Armageddon III (Hell) 1/2

"A stair way further into hell" Jean said as he stared down the stairway.

"Satan has millions of demons under his control and there's still more space for billions more, oddly enough all of them share the mission of keeping him happy at all times" Celes said as he started walking down the stairs.

The stairs led straight down to the sixth floor of Hell, the way down was lit by light shining from below, the stairs had soft yet hard feeling when stepped on, a red with a oddly black color to it and the ground seemed much closer than it actually was as barely a quarter of the way down the stairs were no longer visible.

As they were walking down, Jean looked to the bottom and opposite of what Celes stated there wasn't a single demon down there but he brushed it off as it was to far down. As they were walking down, Celes kicked Jean's back, right before something crashed into the wall.

"There's nothing to worry about, your just overreacting, Bel knows what he's doing so calm the fuck down" the demon said as something landed in front of him.

"I don't care and and we're already up here so let's go-" the other demon said before he noticed Jean.

"Jean... that's Satan and Beelzebub" Celes said as he tried flying around them.

Satan kicked Celes in his chin, sending him into the seventh floor through the ceiling above them. Jean tried going to him but Beezlebub hit him in his head, tossing him all the way to the bottom of sixth floor.

"He had his sword" Satan said before he jumped towards Jean.

"I know, I know, weme oughta make him feel something worse than the flames Lucifer sits upon but, I call on the eats" Beezlebub said just before the stairs crumbled.

"Not even those indestructible stairs are safe from your heavy ass weight" Satan said.

Beezlebub seemed to be an overly obese demon, it seemed like a miracle that he was able to stand so effortlessly while carrying a large spiked club over his back, he was only wearing pants, and seemed to weigh a bit over 1 million tons. On the other hand Satan was a muscular demon, carrying a two handed sword on his waist.

When Jean was about six meters away from the stairs, there was a bubble he flew out of. From it he could see how far he was from the ground. Before he could see it, however, the bubble started descending quickly and everything became a blur.

"You were only able to hit him because he was distracted and since he killed Belphegor that means he much faster... do you know what that means" Satan said as Jean crashed into the floor.

"Yeah, yeah"  Beezlebub said said as he grabbed his belly.

Beezlebub grab his belly and pulled it, he did this repeatedly to all the lumps of fat all over his body, afterwards his body was unbelievably skinny and he had more muscle and less than 99% percent of the fat he had before, Satan's anger grew causing his physique to change and he gained 100% more raw strength and speed, his physique was beautiful and clearly balanced, his body was something everyone wished upon although he was a Devil his body was angelic or godlike.

"Why are all of you Demon Kings handsome?" Jean asked while he stayed on the floor.

"I don't swing that way buddy" Satan said.

"Neither do I" Jean said as he stood up.

"I'm gonna be real honest Satan, doing this got me hungry" Beezlebub said as his stomach rumbled.

"We need to kill him first and you can eat his flesh but that has already proved to be difficult look at the wounds Bel left on him" Satan said. 

"He's still alive after replacing his organs with magic and his arm as well.... ah, I see now, let's just go all out from the start to finish" Beezlebub said as he lifted his club.

"That was the original plan, I'm not a damn angel" Satan said as he lifted his sword.

Jean backed away from them and gripped the sword he recieved from Belphegor and got ready to attack.

"Dual Step: The Wrathful Glutton" Jean said before he blacked out and his eyelids shut. 

Terrible memories started replaying in his head as liquid flowed up from his shadow and wrapped around Jean's body, covering his stomach, shoulders, and thighs, as one line ran down to the tip of his hand. The black liquid wrapped around his eyes but once they reached his pupil they stopped and only allowed two lines to touch them as it created an "X" mark, the black liquid started rotating around his eyes  along with the "X" mark.

As Satan noticed he wasn't conscious and striked him, his blade barley hitting Jeans shoulder as Jean pivoted to the side.

"For demons your weapons look like something made of human's creation" Jean said in an aggressive tone.

"Because they are something from humans creation, they're also relics for us demon kings and the only thing we title sacred in this fiery pit" Satan said.

"Sacred treasures in hell, might as well take them all when I'm finished" Jean said.

"Is that your goal, to take the sacred treasure of the seven Demon lords?" Satan asked.

"You can say that.... where's the other one?" Jean said before he felt something breathing on his head.

"...You talk too much...I'm hungry" Beezlebub said as his mouth open unbelievably wide as he tried to eat Jean.

As Jean jumped out of the way he tried to keep his eyes on the two of them but Satan was already standing behind him, although he was unaware that his shadow was overlapped by Satan's, he felt the slight movements of the air change and the shadow move differently from his, he barely dodged Satan's attack and he ended up cutting a slab of Jean's left arm off from his shoulder to the tip of his nails.

"These aren't humans your fighting, you know" Ezreal said.

"Yeah I realized that" Jean said as he kept dodging.

"No you didn't, I didn't say much to mama because she knows what she's fighting but you... it still didn't register" Ezreal said.

"What are you talking about?" Jean asked as he ducked.

"Your regeneration is only pausec because of you, your barely dodging these attacks because of you, I wouldn't have said anything but your getting me pissed off" Ezreal said.

"How is this my fault, their strong demons" Jean said.

"Your so used to fighting and easily overwhelming humans that you unknowingly made a bar that puts your stregnth high above them and cause of this your regeneration is stunted and your trying not to get hit, your whole body is in pain because you refuse to heal your wounds making you slower and lowering your abnormally high stamina" Ezreal explained.

"..." Jean stood quiet as he jumped back a couple feet away from Satan and Beezlebub.

"Look at them, they're Devils not humans, they can also heal, they don't give one fuck about a human self regenerating every wound in his body, that inability to heal yourself isn't because of this world  it's because you won't do it yourself" Ezreal said.

Jean took a long look at them, noticing their features, skin, and body, he noticed they were completely different from any human he's ever seen and suddenly his organs, arm, and the other wounds he replaced disappeared, Beezlebub and Satan thought he had finally died but his original organs finally began to regenerate.

"Your right, they aren't humans they wouldn't care if I get healed" Jean said.

"Who the hell is he talking" Satan said before Beezlebub rushed him.

"I don't care, I'm hungry" Beezlebub said as he tried slamming his club on Jean.

As Jean blocked the attack, the impact from the blow shattered all of his bones leading up to his elbow and as his hand was about to let go of the sword, spikes released from the handles, piercing his hands and wrapping around them. Despite that, Jean and Beezlebub we're still clashing against one another even though Jean's arms were completely broken. Luckily the bones in his arms started healing quickly and in less than half a minute the bones in his arms were completely healed, Jean was barely able to keep himself standing while pushing Beezlebub's weight as it kept getting heavier each time his stomach rumbled.

"He still kept his weight after getting skinny?, this is fucking hell" Jean thought as he saw Satan move behind him.

As Satan was about to attack him, Jean moved one of his hands to the blade of his sword and waited until Satan's blade got closer. When it was close enough he pulled his blade down and pivoted to the side while Beezlebub's club striked the floor as it seemed like Satan was about to hit Beezlebub Jean back up and to his surprise, Satan was able to pause the momentum of his attack and and not hit his ally.

"Did you actually think I would hit my oversized buddy?" Satan asked as he heard rumbling.

"Yeah I did, I didn't think you'd be able to stop--" Jean said before he instinctively ducked.

Jean was surprised that he did but at the same time, he didn't acknowledge it. He was able to block attack, then quickly turned around and attacked him back and although his blade was able to cut through, Beezlebub's skin, he himself wasn't strong enough to push it further through his rubbery skin. He thought if he pushed harder he could penetrate his skin but before he could try, Beezlebub slammed his spiked club on Jean's face, when he hit him, all of the bones in his face instantly shattered like it was glass and he started swinging his club around over and over again but when he stopped, Jean flew over to Satan.

As the bones in his face were healing, Satan swinged down on Jean with his sword stretching from face to the top of his waist, cutting completely through him as if he was a peice of meat.

"Hey Bees, food" Satan said as he pointed to Jean body.

The first part of Jean's body to heal was his head and the first thing he saw was Beezlebub's mouth closing in on him but fortunately he was barely able to dodge, the only temporary downside to that was him getting his arm chomped off.

"Hey!, Hey!, Hey!" Beezlebub said as he swallowed Jean's arm.

"What the f- No wonder that kid lost, he was fighting a monster like you" Satan said in a surprise as his face twisted in anger.

"Shit" Jean said in irritation as his arm healed and the black liquid spiralled around his arm.