Armageddon III (Heaven) 1/2

[Just before Jean devoured Belphegor]

"The lower angels are getting in position to attack, it looks like the higher angels ordered them to do something" Celes said as she shot the rods of light into Zerachiel.

"Finally" Azure said as she took Zerachiel's weapon.

The lower angels were circling 25 feet above them, Azure created a small ball of light at the tip of her blade and once it formed, they rushed her. As they were rushing her, they took up a form of a tornado, only a fraction of them did while the others waited to get in line but the higher angels were just standing in a circle, talking out a strategy.

As the lower angels were rushing in, Azure swung the sword towards them. Even though they were barely 14 feet away, a ball of light was created and made a long slash. Azure swung the sword again but this time the slash was horizontal, and it flew into the first slash, it ended up looking like a cross made of light. As soon as the cross of light hit the first angel it exploded and took out approximately 35 thousand lower angels as the others moved back while keeping a circular form in the sky and pointing their weapons at her.

The lower angels started creating small balls of light at the end of their blade, they kept their weapons and eyes fixed on Azure, noticing this, she waited to see what they were gonna do. After all the lower angels formed balls of light, they shot it at her, and in less than a second, the balls of light were already less than 5 feet away from her. Instead of focusing on Azure the lower angels were focusing on how quick the balls of light would hit her, they completely forgot about each others presence.


The noise startled all of them as they all looked towards it and to their surprise one of their members was on the ground with all of his limbs bending backwards and his head hanging to his neck by a peice of skin and when they looked up Azure was in that lower angel's place.

"If those were fast enough to touch me than I wouldn't be here" Azure said as she darted to the nearest lower angel.

Azure grabbed one of the lower angels by his head and slammed it on her knee but all of the other lower angels started rushing her as well. Azure grabbed his hand and threw him at another lower angel and as soon as their bodies collided a small ball of light peirced both of their chest and disintegrated after.

"Unfortunately we'll need to use the angels as a decoy so we can get a sneak attack on them" Sariel said.

"We have to resort to using sneak attacks on her, it's unbelievable" Jophiel said.

"This might be the only way to get her, she  took out the four Seraphim all at once, Zadkiel, Zerachiel, and Muriel with ease, we have to attack her in unity and make sure she doesn't make it to father, we are the only higher angels left" Sariel said.

"Right than there's no point in standing here, let's get in position" Raziel said as he flew towards the army of lower angels.

As one of the lower angels went for an attack on Azure, she grabbed his hand and and kicked his chin. As soon as Azure's foot made impact with lower angle1's chin it shattered like glass allowing her foot to quickly run through it as she pushed her leg further back, she did a flip and kicked another lower angel in his shoulder, pushing him to the ground, lower angel2 tried to attacked her from behind and at the same another lower angel tried targeting her front, as Azure deflected the attack from behind, she caught the weapon from the front attack. Azure grabbed lower angel2 and pulled the other lower angel's sword into his chest before smashing their heads together, once their heads made impact with each other the heads exploded.

Ten angels tried to attack her at the same time and one angles that were apart of the attack had a spear, Azure waited for the blade of the spear to get closer. When it did she grabbed and pulled the lower angel closer, grabbing her hair, she tossed her to the other lower angel and pushed the spear through both of the angels. As she pulled it out another angel tried to attack her. She quickly blocked it and his weapon broke, the shaft of his spear broke in half, causing his blade to hit her shoulder, unfortunately for him, his blade wasn't able to make evan a small scratch on her collar bone, he tried lifting it up and going for another attack but before he was able to lift it past her head, she pushed both halves of the shaft into his head before swinging him around and throwing him at the other lower angels. 

Azure took down one lower angle after another as if they were flies. She got bored and used to their unchanging pattern, she completely forgot about the higher angels.

20 more lower angels tried to perform a combined attack, since Azure learned their attack pattern, she was able to dodge all of them, then six more angels came in from different sides to attack her, she thought they were the lower angels and tried to dodge them as well as they seemed like they were going for the regular pattern but when they were close, the six angels changed their whole attack, Azure recognized one of the angels face, and instantly knew it was one of the higher angels which led her to assume that the ones behind her were higher angels as well, she tried dodging in what seemed like a panicked motion but it was too late as her body was peirced with blades.

"Finally, she's done"  Haniel said.

"Before we got to her, the skin changed color" Jophiel said.

"She had a frantic face as well as she tried to dodge as well but it looks like we finally--" Before Sariel finished his sentence a voice ranged through the higher angels head.

"Move" The voice echoed in every angel's head as the higher angels felt their weapons move on their own. 

"Are you okay?" Azure asked as she grabbed Sariel's weapons.

"!!...Let go" Sariel said before he heard the voice again.

"Yeah, I was able to move just in time" Celes said. 

"Move... away, NOW" The voice echoed in their head.

The higher angels quickly pulled their weapons out and flew back although Sariel had to let go of his weapons, he still had something to fight with as he pulled it out of his back pouch.

"She took my replica" Sariel said as he put his guard.

"You still have your blessed treasure so don't worry about it" Jophiel said before he heard something smash into the ground.

"BEHIND YOU!!" Haniel said as he rushed towards him before he saw something illuminating the background.

Azure appeared behind him and she waited for Haniel to get closer as Jophiel didn't hear him instead he was focused on who was on the ground and when he finally snapped back, he tried to go down there. Suddenly he felt someone grab his left wing, as he looked up to see who was behind, he saw Haniel move besides him fast. Although he barely saw one half of his face, he saw how panicked he looked and immediately realized who was behind him but neither Jophiel nor Haniel could do anything as Azure landed a hit on his temple. Her foot pushed his head into Jophiel's head, she pulled it back and kicked them again, this time sending them into the ground.

Azure didn't forget about the lower angels so while she was attacking the higher angels, she was creating a large ball of light. The large ball of light that she sent flying towards the army of lower angels. The closer the ball of light got the quicker the skins on all of the lower angels began to melt, suddenly an angel with four wings appeared infront of the ball and held his hand against it.

"I'm sorry father but I can no longer sit by and watch, forgive me for going against your order, I apologize as I know I'm part of the last stand" The angel said as flames escaped from his hand. 

"Do what you must" Father God said.

Suddenly blue flames quickly escaped from his hand and wrapped around the ball of light, Azure was surprised as she didn't think any of the lower angels could stop it but the higher angels seemed to have a relief look on their faces as they recognized the flames. 

"That's Uriel. In short his flames can burn almost anything. According to the amount of sins you've committed in your life, the flames gets heavier and hotter while also adding size" Celes said.

"You've trespassed on our land uninvited and tended to the destruction of my family for no reason whatsoever, but even if you had a reason it wouldn't justify the acts you made upon our holy land, you who isn't human take up our sacred wings, you who was born here, and raised with love, gave her the wings, and aid in her destruction this is unfathomable, you live amongst the familiars and father no longer hold your  life and as the symbol of repent I will show you two how to regret" Archangel Uriel said as he covered his hands in fire. 

"I didn't think another would come after I saw the angels trying to--" Before Azure could finish her sentence, she felt the skin on her face quickly melt away as something hit her in the same melted spot that sent her flying a couple meters away from all of the angels. 

"Pick them up and head back to father, there shouldn't be any problems since she didn't use those sticks to tie them down" Archangel Uriel said before he saw his flames grow bigger. 

Azure caught her balance in the air, the flames Uruel had hit her with was still lingering but the flames itself was as big as a mountain. By this time it should've turned her head to dust, the flames only burned through her left eye as well as her skin surrounding it, her natural regeneration was as fast as it can, keeping it from spreading to the rest of her head.

"Are you okay?" Azure asked.

"I'm fine but what about you?" Celes asked.

"I'm fine, is there a way to distinguish this?" Azure asked as she pointed to the flames standing on her eye.

"The only way to distinguish it, is by devouring him" Celes said.

"When I devour him, I'll devour the others as well but I can't let him touch me with those flames again, my body is doing all it can to stop this one from spreading" Azure said as she rushed him.

"Your still alive even with my heavy flames burning so bright" Archangel Uriel said as he covered his fist in flames.

The blue flames wrapped Uriel's hand turned pure white as he waited for her to get closer.

"Your flames won't hurt her soul, do as much damage as you can and bring her to me and don't let her hit you" Father God said.

"Yes sir" Archangel Uriel said as his pure white flames flowed around his body.

As Uriel pure white flames reached to his feet, Azure was already in front of him, she tried to land an attack on him although he dodged it, moved around her, and tried to land a hit on her wings but she dispersed and as soon as she tried to recollect behind Uriel, he moved a couple feet away from there and watched as Azure's body build up from bottom to top in less than a second.

The fight between Azure and the Archangel Uriel, was just like a game of cat and mouse but with two cats.