Armageddon III (Heaven) 2/2

"She's on the same level as us Archangels, do you know who she is?" The Archangel asked.

"I do not" Father God said.

"Do you know the extent of her power?" The other Archangel asked.

"Michael, Gabriel, I know nothing about her, not even the gods from the other religions/ myths know her or that boy's descent and unless I confront her myself, I won't know what she is" Father God said.

"But even if she was from another planet, you or one of the other gods should've known about her" Archangel Michael said.

"...She's probably--" before he was able to finish his sentence a deep voice played in his head.

"...Shh... you are only a cog" The black entity whispered...

"Probably what?" Gabriel said.

"...she's probably from a family that disowned the idea of religions" Father God said before he continued to watch the fight from his home.

Azure started getting slower as she kept dodging all of Uriel's attacks. Uriel tried to punch her although she dodged but the pure white flames shot towards her which she was barely able to dodge as it added on to the blue flames already burning in her head. The flames turned pure white and became more heavy.

Nearly a second later Azure was already fatigued as her regenerating was only focused on one small portion of her face that would never heal completely, there was way for it to heal the soreness spreading all over her body, all of the dodging and quick attacks she used quickly wasted her energy, and with the expanded lung capacity she got from Celes, it was gonna take some time for Azure to regain her breath.

Azure barely gained 1% of her stamina before Uriel rushed her and in less than a second Uriel was already in front of her with his leg cutting through the air as if it was a blade and with it just an inch away from her neck, she was barely able to dodge it as a small part of his foot skimmed a slim peice of her nose off before she started jumping back.

"It's about to start" Archangel Uriel said as he looked down.

When Uriel looked down, his eyes were pointing straight at the ground but it seemed like he wasn't looking at the ground itself, instead it seemed like he was looking through it, like he was looking through the ground with a sad look on his face.

"What is he talking about?" Azure asked

"I think he's talking about the screams of hell" Celes said

"Why would he care about that, it's not like he can hear them from here--" Azure said before she heard someone's scream

During this scream it was overlapped by another, which was overlapped by one more but thus continued over and over until it seemed like there was just repeating echoes of different volumes, in no time there seemed to be millions of people screaming all at once and even Uriel thought that was the end but there was one more with a much different volume and tone that similar to Azure but she never heard it this way before. Uriel disregarded that last scream and pulled his head up.

In the midst of the overlapping screams which were getting louder by the second, Azure seemed to have been distracted by that last scream and Uriel decided to use that moment to rush her, at the same time he watched Celes jump out of her body, at first he thought they were finally out of mana to continue that form but a small ball of light flowed towards her face.

"Bond end. Punishment end" Azure said

"Does she think she'll be able to survive after cutting a large part of her face off?" Archangel Uriel thought to himself.

A small rod started pushing onto Azure's face about an inch away from where Uriel's flames were burning, it peirced her head and made a transparent outline that went around the burning wound after which the rod flattened out, expanded, and traced the transparent line which severed a large portion of the left side of her face, once it cut through enough to actually cut it off, the rod retracted into the ball before it dissapeared as that large portion of her head fell to the ground, the flames devoured it and turned it to ash. Azure's head was already fully healed and she was no longer feeling fatigued.

"God's Will, Step Five: Salvation" Azure said as Uriel started rushing her 

When he was close enough he tried to hit her with a left hook but she held her finger up and waited for it to get closer. Just as it was less than a centimeter away, there was a small flicker and suddenly his hand was pushed back

"She didn't even touch me!?" Archangel Uriel thought just before he saw Sariel in front of him

Sariel tried striking Azure as he thought she wasn't expecting him and she didn't but she was able to react fast enough and was able to teleported behind him just before his blades touched her, as soon as she was behind him, she went to touch the top of his head, once her hand landed on his head the small flicker appeared again, and the upper portion of his body bubbled up.

"Wha- NO!" Sariel screamed before his body exploded

Although Uriel was shocked, he still tried to attack as he threw a faster kick with his leg covered in the pure white flames but Azure ducked the attack and hit on Uriel directly on his chest where the flames didn't cover with the face of her palm.

The attack sent him flying towards the area where the higher angels were supposed to be located, she teleported approximately 20 feet in front of him and got ready to attack but Haniel grabbed him just as Raziel appeared behind Azure. As he swung his sword down, he felt something hit him and when he looked down to see what it was, he saw nothing but when he looked up again, Azure was gone.

"Where is-" Before Raziel could finish his sentence Azure stuck her right hand in his mouth

Azure pushed her left hand underneath her right hand, she placed one hand on the bottom and the other on the top of his mouth, like a bag of chips she pulled her hands opposite to each other and almost like there was no resistance she ripped his head completely and cleanly off of his jaws before pushing him to the ground.

"I put the rods in Sariel" Celes said

"Alright, put them in this one as well" Azure said as she headed towards Uriel

"I told you to head back to father" Archangel Uriel said

"We couldn't leave you here by yourself with her" Haniel said

"She using a different type of power now, she can teleport and she can push things away without touching them"  Archangel Uriel said

"Wasn't she always able to teleport?" Jophiel asked

"This is worse than I thought. You couldn't even tell how fast she was moving. It was obvious, she didn't try to hide it, all she did was broke her body down into light itself and travelled in the atmosphere, with time still moving, but now she is teleporting which she can do by temporarily stopping time" Archangel Uriel said before he jumped away

"Four higher angels, and one Archangel left" Azure said before she disappeared

"Head back to Father now!, if you can't-" Archangel Uriel said before he blocked Azure's attack

Azure teleported in front of Jophiel and tapped his chin, next she teleported behind Cassiel and slammed her hands on both of his ears, after she teleported in front of Sandalphon and punched his throat, then she disappeared and reappeared in front of Haniel and placed her palm in his face. The small flicker appeared once more and in less then a second, the four higher angel's upper body simultaneously exploded and they started descending to the ground as Azure created eight rods of light and quickly shot them into two of the higher angel's body as Celes dealt with the other two bodies.

Uriel appeared behind her, with his hands aiming for her neck although she quickly dodged him and tried to kick his legs but he covered them in his pure white flames so just before Azure's leg came into contact with the pure white flames, she teleported behind and landed a kick on his head. Which sent him flying in the direction the lower angels fled, she teleported above him and punched him in his chest which quickly tossed him to the ground.

As his body made impact with the ground, it, similar to a missile, made a large cloud of dust that somehow did not damage the ground at all. Just a second after he crashed into the ground Azure tried to simulate a missile strike as she clasped her legs together, pointed her toes directly towards Uriel, and plunged towards him.

Uriel noticed where she was aiming, and waited until she was close to move the pure white flames accordingly. When her foot was barely an inch away, the pure white flames moved to his chest, thinking he finally caught her, Azure was already prepared for that as she stared at him before teleporting, he try to get back on his feet but before he was able to even blank, Azure kicked him in the side of his head. Sending him flying in an unknown direction and as he was flying, he noticed the difference between that attack and the one from before.

"She's playing with me" Archangel Uriel thought to himself as he balanced himself in the air.

Once he was balanced in the air, he started to survey his environment, he didn't see any of the lower angels the only people he could see were the higher angels which were farther in the distance. Once he took another another glance behind him, he saw Azure speeding towards him. She seemed to be going towards him with an attack ready which he tried to block although Azure teleported behind him, Uriel was still ready to block her attack, then she disappeared and reappeared beside him and tried to follow up with an attack but he deflected the attack, and tried to hit her with his elbow targeting her face. She was barely able to dodge this attack as he threw another attack aiming for her ribs but just before it touch her the small flicker of light appeared once again and pushed Uriel away.

"That light mostly appears when she can't dodge the attack, it forces me away from her... but how?" Archangel Uriel thought as he lost sight of Azure

Just as Azure reappeared and was about to land a hit on him, Uriel's flames thinned out and spreaded around his body, Azure already knew it was too late to teleport or pull her hand back so as soon as her hand touched Uriel, it caught in fire and she used her light magic to cut it off immediately. And she started jumping away.

"Your fighting like a coward" Archangel Uriel said

"Yeah your right, I'm doing the complete opposite of what this step was created for" Azure said