azure appeared behind them and kicked Zadkiel, she felt her foot break something as she sent him rocketing into the ground, once he hit the floor, she launched herself towards him from the sky and like a missile she crashed into him, completely destroying his body, then she shot five rods into his body.

"1 down, 12 to go" Azure said. 

"ZADKIEL!!" Muriel said as he rushed towards her. 

When he was close enough, Azure landed a kick on his chin, launching launching him upwards, but rushing in from behind was the four Seraphim, they attack in a pattern and Azure dodge the last attack and grabbed Seraphim1 by her leg and started swinging her around by her hair, Azure only released her when one of the Seraphim got close enough, Seraphim1 hit Seraphim2 as both of their head bashed into each other Azure dodged two of the Seraphim's attacks just before appearing above them, and once again her attack was similar to a missile as her feet slammed them into the two of them and smacked them into the ground and as she shot the five rods into each of the them, the other two Seraphim tried to sandwich her with their attacks but she jumped above the attacks and and spin kicked them into the ground, and she shot the five rods into each of them.

"She took down Zadkiel, Muriel, and the Seraphim, we need to be cautious about this don't just go rushing... by... yourself" Sariel said before he saw Zerachiel darting towards Azure.

Azure disappeared and hit Zerachiel on the crown of his head before kicking him in the middle of his back. While Azure was beating Zerachiel, Jean was still fighting with Belphegor.


"That was a terrible joke, you see all of these demons" Belphegor said as he was pointed to the battlefield.

"What about them?" Jean asked as he looked to them.

"Their all humans who died recently or long ago, but they only committed enough sins to be brought to this level and even now if they were devoured by someone like Beelzebub they wouldn't come be alive but you... your a different case"  Belpheor said.

"Your point?" Jean asked.

"Devouring your soul isn't gonna get rid of you... for you to die, the soul itself would need to be completely destroyed, don't make this more difficult than it should be" Belphegor said as he assumed a stance.

Before Belphegor could even lift his toe, he saw Reioal appear behind Jean getting ready to attack, although he was so silent and careful with his footing, Jean still noticed him and as he only lifted a his leg a centimeter from the floor, Belphegor rushed over and blocked Jean's kick while pushing Reioal out of the way.

"...Go kill the mutt, if you stay here you'll only get in my way" Belphegor said with a cold tone.

"...Yes master" Reioal said in a dispiriting tone as he headed towards the battle.

"How's your arm?" Jean asked as he raised his.

"It's healed, didn't think you had that much power to do it, congrats" Belphegor said sarcastically.

As Belphegor darted towards Jean, one of Jean's soldiers were charging Reioal while he was charging the large battlefield, he decided to deal with the soldier who strayed from the battlefield before going into it, Reioal stomped on the floor and put all of his weight into pushing himself into the soldier, while he was soaring towards the soldier, Belphegor was also charging Jean and when they were in position to attack they pulled their blades down on their opponents head, Belphegor's attack was faster than Reioal's... once Belphegor's blade made a small cut on Jean's temple, he switched places with his soldier.

Jean blocked Reioal's attack, grabbed his arm and ripped it off just to take his sword from him, Belphegor was already standing behind him trying to cut him in half but he blocked it with the sword he took and pushed it away.

"You should've went for God's head first, his servants go easy on humans" Belphegor said.

"Is that so? Than my partner should be taking it easy fighting them" Jean said.

"Your partner? Oh I see now, it makes more sense as to why you come here by your lonesome" Belphegor said as he backed away.

"You figured it out" Jean said.

"I knew this shit would happen, fine if your able to give me eternal rest than I'll let my sword choose you, deal?" Belphegor asked as he stuck his sword into the ground.

"Dark Impulse, Step Seven: Sloth's sleepless Daze" Jean said.

The soldiers on the battlefield simultaneously stopped fighting and started running towards their masters. When Jean's soldiers were close enough to him they all jumped on him before being swallowed by his body but when Belphegor's soldiers were close enough they all flowed into his body.

"It irritates me, that your moves are similar to mines... is your familiar not gonna help you?" Belphegor asked as he pulled his sword out of the ground.

"I asked him to stay out of it" Jean said as he threw his weapon away.

"Giving yourself a handicap?" Belphegor asked.

"No, it's useless now but I'll take you up on your challenge" Jean said as the blade of the sword crumbled.

"You had no choice from the start, you can't even lift your own sword and the one you took from my subordinate turned to dust" Belphegor said.

"You sure do talk alot for being the epitome of laziness" Jean said.

"That title is for those who didn't give energy to supporting God but your right, this isn't like me at all" Belphegor said as he got ready to attack.

Belphegor pushed himself forward, Jean assumed a boxer's guard stance and held his concentration exclusive for his.  opponent. When Belphegor tried to slash downwards on Jean, he pivoted to the right and tried to land a left hook on him but he cut Jean's hand off and kicked him in the stomach, sending him approximately 4 meters away.

"I need to be faster than" Jean thought as his black magic replaced his arm just before Belphegor appeared behind him.

As Belphegor tried to attack Jean, he waited for his blade to get as close as it can to his skin without touching it and when it was close enough, he slapped it away with the back of his hand, land a left hook on Belphegor's jaw, but once it landed on his jaw he repelled it and went for a kick to the side of Belphegor's head but he blocked it and jumped back a couple of times, Jean resumed his boxing stance and rushed after him.

When Jean was close enough, Belphegor threw two slashes as fast as he can but Jean ducked and jumped upwards but Belphegor threw another attack while Jean was in mid-air, just before as the blade touched Jean's skin, his body turned black and the blade passed through him as if he was paper, the lower half of Jean's body dropped to ground as his upper half reconnected with it, he pushed himself closer to Belphegor as he went for another attack, Jean stopped, dodged, and swept him feet off of the floor as he was falling, when Jean threw a punch at him, the knuckles on his replaced hand turned to spike just before he made impact on his body, the spikes made it easier for him to peirce his skin which also made him stay in the air longer allowing Jean to land a kick on his jaw that was strong enough to take it off. Barely a millisecond after Belphegor landed, Jean stomped on his head before he clasped his hands together and slammed them on his chest, ultimately making his chest collapse.

Even after all of this Belphegor stood up although he was struggling he was still able to stand and throw more attacks but they were much slower and weaker than they were before, Jean was able to easily dodge them and realizing how much he regressed, it made Jean feel terrible, he hit the blade away and hit him with the strongest uppercut on chest, it ended up blowing a large whole in Belphegor's chest that lead up to his neck, he was still standing although he was unconscious.

"Do you still want to devour him?" Celes asked.

"...Yeah... that's the only way he'll get eternal rest" Jean said as the black liquid peirced and wrapped around Belphegor's body and head before he picked up his sword.

"Do you want to relax before heading down?" Celes asked.

"No, let's continue to the next floor, whose our target?" Jean asked

"Our next target is the Wrath Sin: Satan" Celes said.